Scuse me while I kiss the sky!
@darkiste, Thank you  Blushing I am really trying to work on likeness so that means alot! 

I like working very fast so i think hatching suites me but smooth shading is something ill have to get the better of too if i want to get comfortable at portraiture.

I think when you hatch you are probably not lifting the pencil between each line, if you dont do that its like scribble shading. There's nothing inherently wrong with it but ive found put me in a headspace of not thinking clearly about the plane changes. So a simple thing to try is to not drag the pencil in hatching and lift between each hatching line :)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
@Fedodika, Yeah i do seem to scribble. I'll try to lift my pencil in the next few portraits and see it that makes a difference. Thanks!

#21/50 self-Portrait

want to get into painting so much and think i'll start with watercolors. just testing out on printer paper at the moment but just got a watercolor sketchbook and will continue with that from now on.

One thing to say about speed alway favor control over speed.Speed is the result of control.Without though hatching can flatten a drawing.Think about how to make the hatching follow the form direction.For example on the neck it should wrap around the neck the neck it not flat.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

hi ;D

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
@Fedodika Hey ;)

Hi Everyone! Hope all is well!

Just trying to get back into the swing of things with head sketches in pen. Any help much appreciated.  Thumbs_up

Hey there Irish, it's good to see you back at it, how've you been?

I like what you've done in the 4th-last image. There's a lot more purpose to the hatching and linework, and the features have a nuance of style about them that's really appealing. The other sketches seem over-relaxed like you weren't thinking about placement and were just feeling for the form.

Can't wait to see more man.


Link Tree

Discord: emnida
@RottenPocket, Nice to see you too. Ah I've been busy with my masters degree so my own art has suffered lately. Yeah I think with the longer heads I gave myself more time to plan out the structure and the shorter poses are usually like you said 'feeling for the form'.

Ahhh, I drew a head with distorted figures from imagination and corrected it somewhat in Photoshop. 

This, That, and the Other.

Starting to have fun again  Thumbs_up

Finally finished my masters! Let's see if I can get back into the swing of things.

oil painting


Some imagination... stuff?  Stupid

and some quick animal sketches

Congrats on your masters! Hope your hard works pays off and brings good things your way.


Link Tree

Discord: emnida
(06-18-2022, 04:09 AM)RottenPocket Wrote: Congrats on your masters! Hope your hard works pays off and brings good things your way.

Hi Rotten! Thanks, I get to do what I love so things are looking good.

Oil painting of my shoes from today. The values definitely got muddy so for the next one I'm going to premix and plan the values before I start. 

Any tips much appreciated!

Timed head sketches.

I was going to start something digital today but searched my house high up and low down but couldn't find my stylus  Stupid

I sighed up for a workshop for oil paints too so I can't wait for that. 

I think you would benefit more from a longer studies. Even though you have small output but if you understood everything you did it would retain better.

Don't be shy and message me if you have any questions.
Careful if you find oil paint the american will come to take it from you.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
@prince0-100, drawing longer poses is definitely on the cards. Thanks.

@darktiste, "let them come"

Working on basic structure.


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