@Jeso Thx for the crit! Agree man, that round plate doesn't make too much sense there. Its also been said in the stream, but I was to sick of to change it already. Will try to stick to the shape language more on the next.

Few things In a Hideout recently. Had so much fun oh my...

Added a link to a skype group on the first post! Try it out!

Finished the last character for the series

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@Paul Youre awesome man! That mermaid feels so good. The mood, id love to see a cartoon or animation feeling like that! Can she live in that Pond I adore so much? XD Pen sketches is a great idea, I guess you'll get more discipline that way. 'Cause you would think better before doing something stupid

What up artsy cookies... here is some shit I've been working on. Still doing the 3d/2d thing.. What do you think?

[Image: FINALFIXED_zpsd6bd3c8e.jpg]

Caisne, I love the style man, that character is looking dope. Have you thought about how he can run and balance himself ? because the parts at the feet, while looking badass, i just dont see how he could run or even walk on a balanced way.

Paul, lovely drawings man, them expressions looking legit!

Great job man! I love the mood of that picture, it got story, middle ground background foreground read etc. The only crit i have is i would want a character to have a more dynamic pose, his too stiff for me right now.

And yea man. While painting the character i was like "dude give him the normal legs, why don't you just give him usual legs, it wont gonna work etc" I totally agree with you man, this things doesn't make any sense. I dunno why i did this. It was even more crazy before, it looked like some kind of high heels. well..

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Caisne, Thanks for the paint over, yea that loos much better, i particularly love the cape gesture idea. Defintely gonna try to work on that shit. Posing characters on Zbrush is another whole ordeal..

Hello everyone i just wanted to join in and post some studies I have been doing hope to get helpful advice :)

Armour Study

[Image: Armourstudyday1_zps26b3372b.jpg]


[Image: ArmorAngle_zps8cbe484f.jpg]

and some leg and back practice

[Image: studies1_zpsb2cd81de.jpg]

[Image: legimagination_zps7e9c4ca6.jpg]

Neck studies
[Image: headimaginaton_zpse01a2bc5.jpg]

that is what i have been doing recently glad i found this group :)

@desirulz123 Thank you for contributing friend! Make yourself comfortable. Good work on that studies! I see you just starting out and all try to give you a few tips.

Study. When doing a study, set yourself a purpose for it first. If you want to get better at doing Armour, DON'T JUST COPY IMAGES FROM THE GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCH. Do a research, gather yourself a nice folder to reference from (Maybe with sub-folders for Time Period, Culture (European, Asian, Arabian) Etc). Study and analyze this photos. Watch a few documentaries, get to the bones of the subject, learn how armor is made, what the purpose of it, how uncomfortable it to carry on you etc. And then practice! When practicing from photo try not to fall on trap of copying it, you wont get better at armor designs by copying photos you'll became better at copying photos. Try to think and analyze what makes Armour. What the surface of it, the material, scratches and little protrusions if its been used a lot, maybe there's rust on the edges, wheres the joints? The surface is shiny and reflected. Royal knights got fancy ornate, shiny new ornate armor. Mere soldier is mostly equipped with an old rusty low metal quality one. Think.

With you figure study ill recommend to try to go along and thorough the Andrew Loomis's books. That books got everything you need, proportions, figure in perspective, human had hands etc. Great guide into drawing for beginners.

What is most important: DONT GET IN LOOP OF JUST STUDYING. 'Cause there is no point of studying if you not using your gained knowledge. You'll drain yourself with endless study's and give up eventually, have fun! Do the things you always wanted to, balance studies with fun personal projects and work. Don't bother too much if you work is not as good compered to other people around, its temporary, if you getting better - you in the right track.

Hope it helps! Again thx for your contribution and keep posting! Its always inspiring to see new people come around and watch them getting better!

Here is a study of mine as well. Since the focus of my art is characters i wanna get better at figures, so did this naked chick study, cause, i just suck at drawing girls, also, my rendering style seems to me tends to fall on the scratchy side of things. so i tried this new techniques of blending with the smudge tool. I quiet like it, so I'll try to get better at that.

Anyways, i wanted to ask you guys, what are your goals in this industry? what do you wanna be?

[Image: study_zpse3ad6654.jpg]

@Jeso If you want to get better at chicks i would suggest better analyze and study photos with question in mind, what makes this figure feminine? try to nail some ass to shoulders proportions, chicks has thin neck, round chin etc features. Doing photo study like you did distracts you from the subject you trying to learn, cause you need to think about too many stuff - light, gesture, color, value... Try to focus and shave off all that is not importunate in that particular moment. About rendering style - I guess it comes with practice, try to think more about materials and how they reflect light. Is it soft, shiny, scratchy or transparent etc...

Tough question about Goals... Got to think about it...

Finished this guy in a hideout, took me forever to finish. I'm so angry at myself.

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Thanks for the critique Caisne, that makes a lot of sense, next time ill focus on shapes and line to focus on the right shit. About the question, do you really need to think about it that much? why are you here on the daggers forums and why to do studies and paint badd ass sci fi stuff if you dont know where you even want to go? You do know what you want man, share it. :)

@Jeso, well thats a tough topic really XD I'm kind a scared to even start typing 'cause I tend to go too deep into the woods. May end up with another book, and a wasted day lol. To be short I just want to do the stuff I love, and make a living of it, thats my ultimate goal.

Did a few color studies in a hideout today, will do some more tomorrow.

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few more quick still lifes from HIdeout

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@Jeso, I gave up on Goals with a capital G about a year ago. Before I was all about making it as an artist no matter what. Then I realised that was destructive to my own creativity. Now while I still have a general aim of working creatively as a "career" and most likely in an illustrative focus, the focus is not so rigid. I am going to allow myself to explore my own vision, and own ideas and synthesise my own reactions to what I see in both my inner and outer worlds, and enjoy the process completely.
This is why I started in the first place. I forgot it along the way in the crazy frenzy of improving skills, but am getting back to the real, now after 3+ years. I see so many people aiming for and hitting that Goal, and then getting disillusioned with the reality of their dream job. It's human nature to just go along with the stream of everyone else in a very unconscious way (study, job, career, even relationships). I think cutting past that bullshit and being true to yourself and always being self aware and questioning of your own motives with honesty is better than having Goals.

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*steps into the hideout* Hey guys! I'll come join in if that's cool : )

Caisne incredible traditional sketches, I aim to draw like that someday~ you're architecture stuff is really nice too, love that comic book look on those sketches.

Paul such beautiful faces, how do you get something so emotive with so little expression in it, really incredible man. Love the people sketches too.

Jeso Cool 3D stuff, as for my goals I wanna be a graphic novel author (I've given myself 6 years to get there) - this year though I wanna try and make some money from art, somehow - selling drawings of my city in the market would be enough, if I can get my skill up.

Amit Cool stuff like always, love the tribal feeling your stuff has.

Kinda don't feel worthy anymore after looking through these 4 pages of awesome stuff, but whatever! This one inspired by Guardians of the Galaxy

[Image: FJRQzL0.jpg]

Trying to get better at heads / faces recently:

[Image: 67etje1.jpg]

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
@JyonnyNovice Hey man, its good to have you here! Make yourself comfortable. Nice traditional sketches! Always loved seeing people do it the old school way. I scrolled through you SB before, you work hard man, keep it up! But don't fall in to the pit of just studying. Looking forward to see more personal stuff from you man! Keep posting.

Morning Still Life

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Did a quick paint over for ART44 in a hideout today

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Caisne You do still life's pretty much everyday yea? In general do you think that's important to develop skills (like I'd benefit a lot from doing that too?)

Posting this one up here too, sorta happy with it (apart from the muddy gray all over it, from graphite underdrawing smudged all over the place, stopped me from getting nice rich colours cause each layer of coloured pencil was smudging it more), did it for my daughter cause she loves Frozen, gonna try and do a better one sometime soon:

[Image: 79CiCGd.jpg]

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
@JyonnyNovice It been a week of still life studies. Dunno about how important it is, will see what it'll give me at the end, but I personally think that this is a good way to study color. I prefer still life and plain air, but I also do photo.

I think that you'll benefit from doing anything, but to a different degree. What I'm sure of its that study got to have a purpose. Copying photos - not too beneficial. Studying and analyzing still life or photo while painting it, keeping in mind what the lightening does, wheres worms and colds, form and placement of the object etc will definitely be more educational. Even if the result not as good as from copying.

Nice Frozen pic. Love to see people work with traditional tools

Few recent photo studies

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