Shin's Sketchbook
Loving your style and color choices in your latest updates, very stylish!

(06-04-2022, 05:51 PM)handsomekorean Wrote: cool clothing rendering. love that edge control.

also nice stylized look on your portraits. i can  see some Zeronis influence on your work

although speaking from my own experience  i would suggest you also try to do studies unerelated to your favorite artists  to improve and develop your own unique style as following your favorite artist processes can be a good startign point but will limit your learning too much in the long run.

speakign from experience.

Will the Zeronis comments ever end, I wonder~ :D
Thanks for the feedback, I do have multiple inspirations but it's a bit hard to jump from one after another and keep at one place at a time since there are always something new to discover ! :)

(06-15-2022, 07:38 AM)Fjellmund Wrote: I envy both your rendering/brush control and drawing abilities. Great stuff.

I envy you for being so awesome :p

(07-06-2022, 08:15 PM)Kilillan Wrote: I love your stuff, and you made great progress. Are all of the figure sketches done from imagination? Even if not that's pretty impressive.

Personally I don't like the lens flair-ish addition to your latest paintings. I feel like it detracts away from the painting, and makes it look "cheap". That's just my opinion though

Thanks, figures are from reference tho most of my original work is like 50-50 on ref/ imagination.
Interesting feedback on the, what you call, lend flares. Only recently I started to add them but I will be careful on their liberty from now on, thanks ! :)

(07-06-2022, 10:54 PM)martinlacko Wrote: Great stuff! I flipped through older pages and was kind of fascinated by your material renderings studies. While you was so lost in anatomy, the material studies, specially the glossy stuff, even then was top notch. The anatomy is catching up for sure, this manga muscular girls are looking great. Kind of shame it resulted in mostly quite flat colors that wouldn't allow to show your skills and fascination with materials and variety of reflections. So that would be my advice - go wild in that area, do some crazy show off of that things next time.

I still have some backtracking to do on that department. Although the material studies may look great, during the applying moments, I hardly put care into them.. I'm not much of a painting kind of guy as before but I will take your feedback into consideration. 

(07-16-2022, 02:39 AM)cgmythology Wrote: Loving your style and color choices in your latest updates, very stylish!

Thanks !

Here's some more work I did- trying to force myself to do correct certain steps in my process and draw aspects I'm not used to.

Shin's Sketchbook ▼ ▼ ▼Patreon ▼ ▼ ▼ dArt
Great updates again! You're style is very appealing and unique as always.

Hey, it'sa me again !
I apologize upfront if I upload something I already did- my files are in a mess~

Here're some concepts I did as practice, trying to deviate from the usual~

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Yours must be one of the longest running sketchbooks on these forums!
May I ask what the Dark Sun project is? (Apologies if you already explained on an earlier page.)

(03-25-2023, 12:51 PM)Leo Ki Wrote: Yours must be one of the longest running sketchbooks on these forums!
May I ask what the Dark Sun project is? (Apologies if you already explained on an earlier page.)

Thanks ! We're aiming for 10 years anniversary after which I'll bath myself in existential crisis soup.

Dark Sun is a personal project created for the sole reason of having a goal while practicing art and initiating into fields other than visual skills. Hopefully someday I'll release an artbook and potentially a game. 


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Why the existential crisis soup? A never ending sketchbook is a sign of vitality - it's just that many don't bother posting any more.

By game, do you mean an RPG book or a video game, or both?

Awesome work, you really have a unique style, very vibrant and expressive which is very pleasing to see. Keep it up!

Shiinnn!! Your work looks so cool and dynamic! Loving your style, keep it up :)


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I love this sketchbook so much, it's so inspiring. The style reminds me of Zeronis's stuff.
Thanks to everyone for the replies. Can't reply to each of them separately for now but love you all platonically anyway~<3

Here's some more stuff. Feeling stuck for a looong time now and often thinking of just quitting. Life is being hard but I'll see how the tape rolls~ maybe I become the best there ever was~

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Looking great as always! Again, really enjoy your style, it's a nice combo of manga but with a more dynamic flare. Great work with the colors as well, the last one particularly pops really well!

Enjoy IG screenshots~~ :D

Just comfort zone

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I have only one eensy weensy nit picky comment on an otherwise impressive spread of character portraits.

In some areas where the colour of highlight peaks, the outline disappears. I feel like the outline should shift from black to a matching colour instead of this fade out, which flattens and washes out the forms too much. It's mainly an issue on the hair and clothes, where they aren't set apart from the background.


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Discord: emnida
Currently trying to do new stuff.

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Love the king on the throne drawing!

Great updates! Loving those character designs and the figures look dynamic as well, great stuff!

I've shared this before, but I want to reiterate: I'm incredibly proud of your progress in your art journey and how you're increasingly comfortable expressing your world through your art. Fantastic job!
I really like the stoic expression you give that with just light and shadow.I also like that you kept opinion open when it came to is design.My favorite is the second iteration the coat collar is smaller which help make him look massive with the shoulder.But it also the framing and the object size inside the frame full character often have so much empty space around them but with a close up you really get all the juicy detail and a bit less space with nothing.

My advise is to use a 10% white as background instead of pure white background it can help get rid of some flatness and it easier for the eye.You can also make a double of only the character and increase the light of that layers and create a sense of directional light not only with the shape of your value but with a gradient by removing light with a soft brush and you can work none destructively by removing from the mask instead of the copy.

I give you that it not how thing are done in manga but it could be fun as an experiment and to break convention.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Thanks for all the comments so far ! <3

Here's some random stuff I did

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