Oi! Hi there!
(hmph... why starting an introduction post always have to be so difficult? >.<) so my name's Adrianna, but you can call me by my forum nickname. well, I'm not fond of using forum pages, I never stayed in ones I'd joined for longer period of time (but now I'll try to change that habit of mine).
I've been an artist since I remember. in my early teens, I wanted so bad to be an illustrator, but as more as my love for video games was growing, I decided to pursue the life-long dream of becoming a concept/character artist for some big game dev studio (still kinda doubt it would ever happen ;/)
I heard that CD is a good place for all artists who seek for an improvement of their skills, so I've joined as well. mostly because for few years I feel like my skills haven't improved at all. what makes me really sad, because I'm 22 now, and there are many artists of my age (or younger ones! O_O) who are far beyond better than I am :C in moments like this, I want to quit my life as an artist and start doing something "useful" for society.
so I am here, looking for some help, critique, improvement, because I love art, I feel like an artist through and through, I want to make my dreams come true, and befriend people who will inspire and help me (oh yeah, I struggle so bad with my laziness, so occasional "kick in the ass" as a motivator would be nice ;P)

Hey welcome to CD! 22 isnt bad, you still have most of your 20s left so dont feel like you've wasted time. Im 30 and just recently got serious about improving my drawing. Procrastination has always been my problem. I had to get rid of all my gaming stuff and give up watching TV to keep me focused. You have be willing to give up on a lot of things in your life if you want to really improve drastically. Just look at it like this. All those people your age and younger practiced at their art and have their skill in art to show for it. If you just play vidjah games instead of practicing, what are you going to have to show but an improved skill in vidjah games? And which of those skills do you really want? Hopefully you can use that as a little "kick in the ass" lol!

yeah, you're completely right. i try with small steps to watch tv series/play games less, and use this time to practice more. besides working on uni projects too (i study graphical art btw (: )

already having a sketchbook on CD motivates me even more to draw something every day, and post it there soon! (:

Welcome to Daggers, Morie!

I know how you feel, I'm 22 as well and was in your shoes a few months ago.

Just remember, it's not the age of younger artists that we're envious of, it's their artistic progress. And that's relative no matter how old you are, as it's the same journey and same amount of time to get to a professional level. Looking at your sketchbook, I think you're further along the path than you may feel :)

Focus on your art and you'll make some good progress in the next year. I look forward to seeing you around!
thanks Newcalibre for your heartwarming words ;u; yup, that was what i meant saying about pros of my age and younger... if only i had realized earlier how much time of a hard work i need to put into my art, i could have been a pro myself now :C

users on CD and their impressive skills are a huge motivation for me, i hope for progressing in a year or two as well (:


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