Beefy Studies Every Day
wow, one month down!
schedule worked out okay I guess. I only hit 16/23 days the way I wanted to. I think it is actually gonna be worth 20 minutes of scanning each night just so I feel obligated to keep going every day. So I'll be back to daily updates basically no matter what. (although I won't have computer access this weekend :| )
I basically ditched my guidelines of what I should be spending time on, but I still spent the time drawing and painting so I'm happy about that. Also it looks like limiting my time spent on homework has worked out because I have a 4.0 in every class right now :D

I decided to draw something similar to what I drew on the 8th (for comparison) I'm gettting bettar!

Push-ups: ~65~
Pull-ups: 15
Sit-ups: 140
Camping ~ Mosquito Bites and Sunburn and everything.

terrible proportions and terrible ideas haha

also, cubing is really fun.


Uuugh I feel terrible. This week was finals week and I literally did not draw once all week. I got 4.0s in everything this quarter at least. Anyways, done with school for the year. I got one more year till I'm done! I'm going to be traveling a lot all summer, which means you probably won't hear from me for quite a while (starting this weekend).

Here's something fun I started doing today: I got some of the art descriptions for some magic cards that I'm not impressed by the art on, and redrew them my way.

Hi! Long time no post :/

I'm back! I had a crazy summer, didn't draw much unfortunately.
Since then I've managed to create a small portfolio!

I just turned 18, and I'm going to try getting some freelance work for the first time ever in the next couple of weeks.

any critiques or advice is greatly appreciated so I can study away those weaknesses and apply it in the future!

Here are some links to my stuff (@⌒ー⌒@)ノ"
Whoa! Dat fire!
Maybe you could use a little more contrast, I guess. But impressive stuff, keep it up!

@ Rognoll : Thanks! I'm working on my value patterns and composition right now :)

Here's a new thing!

I'm going to be at the massive black workshop this weekend and I'd love to meet anyone and everyone who might be there!

Interesting stuff you got here, Mick!
Especially lovin' those wormy bugs and your pencils/pen sketches are awesome.

Also, what Rognoll said - dat fire o_o!

I was gonna suggest working on your comps a bit, but you are :)
So, nice!

Keep it up and enjoy the Massive Black workshop ;___; haha

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
(11-12-2013, 08:21 AM)Monsieur-Beefy Wrote: I just turned 18

This kinda makes me want to kill myself =D Awesome stuff, mate. I took a peek at your work here and there and I'm totally sure that you wont get any troubles with finding clients. I wish you luck and can't wait for future posts! Cheers ;3


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