Ji-Li's Sketchbook - Critiques Please!
The un-inked sketches looked better, I don't know what happened when you painted it.
Her eyes have major issues (shape, size, placement). Her forehead on the right is kind of skewed and so is her hair on the right.
Her hands are bothering me too, and the shape of her neck.

Stopped drawing to concentrate on programming for last couple days due to a sudden interview, which didn't qualify for but may get another opp at their company.
Also pinky bruise from doing the Elsa drawing was hurting, but it's healing up now and I started playing around by inking and coloring a drawing I did 2 weeks ago. Very quickly reffed and threw down colors based on that, but didn't particularly spend time. Just wanted to destress.
Will try to pick back up on some more serious studies next week. It's been rough lately.

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Been doing daily workouts as well as lots of programming studies. Trying to force a related art study. Quick gesture with very simplified shading of doing a crunch/jackknife/sit-up with legs up whatever you call it.

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Some hand studies O:

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Sorry I haven't really posted this month. I have been drawing still here and there. Although concentrated a lot on exercise, learning to cook/eat healthier foods, and programming more.
Here are some drawings I've been doing this month: (working on playing with styles, coloring, and linearting digitally.)

Going to get back on track on my art training. (: I've actually been drawing plenty since, but mostly just character sketches for Gaiaonline.

It's a small little art challenge I set up for myself and will all be uploaded in my Photobucket Galleries. Can check them out here if interested. These are generally pretty quick, but I use photo refs to figure out pose/faces for most part. First 300 will be pencil drawings, 150 of them will be shaded, so for now this is all I have to show:
Gaiaonline Pencil Drawings

I'll be busy working 50 hrs a week in my new programming job starting on the 7th, so it'll mainly be weekends. I'll try to do studies when I get time. But for now here is a drawing I finished in May.

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