Eucalyptus sketchbook
I can safely say that your sketchbook is one of my favourites here. Great to see you posting here again! I absolutely love your monster designs. I particularly like that little animation you posted, the contrast between the basic figure and the detail of the appendage works well.
some new stuff. I vant to get better at drawing faces and Ive read its best to get familiar with the skull so Ive been doing alot of that.

flared skull w/ cloth

aha yeah I thought adding that guy would relieve some of the violence already going on in the image.

thanks man. my spoon is too big brings back some nostalgia haha

thx man. heres an cool interview with beksinski if you are interested .
Im really technologically impaired it seems. I have no idea how to make words into links in disguise. If you could tell me the secret Id be forever grateful haha


really glad you like it alot. That makes me really happy to hear other people can really enjoy my stuff.
I wanted to try an animaton, it took alot of time for something so simple but It was worth it and Id like to do it again when I can find the patience haha


70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
im running for my life!

[Image: 6YB7ZZS.gif]

Thanks for the link. He seems like my kind of guy. To show links as words copy and paste this code...

url=]Sketch book[/url

I removed the "[" "]" brackets at the start and end of the code so it would show up as code instead of just the link. So you'll have to put [ before the first "url=http" in the beginning and a ] after "[/url" at the end of the code. Dont use spaces in the code. It will show up as Sketch book.

Also you can change what the words that show as the link by changing the "Sketch book" after "5432]". The color of the word can be changed too by typing

"color=red]This text is red[/color"

with closing square brackets at the front and end of the code. So if you add

"color=red]Sketch book[/color" where it says "Sketch book" (remember this line of code also needs the square brackets around it to work) it will show up as Sketch book.

Also if you click on "help" at the top of the page and at the bottom theres a link called "My Code" that gives examples of how to use codes in case my explanation was too confusing.

[url=]Sketch book[/url]

[color=red]This text is red[/color]
Or use code brackets :D

Thanks adam and patrick. My new sig is up and running.

today I chose to do a perspective based drawing. It's a lab setting. The whole image uploaded is the best I could do in terms of clarity. I took another pic of the dissection table since it seems a little blurry in the whole image.

[Image: 1HcLh34.jpg?1]

how babies are made
[Image: b7JO1oZ.jpg?1]

he may be a little "modest looking" but he has a great personality.
[Image: J71sHtJ.jpg?1]

[Image: 3NJrpuH.jpg?1]

head outlines
[Image: Mwdci7k.jpg?1]

more sketches
[Image: WgRZgB1.jpg?1]


Loving your style man!

As always sorry for my english :D
the latest batch, cold off the press.

some less academic/study and more relief drawings


[Image: gC0cVbZ.jpg?1]
fluid line practice
[Image: Me7YkEr.jpg?1]
[Image: ekfojhk.jpg?1]

thanks mayne!

Really awesome inspiring stuff, i love your monsters!
Really great pencil work - totally surreal at some parts and so cool to see all these different monster-characters you've developed. Your line-work is also impressive!

I noticed you did some various cast studies. Have you considered doing some Bargue studies, too?


more line practice
[Image: 9rnzgxs.jpg?2]

self portrait from different angles.
[Image: TvvrgMg.jpg?1]


thanks alot! that's quite a compliment that you find my stuff inspiring! really glad to hear that!


thanks! I really prefer pencil over any other medium. I feel it gives me the most "control". I can really get detailed and create fine lines.

I have been hearing alot about bargue but never really knew what it was, after looking into it it seems like a really beneficial thing to do. I could use some patience and even tone practice, as is what seems to be required from drawing bargue plates.

Eucaliptus, your sketches are amazing I really like the detail you put in the shadows and the texture overall. In your place I would try some color as well, or some paint I would suggest you try acrylics out and see how they feel, I guess you will get the hang of it really fast. Nice studies on the skull and those animations are well disturbing I think (in a good way of course).

today's doodlingers.

this was started yesterday. the rendering is pretty sloppy, I need to be alot neater. My handwriting is really really bad and that seems to seep into my artwork. Im aiming for a more "smooth" effect. its also likley that the paper im currently using is hindering this. using Bs looks really scratchy so latley ive been only Hs.

@tisirdes thanks man! that's an awsome idea. I geuss im shy of using anything else besides pencil since that's all Ive ever really used. I do really need to open the curtains to let the color in. Ill pick up some acrylics this weekend and see what comes of it. thanks for the recommendation.

@Eucalyptus: You are welcome man, I'm glad I could be helpful, acrylics are a great start. But color and paint can be frustrating at some points, I believe that you need patience like all things art related. Good luck with the paint and I'll check out regularly to see if you updated :D

Loving that last post, Eucalyptus. I agree with what has been said before, your graphite stuff looks great, but it would be excellent if you spread out into other mediums. Like Tsirides said, acrylics would be a nice place to start, they're a pretty reasonable medium to start out with when painting.

Keep it up!
If you've never worked in color before I'd highly recommend sticking to a limited palette. Something like Zorn's palette(black, white, yellow ochre and cadmium red) or your basic red, yellow, blue and white would be good to start with. Getting a ton of colors will only overwhelm you and make you lose motivation. Im actually sticking to just black and white paint for now after getting demotivated using large palettes. Learning to mix the right value can take a lot of practice so adding color will add unneeded difficulty. Also gesso is a good thing to pick up as well. Its a primer for your surface and will make the paint go on smoother.

Make sure you use a thick paper too. Usually art stores have sketch pads of it and it'll say "acrylic paper", "water color", "bristol" or "mixed media". Too thin of paper will just wrinkle up on you the second it gets wet. Gesso will add some sturdiness to the paper as well to keep it nice and flat when it gets wet. Or you can use cheap sheets of wood panel from the hardware store. I havnt tried it but I'd assume you'll need to prime it so the paint doesn't absorb into the wood. You'll need a nice wide paint brush for applying the gesso like the ones you'd use to paint walls.


so today I went to look into a new medium, acrylics were a tad to pricey for me ; however, a large set of water colors was quite cheap so I decided to go to with that.

I really enjoyed it. I've really only worked in graphite so It was very different and took me awhile to really understand that there is no eraser for mistakes. This is a good thing though as it forces me to really think, plan, and concentrate on what I am doing. Today I took time to adjust into it; get a feel for it. Looking forward to building skill in this medium.

some recent drawings

mikey dangelo
[Image: rU23VeF.jpg?1]

notes guy
[Image: 7vsIo4m.jpg?2]

and some water color. lots of fun!

three trees
[Image: MBBfOLf.jpg?1]

saggy flowers
[Image: lpvGN2u.jpg?2]

@Adam, thanks for the paper tip[/font]. I tried water color on my regular drawing paper and it curled like a scorpion tail haha


I want to get better at drawing heads. I was focusing on them for a bit awhile ago but had my attention swept elsewhere now im going to concentrate towards them again.
will gradually tackle the classic asaro head

today's doodlinglations
[Image: WWZF4nR.jpg?1]
head cart
[Image: Ao2Bw3A.jpg?1]
[Image: PVnClbB.jpg?1]
water color basic shapes. please ignore the atrocious sphere
[Image: bmggMxq.jpg?1]
another notes doolingiisnfsn
[Image: 4i55ZKA.jpg?1]


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