Darktiste Sketchbook
These both look quite cool! I like the style

(09-07-2024, 11:29 AM)JosephCow Wrote: These both look quite cool! I like the style

Thank for the kind word i will try to do better.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Entry for the 5th September

5.Longsword of Banishing


A barely visible bead of light slowly traces the
outline of this weapon.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Sword name: Vampiric Hook Sword

Type: Hook Sword

Parasitic Plant

Commentary and side note:

Returned to more hand drawn project after one of the sword 3d paint over attempt end up going way over board in term of schedule and i wanted shorten less perfection driven project by the end of the swordtember done so this project as flat color to stay within reasonable time frame.

I think i made the hook head a bit to similar to the hand guard in term of proportion which kind of make the thing a little to balance and the guard to exaggerated but to my defense hook sword do have a pretty massive hand guard compare to sword in general.

I had to put that 3d paint over project on hold not to burn out but i have the intention to finish it just because of the hour invested.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Sapping chi Chokuto
Type:Chokuto/Concealed weapon

Wielder: Old Hermit

Grip type:One hand no wrapping

Size:45cm to 95 cm

The chokutō is a Short straight sword, single-edged sword

This weapon seems thirst for light
You sense its hunger.

This one was lot of fun i wanted to make it a bit more illustrative and interesting compositionally speaking not just a straight to the point design see if i could manage to do it in a similar time as my previous project.

Design wise it was possible because the design was pretty straight forward and the visual effect were not a time sink.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Spending sometime finish some entry from swordtember .

Those are only the thumbnail which i have to choose one just wanted to give the opportunity to involve the community a bit and give you the opportunity to tell me if you got any favorite that i might go on and push to the next level.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Yo, my man, Darktiste! Dig your latest. Nice designs. Keep it up!

(10-08-2024, 04:10 AM)one_two Wrote: Yo, my man, Darktiste! Dig your latest. Nice designs. Keep it up!

Hey men thank for passing by it always nice to have some feedback and encouragement.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Those are some awesome designs! My personal favorite is the second, the one with the butterfly, works incredibly well. Keep up the great work!

(10-10-2024, 04:56 PM)cgmythology Wrote: Those are some awesome designs!  My personal favorite is the second, the one with the butterfly, works incredibly well.  Keep up the great work!

I appreciate the feedback might try to incorporate the butterfly aspect to the other design that was pick instead.

Initially i was think to have the butterfly wing as glass but i think this would be impractical for battle so it would either be a ceremonial sword if i go that route or i would have to make the butterfly wing be ''empty'' where you can basically have object pass between the inside of the wing.

Anyways the design i pick is the fifth one and it include a pair of decorative wing they are not as flashy as the other but there are a good compromise.If anything i can always just repurpose the wing in that design and added them in the hilt but i agree that the other design as it own charm so it still open for change.I am still using 3d so there time where i am surpris by how complex certain design decision turn out to be to modelized which is a problem i faced in one of the sword project.Flat object or pretty hard edge object are easy to translate from 2d to 3d but more organic shape with curve and bevel pose a more significative challenge so far.

Since swordtember is over i am trying to move on and reduce the complexity of that project since i also got on other sword to finish which is very complex

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Nice to hear, I don't know too much about 3D but I always appreciate solid work modelled in 3D, it's definitely a lot harder than it looks.

And yeah, I agree that simplifying the shapes a bit if you have a ton to do is the way to go, I don't think being too overdesigned would be beneficial as that will just take longer which can lead to burnout.

Keep up the great work and thanks again for your feedback, always great to hear from you as well as seeing you progress, great stuff!

(11-08-2024, 02:53 AM)cgmythology Wrote: Nice to hear, I don't know too much about 3D but I always appreciate solid work modelled in 3D, it's definitely a lot harder than it looks. 

And yeah, I agree that simplifying the shapes a bit if you have a ton to do is the way to go, I don't think being too overdesigned would be beneficial as that will just take longer which can lead to burnout.

Keep up the great work and thanks again for your feedback, always great to hear from you as well as seeing you progress, great stuff!

Well i think burning outas a lot to do with misjudging the complexity of project and also when you don't properly recover between project your confidence level might drop and that where i think performance issue happen because fatigue overtime is a thing you can always go up a difficulty slope but it really about how extreme that complexity become that define if you will burn out or not.

That why i always think it important to isolate ok what the new thing i am trying to do and how much did i do it before and how many thing i am mixing together that add to the complexity of doing that project. It a bit like predicting the outcome of a meal you never done before. You know the ingredient but not necessary if everything pair nicely or how much time it might take to prepare and how long is it going to take to get to the final. All that matter is that you are ready to experiment and have fun you got so much out of just having the right mindset. That certainly something i am practicing ''being playful'' even when thing get more complex trying to stay flexible and subvert my own expectation and to be able to let go at certain key moment and allow happy accident to expand the boundary of imagination when i might be confine by whatever limitation occur on any given project.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Falchion of Holy surge

This elegant weapon appears smooth and
A falchion a one-handed, single-edged sword

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Fantastic design, fits right in with the 'fey' theme IMO. The butterfly wings at the bottom are a great touch!

Really cool weapon design Darktiste! Nice!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

(12-15-2024, 10:10 AM)Artloader Wrote: Really cool weapon design Darktiste!  Nice!

Thank you, yet i feel like i need to take more risk.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Long overdue project.

Wielder: Devil, Barbazue

This was a project where i was very experimental. I had the opportunity to try organic modelling which is normally something i avoid but yet i felt was something i had to overcome to grow in the realm of 3d modelling.

This as some influence from dragon ball as well as world of warcraft with a touch of D&D.

Not much changed between the concept and the final expect i remove the hair because they felt unnecessary aswell as i felt it was the weakest part of the model.The horn where a w.i.p during the concepting stage so they also kinda end up conflicting with the hair.

I had also some intention to add some barb wire around the pommel but i felt is was conflicting with the direction i wanted and i felt the head was what i wanted to keep the focus on but i had many idea that were fighting for attention so i had to simplify specially since again the blade and pommel were going to take alot of attention due to the brightness as the project develop i had to find away to help remove some element that would have read poorly against the background or were just to small to be read from a distance. A problem i was face with was that the blade and the pommel are very bright and the demon head is pretty dark so from distance a fully black background would take alot of attention away from the demon head so i added a splash of red... probably not the best choose but better than black against black specially since i wanted the head to stand out against the red that outline is something that as help separate where i wanted to add attention.Since the color Red was something that was important to keep the identity of the piece finding how to pair those red element meant an outline in that scenario would help my goal.

Please feel free to share feed back and comment. 

More project are already waiting so stay tune. Until then please enjoy looking at some older project of mine if you didn't.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Great update and concept! My only critique is that some of the detail on the expression was lost a bit due to the rendering process and 'glows', such as in the eyes, etc., but very solid work regardless!

(01-20-2025, 03:49 PM)cgmythology Wrote: Great update and concept!  My only critique is that some of the detail on the expression was lost a bit due to the rendering process and 'glows', such as in the eyes, etc., but very solid work regardless!

Yes the expression was great i agree but i choose to go for the evil eye and that require ''high contrast" and loosing some detail help that.I tried for a long time to tweak the direction of light and intensity but when you use 3d light you have to either pick your battle or go over it and fake the direction of the light.That what i learn in this one. Stylize lighting is done alot faster if you ''paint the light'' rather have the 3d light which give the more realistic sometime more complex shadow shape that can ''mess'' with the flow of where you want the eye to fall.

I wasn't happy with how the nose was catching light from below because of it shape it would catch more light then flat surface and take away from the eye which are more important.

Even if the expression was a serious and strong one i wanted to portrait something more ominous and evil.

Being one of my very early organic sculpt i am pretty please with the result it wasn't so much about the result then trying new thing and expanding my 3d experience.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Having fun here a comparison of some similar work .The digital drawing from 2018. It insane to think how far 2018 seem (I blame 2019 to 2021 for that)

The 3D rendering was done to day the 22 of January 2025

Digital Drawing vs 3D Rendering

I gotta say i feel my digital work still hold pretty well against my current 3d Skill.

Digital drawing as the advantage of control you can really feel the highlight is being intentional vs the 3d rendering where even if you can control the direction of the light i am still bound by the rule of the software to a certain degree.

It such a cool moment when you can find work you feel are worth comparing against one an other in your own path to growth. Being able to proudly look back at what were the stepping stone of what i am able to do now. It a moment of appreciation of my effort and sacrifice.

Finding the middle ground of both medium is certainly something i am looking forward. You can probably expect some 3d Hand painted work going forward. Since this feel like the logical path to stylized work.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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