To infinity and beyooond
Good to see you have structured your studies, keep up the good work!

Doolio Hey man thanks for the advice on how to use Hampton, I'm not that far into it yet but I feel like it's the book that's helping me the most imo!

JyonnyNovice Awesome stuff man, thank you so much for the effort, I can definitely tell you're into gesture drawing and I was hoping for a comment like yours! I will work on it and try to really push my figure and gesture drawing, it's something I don't enjoy and but I'm not good at it either so I should work on it even more :D Ryan Woodward is just beautiful I adore his stuff haha he's the best but he has years of practice as well I guess.

meat Hey meat, nice to see you here again and thanks for the encouragement, it means a lot and I can really use some motivation! ;)

So for today don't know what was going on I planned to do some environments from imagination and trying out colors and maybe even some different brushes just for fun but I ended up studying rocks and not doing much at all.. wasn't my day today, gotta work harder!

First I grabbed some random photo and did a 10-15 min study of it and after that, doing some imagination thumbnails with the same palette. 10 - 20 min each?

rocks... the whole afternoon was just over after I was done with these! oO

I ended up painting ferns -.- that's what happens if your brain's dead but your fingers wanna keep doing stuff

Hope there is gonna be more energy to draw tomorrow.

Don't be disheartened man, looks like a good days work, and everything you do something is learnt, neural pathways and being formed and strengthened, even if we aren't aware of it consciously it's happening! You should celebrate the times you are down because when we suffer and continue we are redetermining to reach our goals : )

Back to the gesture stuff, if you want to really loosen up with your gestures try doing some 10 second gestures, really forces you to ignore everything but the rhythm!

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Hey JyonnyNovice thanks again man you're raising my spirit with these words haha yeah it's true I guess every hour we draw is an hour of experience and although I'd say it makes a difference what we draw in this hour and how much we concentrate you still get something out of it.

Today I opened up a little bit not focusing only on studying or strictly on drawing 'exercises' or whatever but to experiment around in photoshop, tried to understand the filters, brushes and all those wonderful things just to see where I'm at and what I could do. After all a pretty interesting day! Did some studies in the morning though, some hands and still life

Some waterbubbles and mage.. hands.. thingy :D imagination stuff. maybe I'll try to make a full 'illustration' out of those hands let's see tomorrow!

Hey guys sorry for my short absence, don't have anything to show but this little study. I watched some matte painting video and thought about getting more into that so I tried to figure out basic 3d for the last 2 days, so much stuff to learn it's almost overwhelming! Oo

Hi Cruptic, if you've got access to Cinema 4D I can recommend this course:

It's totally free with a great teacher who walks you through everything you need to know to be up and running, on a real project that looks really cool when it's done - I did this over a few weeks and am really comfortable in C4d now.

3D is a whole other world that needs many hours spent learning, just like drawing. If you're serious about learning it get yourself a good balance between the two so your drawing doesn't get neglected. Good luck!

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Hi Jyonny, thanks for showing me this sweet site and the tutorials, they look very good! And you're totally right there has to be a good balance between 2d and 3d, you basically gotta choose what's more important for the things you want to do later so I'll try to concentrate on 2d for most of the time.

Today I tried to compensate a little bit for the last 2 days I missed out so I did a bunch of anatomy studies (Hampton again) and did some gesture drawings with like 20 seconds each or so to concentrate on this action line and just the basic placement of everything.. wasn't to bad actually.
I had an environment idea just now so I sketched around and played with blue color but nah I have to spend more time on this but it's pretty boring concept so I just trash it I think, don't know why I uploaded it :D

Stuff from life

I remembered I have to work my way further through the How to draw book so I did that today

Quick little environment sketch, Sin City value study and another sketch thing

another sb-update! yesterday was supposed to be my environment day so I just did one today, most of the time I was just sketching around trying to come up with cool ideas and to nail some lighting situations in b&w thumbnails but I figured out it's not easy to do cool looking thumbnails :D Gotta focus on that a litlle bit more because I guess that's how you should really begin an environment painting..

and another quick value sin city film study.. just love the lighting in this movie

Here we go, some more Hampton, a flower aand some environment study of edward compton ;)

Todays update.. kinda feeling soory for not having time for writing comments for all of your sketchbooks out there, I just began to spend time with friends again after these 2 months of isolating myself and now I struggle to keep up the same hours of practice every day, getting less sleep and so on.. have to get used to it first :D

Got myself a new sketchbook today and the plan is to sketch a lot now and fill a sketchbook up every month.. it has 110 pages let's see how it goes I got 23 days left! Here are the first few pages, some loomis studies that aren't good at all and a drawing that took a lot of time :D it's not my design but I added some details and drew it from a 300x400 pixel logo of the band 'cloud cult' (did the drawing at 3000x4000 pixel).. just practicing my lines in photoshop and I love the design of it! :)

Hey Cruptic, another guy (Richie) suggested overlaying the image from the book with your sketch and tracing over in red where your drawing deviates from the one in the book. Might be worthwhile when you copy full figures like that since you might discover you are making similar mistakes in a few of them. (better if you can scan them though, so they aren't distorted or anything).

They're nice sketches though and the shadows look great. Linework on the logo is awesome too.

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Thanks for the comment Jyonny, that's a good suggestion there I will do that next time, I do have a scanner here it's just a huge pain and takes forever the scan :D but it'd be worth it for checking on the drawings and finding the mistakes!

Not much for today, some poor gestures, hogarth hand studies and some super quick environments from photo ref.

Some studies from today, nothing cool :P

Wow, fantastic sketchbook, such a variety of good foundational studies. I like that you are putting an emphasis on drawing and it is great to see the focus on structure as well, I think that when I compare it to your first pages, there is a pretty large jump.

Compared to the scope of the rest of the sketchbook, the imaginative work does seem rather light on ground. Even just getting a bit of sketching done everyday, like sketching some characters to practise the figure forms, will start to exercise that. Don't worry if it is a bit tricky at first (when I haven't sketches from imagination for a while I feel very 'stiff'), you'll loosen up over time.

I also think it would help to apply what you are learning to photostudies and life drawing. So for instance, the anatomy studies could be applied to a sketch from a photo, where you either build up the figure or body part from the forms you have learnt, or you sketch out what you see loosely, and draw the forms in so you learn what is going on under the skin. The same sort of process could be applied to life drawing - sketching basic solids to build simple objects like cups, bottles, phones, etc. Try to start simply (for both), like finding gestures, torsos in figure photos, or drawing simple objects, and as those get easier, build up to more complex things. I hope that makes sense.

Keep up the good work!

Hi Clockodile and thank you for your comment and nice words! Although I wouldn't call it a huge jump but more something like slow crawling I see what you mean, the stuff from the beginning is horrible. So you're saying do sketching from imagination a lot more every day and apply all that's learned.. I will definitely try to do both, great advice! Sometimes I really try to do imagination stuff but I don't even manage to come up with cool ideas so I draw something boring and then it gets even worse because I loose interest :D
But I'll work on that thanks man!

Here are some skull doodles, a 1-hour master study of Vasily Polenov and a wip of a frazetta study.. I'll get it done tomorrow I hope, took quite a lot of time already.. everything is a first time thing for me -> polar bears, armor, toboggan.. it's crazy learning a lot from this!

Alright had a good day today, got some stuff done, anatomy studies, some imagination stuff and the frazetta study although I'm not super happy with it but still it isn't too far off :)


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