Would you like to come up and see my etchings?
Thought I'd reply your question here so it's easier for you to see it. Yeah I kind of rubbed elbow with big shots in the game industry. The thing is they don't act or look like big shots - especially if they aren't wearing their name tags - so you could easily and accidentally talk to art director of Epic Games, or the CEO of Crytek. That said, they are big shots, and very busy people, so unless you prepared ways for yourself to be memorable in a good way, don't expect anything to come from that exchange just because you were having such a good time chatting and grabbing drinks together that one night. So in the end it's a very refreshing experience to see how humble and nice many of them are in person.

Glad to hear you're getting out and doing the whole interacting with other humans, meat XP

Stuff from CC2 and a plein air sketch at the beach. I'll be doing more of these building sketches, me thinks.

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fuzzy update.

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Oh shit mate, you really have been getting down and dirty with your traditional studies!! Great shit man, really working at your weaknesses! 

How small is that bloody sketchbook you've been drawing faces in?! Looks tiny 
Do you keep it with you all the time when you're out and stuff coz that'd be sweet....a really good idea actually :D

You bloodborne piece still gives me nightmares
I really, really like it... But like... Eugh lmao

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Thanks Steph! Yea its a pocket sized sketchbook I take to work.

More beach sketches and some design studies.

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shit dude that last sketch page is on the money In love
sexy energy
'specially the knight dude bottom right! Nice weight and gesture!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Thx, its design studies from tactics ogre art book. I've been hammering figures in perspective to try and fix problems in my approach that were pointed out to me recently. I think I'm starting to make a break through with these environments and figures from my head and some from reference.

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Great sketchbook Adam! I love how you went out to an art gallery, took some photos and used the for studies. Also, I like your perspective work in this last post - especially the guys standing at 45 degrees to the camera, they look like they really belong in the scene.

Keep going mate!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

hye adam why are there guys with dick knife strap ons?

Thanks loader!

Cracked, hmmm.

I got the cintiq working. Been working on finishing a full color painting for the first time.

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Man that perspective stuff is looking great! awesome work.

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Thanks Murry!

did a little bit today. spent most of the day searching for my stylus. On the up side I cleaned my work are and reorganized.

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did some stuff

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nice studies adam, try taking some pieces to a finish. I think some material studies would help the rendering on the illustration for skin, blood and brick of the sorts. Keep pushin!

It's great to see the progress you've had, a lot of dedication ^^ .

In the human body everything is connected, it is like a line that runs through it all, not random lines .

When you make gestures you are following the rhythm of the muscles and not the movement. I hope this helps ^^ .

'The best way to have a good ideas is to have a lot of ideas ' Linus Paulingth
Thanks guys. Im gonna spend how ever long it takes to learn real construction and stop just faking it.

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Hey man, I remembered these videos that are good training for figures in perspective:


Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Hey Adam, nice torso construction studies. These look like studies from Proko? I've found his YouTube videos to be very useful for figure construction - particularly his mannequin ones e.g.


Keep going dude!

@JyonnyNovice: Awesome links man - I didn't know about these - that Ron Lemen fella is some kind of legend!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

yeaaah, woah. awesome demonic painting there. looks acrylic.
and, real nice work with the figure anatomy studies. i did a few of those a while back, could definitely do with doing some more.

"If you want liberation in this life, there is no area that you do not watch. Watch the breathing, watch the posture, watch the flow of energy, watch the texture of the mind, watch the response to objects." - Namgyal Rinpoche

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