Beard Clippings
Hey folks :>

Thought I'd share some of my studies, and personal works. I'm going to upload these in near chronological order. I think its interesting to see progression in other artists, so figured I'd do the same for me. This starts around november 2012 I believe.

Feedback is welcome and appreciated!

Digital Studies. These are from when I first got my tablet and figured out how to use it properly. Probably spent about 3 months prior just trying to get used to it

Following some of Kienan Lafferty's tutorials. These were pure gold as a beginner in both digital and traditional art. Check out his old tuts on youtube
[Image: ggsd.jpg]

[Image: z5tj.jpg]

[Image: v5oj.jpg]
[Image: qzrx.jpg]

Trying to paint from imagination. It didn't work out so well, I decided to study some photos and try out a different technique
[Image: l218.jpg]

some of The studies i did after the last painting
[Image: ilwl.jpg]

[Image: 7hiu.jpg]

Aplying study/technique to a painting. This was probably the first painting I was proud of
[Image: ywr8.jpg]

Applying the techniques to a different creature
[Image: bcvv.jpg]

After I discovered dave's streams, and tutorials I decided to try some of his techniques
[Image: 9oqz.jpg]

Some Anatomy
[Image: o6cy.jpg]
Hair and colour
[Image: tjd2.jpg]

Metal/Armour colour
[Image: 16e8.jpg]

More colour
[Image: frhw.jpg]

Some anatomy studies I did for my pajama man piece and for my frankenstein piece
[Image: cip6.jpg]

[Image: aweg.jpg]

[Image: 08iw.jpg]

Done from imagination. Applying studies and so forth
[Image: k6ub.jpg]

More armour :D
[Image: ktp8.jpg]

The Pajama man. I made my own reference in Sculptris first. It really helped a ton in getting the anatomy and the angle down
[Image: 3ftv.jpg]

Eyeball study and also trying out some brushes and learning about texturing skin
[Image: bddw.jpg]

I've always found blonde hair super difficult to paint properly, so I decided to do a study. This took me so long. Blonde hair is made up of such weird colours :s
[Image: 7lg8.jpg]

Studying whiteness and hard surfaces. Also applying some perspective techniques I had been practicing
[Image: 50jb.jpg]

Applying some things I learned from the piggy bank (edges and round objects in perspective)
[Image: 9yx2.jpg]

Obligatory skull studies :p Trying to get faster, so i spent about 1 hour and a bit on each iirc

[Image: p2o0.jpg]

[Image: 5b2d.jpg]

Poses and folds
[Image: amyv.jpg]

More Hard edges
[Image: 3p1q.jpg]

And my latest study. some anatomy and colour. Set a time limit for this one, which was about an hour and a half or so. maybe a bit longer
[Image: 7kju.jpg]

That's all the digital studies that I have kept( and a couple of "finished" pieces) as of yet. I might upload some of my traditional stuff later this week. Thats probably gonna take foreverrrr but it will be worth it :D I will also put up some of more of the finished pieces in the near future or you can just check em out on my DA :)

Holy balls Beardley!
How have I not seen your sketchbook before man?!

Fantastic start!!
What would I suggest? Hmm, I see you mentioned:
Beardley Wrote:Obligatory skull studies :p Trying to get faster, so i spent about 1 hour and a bit on each iirc

whereas, I would say: take your time with studies, any studies. What you're trying to do is understand how that thing you're studying works, so you can apply it later (although you've been killing it in the application of studies zone).
The speed will come with the more begin to understand!

Keep them commmiiiiiiiiiiiingggggg!! 074

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
(07-19-2013, 08:03 AM)smrrfette Wrote: Holy balls Beardley!
How have I not seen your sketchbook before man?!

Fantastic start!!
What would I suggest? Hmm, I see you mentioned:
Beardley Wrote:Obligatory skull studies :p Trying to get faster, so i spent about 1 hour and a bit on each iirc

whereas, I would say: take your time with studies, any studies. What you're trying to do is understand how that thing you're studying works, so you can apply it later (although you've been killing it in the application of studies zone).
The speed will come with the more begin to understand!

Keep them commmiiiiiiiiiiiingggggg!! 074

Hey thanks :) I really appreciate it. I only put up my sketchbook a few days ago so I guess thats why you've never seen it lol

I usually spend as long as I feel I need on.. well everything. Sometimes i spend a good 10-15 hours on a personal piece, and on studies I spend anywhere from an hour to 4. I know what you mean though. In one of his videos feng zhu said an artist probably shaves off a solid hour from his workflow with every year of experience. Maybe I'm trying to get fast too early? And I think I agree, I;m not too too fond of those skull studies, but I learned quite a bit about them

Heres a study of metal colours outdoors. I plan on using this knowledge in a future piece

[Image: yccj.jpg]

Love how the colors pop in pajama man! And I really like the armor with all the notes on it.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


(07-19-2013, 10:38 AM)Tygerson Wrote: Love how the colors pop in pajama man! And I really like the armor with all the notes on it.

Thanks! It's really just the dull background that makes the colours appear super bright. Super easy technique for portraits

And here is the application of the armour study. This armour is much shinier than the other one but I like it better this way. I don't really see many pictures of knights in a grassy area outdoors, so I thought I'd give it a whirl

I feel like theres something wrong in the perspective though, especially around the collar. Can't decide whether his leaning forward justifies that ellipse or not

[Image: 8i6y.jpg]

Some pose derps for today :v

Also trying to get better at line drawing on a tablet. I can usually manage ok lines in pencil but here... :x

[Image: eorx.jpg]

Poses and stuff

[Image: tjg6.jpg]

[Image: ijxq.jpg]

[Image: b4od.jpg]

A study and the application
Focused on the fabric and how stripes move under folds.

[Image: 5q8b.jpg]

[Image: g4cr.jpg]

Some mindless doodle and an older piece

[Image: 9hcg.jpg]

[Image: tumi.jpg]

A colour study and some poses, with shameless self-critiquing on the ones from memory

Learned something really interesting in the colour one. Black clothes look way more convincing when you paint them as complementary colours, in this case I used greens and yellows for the darkest parts and reds and purples for the lighter parts. It probably just looks like black and white, but thats the cool part. It makes it look like black and white, without actually being 100% colourless

[Image: cetb.jpg]

[Image: n0ya.jpg]

A random girl from imagination. Had a lot of fun with this one

Also another finished ish piece from a couple of weeks ago.

[Image: wzto.jpg]

[Image: ffvo.jpg]

Some more posesss from imagination this time. I noticed I've gotten much better at figures from my mind, in comparison to stuff from last year (which isn't up here yet, might put it up in the future). Still not happy with my legs and feet though. Guess what's on my list next? :v

Not perfect but hey its somethin

[Image: vynl.jpg]

Hey folks

Between vacation in august and adjusting to the start of school I haven't had much time to draw recently D:

I'm going to push myself this school year though to keep up with studies whenever I can. Gotta catch up yo!

For now heres some studies from this morning

[Image: xosx.jpg]

Some dudes and random floating woman
[Image: 0bx2.jpg]

And an old painting I did for a friend's birthday
[Image: p1pe.jpg]

Some quick studies I managed to fit in between my work and such. Focusing first on getting values right the first time around, instead of reworking them constantly like i usually do, and second on anatomy. Didn't spend too much time rendering or making a nice portrait. I like treating those as separate.

Alsoooo some thumbnails for a project I'm going to start soon. Plannin on doing some more to see if I have better ideas

Edit: some of the pictures aren't showin up D: anyone know why that might be? I'm using imageshack if that helps

[Image: hs0s.jpg]

[Image: wnev.jpg]

[Image: rvwr.jpg]

[Image: 6fce.jpg]

[Image: dpvm.jpg]

[Image: q9ob.jpg]

Hey folks, sorry for being inactive. I've a lot going on and decided to take a hiatus from digital painting for a while. I did complete this in small chunks over the past 2 months and I must say I'm happy with the result. I'm just wondering if the blur is maybe excessive? Let me know what you think!

[Image: u686.jpg]

a colour study of an eagle, for an upcoming project of mine

[Image: 5rcd.jpg]

Also some rough colour studies for my last piece

[Image: z03t.jpg]

[Image: mx7a.jpg]

[Image: greo.jpg]

So i finally got around to taking pics of some traditional stuff ive done over the past year and a half. I took pics of all the finished work I kept (not a whole lot), and I also took some shots of my real sketchbooks which i'll upload over the coming days !

I discovered I kinda suck at taking pictures of my work though so some of the pictures are shotty or have crappy lighting but I did what I could

The first painting I ever did

[Image: 0yq6.jpg]

The first full still life

[Image: 5f1p.jpg]

Gesture value from a model (about 2-3 mins IIRC)

[Image: 2pps.jpg]

Optical mixing/impressionist or something self portrait. Pretty meh in retrospect, also that light at the bottom isnt supposed to be there, i just didn't set up lighting properly.

[Image: vb7r.jpg]

Another still life

[Image: wki2.jpg]

Object study /perspective practice

[Image: rfkq.jpg]

Huge end of semester painting (36x48in iirc). a landscape from memory. Was trying out different rendering techniques to see if i learned anything from studys

[Image: z3ui.jpg]

A crappy gauntlet I made for a metal project. It turned ok i guess considering I had to make it mostly on my own and figure things out. Its wearable too but I i don't think you would want to wear into combat lol

[Image: dmvp.jpg]

[Image: 1jc5.jpg]

A picture for my mom

[Image: 6ms9.jpg]

Some studies and exploring colour and techniques and stuff. Had a blast over the christmas break. Scott Robertsons new book is phenomenal! Haven't done anything crazy with it yet (getting used to basic techniques first) but I plan to put it to good use soon

Also decided to try out some of shaddy safadi's techniques for landscapes and such and its pretty darn effective, i gotta say. Pretty happy with the result on that one :)

and the last one is just a paintover of a drawing a friend did of me. I know the perspective is wonky as hell but I was just havin fun with their drawing, playing around with colour

[Image: 9w3m.jpg]

[Image: 96dp.jpg]

[Image: ko52.jpg]

[Image: jg6q.jpg]

[Image: n5bv.jpg]

[Image: atnf.jpg]

[Image: xdxm.jpg]

[Image: q0f5.jpg]

Hey daggers, got some time to upload some new things I've done recently

Also I'm trying out tinypic to share pics since imageshack is no longer free. Gave dropbox a try also but it wasn't showing pics at all but this seems to work alright

Wizard Shark
[Image: xaxr83.jpg]

Wizard T-Rex
[Image: 2rfucs4.jpg]

Chicken Warrior, trying out some of Dave's Techniques
[Image: 2hn7sj4.jpg]

A colour study from bladerunner
[Image: 2hwk4jn.jpg]

A B&W photo study of an insanely cool picture someone showed me. Didn't know there was such a thing as female samurai!
[Image: 148kifl.jpg]

Also tried some new colouring techniques on it. Didn't work too well here since the values weren't accurate (old photograph)

[Image: 10xrij7.jpg]

A B&W photo study of Raphael Lacoste's photo which i then tried the same colouring technique on. Very happy with the results! Looks like this strategy works best with a really tight value painting. Need to work a lot on the hair and the right hand but otherwise I'm very pleased with this!
[Image: 28u2tzm.jpg]

Some corset studies. Really enjoyed the creaminess in the second one
[Image: 1z33pqo.jpg]
[Image: 6jnbif.jpg]

Some stuff from the last couple weeks

A colour study from movie still. The colours i ended up using were more vibrant than in the film but still quite close

[Image: 315zmdl.jpg]

A loose value study for warmup

[Image: qqpwmq.jpg]

Which I also used as inspiration and to to apply to a sketch of my own

[Image: sy2muc.jpg]

A WIP/thing i stopped working on lol :D

[Image: 30w2hkz.jpg]

Back study with some notes. I really struggled with the foreshortening on the lower back and so it was left a bit mushy comparatively, as was the right hand. Gonna have to practice those more

[Image: 120p6ow.jpg] [Image: 21b5441.jpg]

Lips study. I also referenced some paintings by other artists. Wanted to try to get that juicy/soft feel to lips that i see so often, not as easy as it looks :< Gonna have to give it a few more tries soon!

[Image: zwkia9.jpg]

Here are some ship sketches i did in my sketchbook during class which i scanned, fixed up and rendered a bit. ScoRos book has been a big help lately! Definitely worth picking up!

[Image: 250jbee.jpg]

And here is something I finished yesterday, again applying knowledge from scotts books and videos. Really enjoying the process and the results

[Image: 30c9i5w.jpg]


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