Dust the Film (Concept Art)
Since the trailer is out, who wants to see some concept art from the film Dust? This is the work I did on the film, I'll try to get other artists who worked on the film to post too.

If you want to see more production art or follow their updates: https://www.facebook.com/dustthefilm

Mooncatchers are small nocturnal animals which live in the trees of densely forested regions. Their eyes are adapted to attract insects by mimicking the glow of moonlight. Once their food is close enough, they quickly snatch it out of the air. Mooncatchers live in social communities and communicate through majestic calls and luminescent eyes. In local folklore they are believed to guide spirits to their place of rest. Spirit Shrines built near Mooncatcher communities are visited by those who wish to pay respect to the dead.

[Image: Dust_Mooncatcher.jpg]

Concept Development
[Image: Mooncatcher_Concepts1.jpg]

The Dust Plant is another concept I did for the short film Dust. Brynn Metheney did a great job creating original concept. I was tasked with creating the Visual Target Concept. (Painting it into a film shot to see what it would look like a little more detailed/realistic for Modelers/Texturers/Lighting/etc.)

[Image: NateHallinan_DustPlant.jpg]

Hydra - Although very small in size the Hydra plays an important role in the film. 3D modelers and texture artists will use this as reference to make this creature come to life in the film. As is the case with all the creatures in this film, the Hydra is based on organisms that actually exist in nature. The goal was to reference as many natural elements as possible as we developed the unique creatures in Dust.

[Image: NateHallinan_DustHydra.jpg]

Concept Development
[Image: NateHallinan_HydraRoughs.jpg]

Dust Trailer

This is amazing!
Rad work man!

I actually put in a small thing when it was funded on kickstarter. not much but it's cool to see the project looking kickass.

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
realy nice
incredible work :) the spores man dem spores

Breath in deeply... Thanks guys for all the comments! The crew will be there at/around Comic-con giving out swag. Check them out if you can.

Brilliant concepts man and the film looks really interesting, gonna keep an eye on it.


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