|valve gear's scotchbook|
Hi guys. Here we go with my training and braining thread. I'll try to post stuff as much as I can, untill my laziness will stop looking away. C&C are a must, feel free to talk frankly about what you see.
Let's start with some pages from my sketchbook: random doodling and faces for a comic project.

P.S.: sometimes my english could suck

[Image: 1_zpscrjlbr65.jpg]

[Image: 2_zpsepoqtqbc.jpg]

[Image: 3_zps42yczzi1.jpg]

[Image: 4_zpsbqmlsaz6.jpg]

These sketch pages looks awesome. I love your inking. It'd be great to see more pages.

I agree with Adam, these sketches are fantastic. Brilliant quality your lines have, they're very bold and full of energy. Loving the unhappy snail.
thanks Adam and Stardust for the kind words.

here you have some older stuff: six illustrations and two sketchbook pages.
I'm sorry for the bad quality of the photos.

[Image: 5_zpswstevi0v.jpg]

[Image: 6_zpsl2x4uydp.jpg]

watercolor selfie and von Sydow's face

[Image: 8_zpszh25ufmy.jpg]

back with a poster idea for a movie I'm working on with some university mates and a bookmark for the book festival of my town. Asked for C&C in Level Up! fb group for the bookmark, but didn't get them. If you want, I'd be glad to receive your feedback.

[Image: locandina%20utero%20sb_zpswb1tpl8o.jpg]

[Image: segnalibro%20sb_zpsppupfp5m.jpg]

composition training thumbnails. Planning to improve my way of sketching, doing more in the same amount of time.

[Image: composition%20train%201_zps00nxqix9.jpg]

gesture drawings from pixelovely's standard and class modes and some landscapes color studies.

Nice! Really inspiring. Love the composition in all of your work.

quick 30 min study before university.

Like I said before, even your gestures have pretty solid, confident lines. Keep it up.
Love those thumbnail studies.

Man.. I'm a fan! e.e
Your sketchbook pages are really graphic and gorgeous! Loving the inking as well and the gestures you've done are really solid. inspiring stuff! (actually saved your gestures to keep them as a "reminder" of what's a good gesture drawing in 1min.) ;)

Oh and that self portrait watercolor really makes me think of benjamin Björklund's work. Impressive!!! e.e

Keep it up!!

You are your only limits!

@Stardust: sure I keep, everytime I can.

@Rick: thanks man.

@Lale: wow a fan! Seriously, didn't expect it. I'm still improving my gestures because I feel too slow for that amount of time. It's a matter of how efficiently I can get the figure pose, but also of my anatomy knowledge, that I should really enlarge. Thanks for the kind words.
I didn't know Björklund's work and that's really impressive. I like the way he add saturated colors to his pieces (like light and vibrant blue).

gestures again and a dark city landscape made after looking at Darek Zabrocki's work. The perspective is messed up and didn't get even close to that magnificient use of light.

again quick gestures, that was a bad day. Updated the city a bit, but I've lost the interest in pushing it forward. I'm studying Bridgman's anatomy book and I'm making some rough PSD tables where I can shut down muscles layers: here we are with the main front leg masses. When I'll be done with the leg I'll be glad to send the file to everyone that needs it (will be a long journey for all the body parts and views). It's not really accurate, but it helps me figuring the masses out.


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