Darktiste Sketchbook
The power of prompting it very weird having any style you want in a instant .With great power come great responsability.

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(06-28-2023, 07:31 PM)darktiste Wrote: The power of prompting it very weird having any style you want in a instant .With great power come great responsability.

Yeah that is true.. good for brainstorming ideas though .

Front End Developer by day but an Artist by Night
"Artists help artists"
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Updating the upgradeable weapon here an unsucessful series of level 1 variant 

An axe head made of stone with a wooden handle with a leather.

Personally i don't feel the design is very sucessful in the regard that no such weapon exist and i doubt it would be a very solid weapon in combat just by think about the size and weight of that stone head and it mass being mostly at the front of the weapon now that i take a real big step back that seem to be a big flaw in the believeability and after i did some research i just realize it was bad design compare to what i could find in the realm of primitive looking axe weapon that have a stone head.

I also feel that the weapon silhouette did not reflect that it could be made by elve and that an other flaw.

I am gonna go back and try an other silhouette from the batch of 6 i made previously.

Atleast i know now that i won't be using the fifth and the sixth design of that batch

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I am bit more thrill with those variation but i feel like it already alot more busy then i usually do i feel so i am not that good at handling and balancing that amount of detail to my own satisfaction also some of the detail just look weird to me i am not gonna specify just in case you don't feel the same as me but if you feel anything is weird at least maybe it just me but if anything look confusing or weird let me know obviously i think design wise it gonna make more sense with color.

So basically the idea of that design is a weapon that grow with it user it made of a kind of zombie plant (it will literally start to grow bone the more it grow.To keep it short you can go back a few page back and i describe a little more in detail some of the idea that lead to this.

For me what miss the mark in most of the design is the idea that it would have some tribal element to the design and i feel that where the silhouette wasn't well thought to incorporate that aspect.For me most of those design feel alot more elvish at this stage so it feel that i miss the mark on the aspect of the tribalish quality i was suppose to favor over that more elvish quality and the undead aspect was hard to play into but it also because it wasn't taking a big chunk of the % of influence i attributed to it at this ''specific tier of the weapon'' but still needed to be somehow play into by the shape present in the silhouette but the problem is that the shape language is a bit confusing because i wanted to to use some of the spike looking element to be spike from a plant and i also want some kind of rib bone like shape in the higher design i am going to do in the future. But those spike look like rib to a certain degree and that not easy to differentiate without a color to help the viewer differentiate them.So i had to play more into the pure bone shape inside the silhouette rather than making the silhouette shape read as bone or it would have been to confusing to have element that are two different material at this stage so that why you can see some kind of bone shape language i was trying to push inside of the rib bone type shape i don't personally like the shape language that came out to fix that problem so i feel there room for reworking some of the silhouette and get away from that ridicule looking bone shape that repeat.

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Looking back at my own stuff because i think it important to take a step back and see your own progress or where you stagnate. I really think i will work more on varying the line later on when thing get more toward a final.I just don't like switching the size of my brush most of the time and having the brush on a even thickness really allow for the idea to be the focus of my attention because i struggle with being messy i know no body is looking will i am working but i really don't like when the idea come out sloppy and i don't like when i have to explain what someone is looking at i make it my goal to avoid that if possible but since everything in here is just mock up project i also gotta come up with the design idea and it hard not to post it along the drawing to give a bit of context as to what direction i am taking... i feel people would be less engage if it wasn't from some of that description but at the same time i think if it cool it doesn't matter people will just get naturally curious... so in the end i just try to answers as much as i can to avoid repeating myself.

I know there no way around that feeling of being to precious about the way i present my work. It just like gardening if you don't want to get dirty stay away from gardening ... what i am saying is basically that if i want to upgrade the rate at which i produce idea i need to sacrifice some of the amount of time spend on presentation during the ''in between'' .

I think it just steam from looking at people sketchbook and not necessarly understanding if it just sloppy ''render'' or if it the in between.
It not necessarly easy to know specially when someone new in here as to how far they are capable to render.So i think me being clean is a way to show i care about each idea i make but ultimately what i want to is for people to feel brave and to allow themselve to show more of the in between i think it important as someone who as been around for a long time to set an example.This place isn't instagram we don't do this for the click and for pretty picture we are all here to learn and that mean show the good and the ugly.

Cya soon guy thank for passing by if you read this.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Was looking to do more props design an i decide why not try to do an hourglass so i made somewhat 6 different design but i realize that sometime more functional object are hard to solve simply via the silhouette so it might not make alot of sense to someone who didn't design themselve for example the design number 2.

Anyways let me know what you think.

As for the elvish axe project since i did not receive any feedback i will pick one of those and develop it into it ''evolve'' second tier and third tier.

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I like the latest designs a lot, all very unique. My personal two favorites are the 2 middle ones as they're the most unique from the set IMO.

Thank for dropping by and leaving a feedback.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Introducing my new project as i need a pause from my other project(i am on a sidetrack streak but that fine i want to see how complex it can be to come back to project instead of focus on project i think to avoid burn out the pause between the project allow to come back with a fresh eye and some of the energy that might have start to go down as i try to push throught to the end.

So i made some silhouette variation on the theme of an Infernal throwing axe

Also i wanted to try to have more opinion in that stage 6 variation seem like it to limiting to meet the industry standard.

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
These all work great as silhouettes, really hard to pick a favorite! Great work on this set.

Some of the insane Ai generation i have been generating lately perfecting my prompt making skill and playing around with many different ai alternative. My head is blown. Sadly the upscale version are just to big to fit the size requirement so here the none upscale version.

I am on an absolutely train wreck side tracking streak but hopefully i resume my project soon.(I am trying to use the best out of a limited offer you get a free vip card for https://www.seaart.ai/home that last until the first of august so if you read this and never tried seaart or any ai generation website that your chance to have acess to some of the top Ai generator in the moment base on my own research just go sign up and learn how you can get this limited offer that give you a better idea of what you can get with a paid subscription.

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
So after playing around with some Ai a little more i am back to my 3 project i left on stand by but i think for here my pipeline is pretty much becoming at a point where it streamline which is something nice because i should reduce what i often suffer from which is mid project boredom and the blank page syndrome where one project can drag on and when it time to get back to being creative my brain as been operating in such a automatic way for so long that when it time to think about new idea it become like there just to many opinion and it can make me feel frustrated to have to pick something to draw in specific if i don't feel inspired that day so i have made up what i would call a idea pipeline where basically i generate a list of idea but turn it into a game of surprise as if i am playing a game where i generate a explosion of idea i would call it like that. Basically i pick some random word form a list i generate before on the spot or before hand i use a dice and each number represent an idea from the list.So basically i like to challenge myself with random what if?Type of game

It a bit more complex then that really but i am not gonna enter into to much detail... since i got other thing to say and this already alot more than i anticipated i would wrote.

So anyways i am updating the upgradeable weapon serie i am working on the tier 2 weapon and done 6 more silhouette and i have made a mix of n.2 and n.4 for my tier 1 weapon.

So let me know which silhouette pair the best with the feel and look of the previous design 

Will i wait for reply i will go work on the second project the hourglass project

If you have any critic or suggestion or comment please don't hesitate.Cya soon

Here a few of the general note i had for this project (previously posted in earlier post)


Color palette:
Tier 1 Green,
Tier 2 Purple,Brown,Red

Accent:Vine like,leaf like
Keyword:Flowing,elegant,Biologic & Mineral,Bark,scale,Fur,Moss

Color palette:Earthy tone
Accent: Bone, Feather, Tattoo, Tribal Paint, Ornament stone, Leather, No metal, Scale, Wood, Sewed,Ragged


Color palette:
Tier 1 Bone
Tier 2 Earthy tone
Shape:Symetric spike,Rib like,Tombstone

Level 1
Material:Broken Bone,Rotting Wood,Weak Vine,Stone,Ragged Leather,Raw Wood
Ornement:Fur,Bone,Tribal paint small
Influence/Proportion priority priority: Tribal(58%),Undead(28%),Elve(13%)
Level 2
Material:Bone,Wood,Barbed Vine,Rusted Metal,Leather,Raw Wood
Ornement:Fur,Bone,Polish gem,Uncommon feather,Ingraving Medium
Influence/Proportion priority:Tribal(33%),Undead(33%),Elve(33%)
Level 3
Material:Bone,Petrified Crystal wood,Poisonous Wine,Stone,Ingrave Leather,Mythril(metal)
Ornement:Superiorcut gemstone,Magic Ingraving Large
Influence/Proportion priority: Elve(58%)Tribal(28%),Undead(13%),

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
That the most project i ever had simultaneously... this put the count to four.

This quick project is on the theme of a acid throwing weapon with some orc flavour to the design.In term of getting the theme out of the silhouette i don't find what i did to sucessful not gonna lie but atleast it get the ball rolling and it can certainly evolve i feel like you can't really know what something gonna look like just yet but the goal is to have a clear strong silhouette so once i star the lineart i should make so that it take in account i need a strong read.

Not gonna lie Ai took it toll on me i wasn't feeling as motivated as i could have been lately. One big problem with Ai is it slowly creep in and start to devalue your hard work but truely the ugly truth is that it nothing but a pale copy of artist like a sewage abomination that is just reajusting the pixel back together into something you can tell is a cheap imitation of artist work that slowly make you sick the more you learn to recognize what is and what isn't Ai generate .It problematic because you almost end up to a point where your own artistic voice start to vanish you no longer have a visual signature(i don't totally agree with that statement but that an other subject matter) i can tell some Ai work is done by certain artist just by the look of it i will leave it at that.

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
So i am updating the Infernal throwing axe. Trying a value base work pipeline instead of a line art base pipeline.

I am gonna add more detail to one of those design like flame and more accurate color and texture.

So as always if anyone as any feed back let me know.

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I am updating the upgradeable weapon serie i am working on the tier 2 weapon and comparing it to the Tier one to have the design consistent and similar enough aswell as incorporating the design element i want to showcase in each new Tier.

Also i modify some of the design guideline because having three theme seem to generate to much detail which make me think lower tier weapon should not try to be to many thing(theme) or else you don't have the space visually toward the end of the Tier to a new element to many element end up fighting for attention.

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A shiny monkey as appear.
I am testing how to ajust my material in blender to help me visualize my shiny material.So here i test it on a default basic Monkey in this quick exercise trying to go for a shiny pearl look.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Blender is a great tool for all kinds of things. Well worth the time to learn it.

You might already know this, but you can turn on the 'images as planes' addon that comes with Blender. Then you can drag and drop reference images and videos into your project. Could help you match the material you're going for more closely.

(08-30-2023, 05:29 AM)ThereIsNoJustice Wrote: Blender is a great tool for all kinds of things. Well worth the time to learn it.

You might already know this, but you can turn on the 'images as planes' addon that comes with Blender. Then you can drag and drop reference images and videos into your project. Could help you match the material you're going for more closely.

Well depend if i need to make an arrangement of multiple object in a scene else i use use pureref to set my reference and avoid it crowding the space in my blender scene.(I hate layers i am guilt of using them a bit to much but they are great for none destructive workflow specially in concept art where you want your option to stay open also they make it easy to go messy around with what ever blender as to offer.What is great is using 2 plane of a subject matter and create a 3d object base on an orthographic view of the object to get more consistent proportion but you can aswell just work for a simple front view you will just have to make more decision for the thickness of the object and what might be different from the back of the object... like i would not use only a front view of a character there is just way to many thing that are unique to the back view because character are organic so more unique but for symmetrical object like bowl let you just need one front view and it pretty much all you need obviously the more complex the more likely you need would want to figure out thing out before modelling but it really depend how fast you become like it would have been stupid for me to use blender because of how unresolve my understand of how to be effective with blender i had to make project just to polish my skill throught a few painful test project to figure out how blender would incorporate itself to my tool kit.So take blender as a playground right now don't make the mistake of being focus on random project where you forget how thing work.The best way to learn i think is to make sure you try address problem you have that free your time for the ''problem you enjoy'' this way you work to personally make your work more rewarding and you actually remember thing instead of roboting your way throught the tutorial.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Just some fun fooling around with Ai.I selected a few of my favorite.

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So i am updating the infernal Throwing axe which i gave a second pass i took the N.11 form the batch design and start to push the detail more and now i am posting the progress and a few of the color pick i would like opinion on.

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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