Ideation Station
Hey there everybody, just though I'd start an SB here as I have on permanoobs, and Looking for general feedback and harsh critiques in order to push me to get better.

Here's some things from the past few weeks. Portraits range from 45 min to 2 1/2 hours each.

[Image: not_my_usual_by_butterscotts-d8gtyey.png]
[Image: elven_by_butterscotts-d8efp1d.png]
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2098935&stc=1&d=1424571631]
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2098936&stc=1&d=1424571631]
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2098937&stc=1&d=1424571631]
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2098938&stc=1&d=1424571631]
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2098939&stc=1&d=1424571631]
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2098940&stc=1&d=1424571631]
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2099679&stc=1&d=1424740683]
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2099680&stc=1&d=1424740683]
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2099681&stc=1&d=1424740683]
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2099682&stc=1&d=1424740683]
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2099683&stc=1&d=1424740683]
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2099684&stc=1&d=1424740683]
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2099685&stc=1&d=1424740683]
[Image: enchanting_by_butterscotts-d8ik6jr.png]
I'll try and post more later on:D

Some sketchies

[Image: word_by_butterscotts-d8h8g3i.png]
[Image: the_majestic_by_butterscotts-d8hifrm.png]
[Image: weird_plant_by_butterscotts-d8horqf.png]
[Image: zorsino_by_butterscotts-d8i1oa5.png]
[Image: wooden_swords_by_butterscotts-d8ibwjw.png]
[Image: mapmaker_by_butterscotts-d8inuh4.png]

Been busy today, here are some things from the past few hours, didn't want to save each image, so I put them all into one.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=2100037&stc=1&d=1424831652]

Your shapes are very appealing to me. I can say I'm more then a little jealous on you haha. Keep at it.

Your style is unique, keep them coming because i'm hooked In love

I love your style, keep up the good work :D

cool stuff i wish i can do more characters, got to train hard

Hey man, welcome to the forum. Thanks for all your nice comments over at permanoobs. Im so jealous of your character design skills.

Thanks Adrian:D
Nice to know IrishWhiskey:D
Thanks Dezi:)
Yes, train hard James, I will too:D
No problem Adam:D And thanks:)

Okay guys, a few for today, had to time to look through some of Jamie Jones work and analyze a few images. I did this in about four hours afterward. The landscape is another 1 hr studers.

[Image: jjsapp-8_zpszukita6k.png]
[Image: lsstudy_zpscpndtmcb.png]
[Image: reddressstud_zpsszfwqkts.png]

Lovely characters and that very first environment piece is great - however, I think you could push the sense of depth alot further. It looks like all three background rocks are in the same plane, but if you play around with some more overlapping shapes I think you would get a great result. Perhaps you could also push the cast hadows of those rocks to help the sense of 3d and depth(Right now I can't see that they have one?). Again with the rocks, perhaps you could have a bigger value range going from the shadow side to the light side - right now I feel they are quite close thus making them seem flatter than necessary.

Characters are great and full of personality - try to challenge yourself with some more dynamic poses! ;)

Great stuff tho, thanks for sharing. Checked your DA page aswell, and there's some REALLY good stuff there!

Agerkvist- thanks for the crits man, means a lot:D I'll try to do some more dynamic poses soon, really trying to focus on digital for awhile atm, so if I do them, they'll be in my paintings or studies.

Here's some stuff I forgot to post a few days back ...

[Image: bwportstud_zps9pgarluk.png]
[Image: glowportrait_zpswdgpazr6.png]
[Image: vehicledesigns_zpsdhlngb40.png]
[Image: Untitled-1%20copy_zpsjbzm1o2k.png]
[Image: rocktophandiman_zpsj21oih86.png]
[Image: bwthumbnails_zps3s9zhay8.png]
[Image: bwcomps2_zpshnnnzeue.png]
[Image: exercisesforkilldeer_zpszjwpasoj.png]

Some more thumbs, trying to limit my values, and some quick 25 min. portrait studies.

[Image: 3valuecomps_zpsytrklbr5.png]
[Image: 3valuecomps2_zps5h1b0lhu.png]
[Image: bwportstud3vs_zpspged6orm.png]
[Image: 3vbwportstud2_zpsvjspv9wr.png]
[Image: bw3vsportstud3_zpsaxaancnp.png]

Some more 20-25 min portraits, the second two, I wanted to limit how dark I could go to see if everything would still read. Not sure if it was successful or not lol. And environment studies are kicking my ass, will have to try and apply what I learned from these in my next imagination sketches. The enviros are only around an hour each. Wanted to do more today, but was kinda busy.

[Image: 3vportstud4_zpsl0bw8cj9.png]
[Image: cowboy_zpstt6ul1vr.png]
[Image: bwportstudglasses_zpsr42rnznr.png]
[Image: landscapestudwhat_zpsha48zro9.png]
[Image: slopesketch_zpsyqkz6yhr.png]

Still messing with different starting methods, stumbling across some useful tidbits while researching Shaddy Safadi and Jaime Jones:D Anyways, some sketches, some studies. The last 2 I was trying out Jaime Jones process for painting mixed Shaddy's crazy underpainting method. So first, I did a black and white value study, turned down opacity, and went over the major masses with line. Turned off black and white layer completely, turned down opacity on line layer, through in some funky colors, and finally went over it all with the colors I saw in the photo while letting some of the funk show through. I like this method of working, since I get twice as much practice lol. Plus I have to think more about whats happening in the photo and the painting. What helps me is to keep thinking even on a color painting, value first, color second. Meaning, think about the value of a color before worrying about the color itself. Alright, I'm done talking, time to get back to it.

[Image: s4_zpskxuvcsi5.png]
[Image: gooblin_zpsqxiprpxu.png]
[Image: wingedsentinel_zpsyy4xjnhy.png]
[Image: leafhat_zps5fygihdi.png]
[Image: Todays%20Study_zpsyr6tuejk.png]
[Image: bwafristud4_zpszrvfdsky.png]


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