Sharpened Pencils And The Demons of Procrastination
Hello everybody. I 'm gonna throw here my studies/sketches. For now - pencils. I want to get better and maintain defeating my procrastination demons. I beg you fellow Daggers, kick my ass hard!. Critique the Sh*t out of my "art" (a big term for such a weak level I'm representing).

I'm going to update this thread as often as I can (12 - 14 hour day time work not related to art seems to be a bit to long, don't you think?). I tend to draw at buses/ trams - when I'm getting back from work or going to it. Every day off, I draw for at least 2 hours. I know It should be 4 or 6 to get to Pro level, Hence the procrastination title...

All of my pieces (those digital ones) were critiqued in terms of anatomy. So that's where I started...

Some poses and sketches from some time ago..

a little bit newer random sketches

yesterday drawings..

Today's Male torso study

long time without an update, so here's today's drawing.

Prud'hon's drawing study

I obiously need to tackle those leg muscles, back muscles as well...

A Frazetta - inspired drawing. My camera sucks....

Wow, you capture all those volumes really well! I envy your eye, but I think a little more contrast would improve your stuff a lot. Try using a softer pencil for the most shadowy parts.

Thanks Rognoll ! I listened to your advice
I was out on prolonged vacations from anything.
I will update my sketchbook soon

Update from my part

Some poses and stuff

More sketchbook sketches

And finally studies.

Kekai kotaki studies

Jaimie jones dragon study


© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
@ missimoinsane thanks:)

Some doodling

Blind samurai dude concept

Frazetta pencil study 20 mins

skull - life study 30 mins

and finally 10 hrs study of LOTR still

Two studies from today

metal skull helmet - 1 h

and LOTR screenshot study - 2,5 h
First time tackling textures...

fire ball study 45 mins

Jaime and Kekai-studies. Man that's inspiring! Should really add that to my list of stuff I need to do xD Keep at it!

@Adzerak - thanks! remember to keep one chosen pic of artist you want to study in front of you.:) Now go kick some ass:)

a quick dragon sketch - 45 mins
trying the texturing method of nebezial

a pose study. man oh man skin is hard to paint. 3h

and some faces - trying to imply skin pores, scar- tissue etc - as fast as I could

Studies from today -
Predators movie still - ehh i need to work my backgrounds....

Female back rim light value study

Off to a great start!

I would highly suggest, if you're still doing pencil studies, to try and use some vine charcoal. It spreads really easy and you can actually use a kneaded eraser to bring the tones back. Plus you can spray fix it and paint on top of it, throw ink around, etc. Might just be fun for an experiment or three.

Keep it up, I'm excited to see more.

There is usually more on my blog...

(11-08-2013, 11:00 PM)matkaminski Wrote: Off to a great start!

I would highly suggest, if you're still doing pencil studies, to try and use some vine charcoal. It spreads really easy and you can actually use a kneaded eraser to bring the tones back. Plus you can spray fix it and paint on top of it, throw ink around, etc. Might just be fun for an experiment or three.

Keep it up, I'm excited to see more.

Thanks man! If I find a shop with vine charcoal Ill try it. Still I havent done any pencil studies lately. focusing on digital. Figured out that values are the most important aspect that I'm lacking. Without those, colors cannot be accurate. and what better way to study values than to do black and white studies?
after that I'll gather enough courage to buy some paints and try more traditional approach

it really lacks of updates dude ^^ Keep up those studies, and do more painting from imagination !

(11-08-2013, 11:17 PM)kikindaface Wrote: it really lacks of updates dude ^^ Keep up those studies, and do more painting from imagination !

Yeah - i used to do only painting from imagination. but every one of them was wrong in some basic - fundamental way. nowadays every study I do effects the next piece ( Eureka!). Studies for me are like a constatnt kung fu training. You train, and you train, hoping that next opponent you face will be a challenge that you can match.
Still I need to train more....
That is the way of Kung fu

...or something:)

this sketchbook deserves more love. the values in your pencil work are great and the studies are solid too. definitely apply those studies into your next pieces and more imaginative stuff!

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