My trash can... i mean sketchbook
Hello there guise and grills. I'm fairly new to art and I want to improve so I'm gonna going to be posting my stuff here. I hoppe you can give me some critique and/or advice on my things. 

I haven't drawn a lot so I can only have a few to show for now. These are my very firstest tras.. I mean drawings. Old stuff for documentation? I think...

Hey, nice to see a new sketchbook! ^^

First things first, have some respect for what you do! Don't call it "trashcan"! We all have to start somewhere, so show yourself some sweet sweet luuuv xD Keep it up, the more lines and paint you put down, the more hours, the better you'll get! ;)

You are your only limits!

LaleAnn: Sorry hehe, I just like to insult myself to motivate myself.. xD

Here's them I did today. Sorry phone cam cuz poor xD

Paint stuff

Welcome man! I'm seeing good stuff in here already, something you can implement in your landscapes since I'm seeing many of them is to study more perspective and atmospheric perspective. Also pay attention to how the grays play a big role in the realism of the landscapes.

Hope it helps! Keep them coming :D

Hey you!

Off to a good start :) I'm liking these environment studies <3 and I love me some sketchbook work, so please keep them coming!

Hmm, so I'd suggest to passively study as well as actively doing so. What I mean is, just look around and pay attention to how light is playing on different materials and surfaces.
Staring at objects for a quality amount of time is also really beneficial; whether you're going to paint that object or not... take the time to look at it.
This sort of practice works wonders.

Keep up the good work, fellow almighty LaBeouf advocate ;) ;)

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
wla91: Thanks for the advice :D. OMG I only tried to paint the colors by eye, but when I color sampled from the photos there were a lot of grays in there. Man, the complicated-ness (is that a word? xD) of painting just went over 9000.

smrr: Hey there fellow worshiper ;) Thanks for the advice, really worked like wonder. It felt as though the words came straight from His mouth! I'm really seeing things in a new LIGHT xD

Here's my thing for today. Attempted to paint from imagination. Man, the horror of not knowing fundamentals OTL. Welp at least I learned a little rendering thing.

nice studies! Your painting from imagination seems promising, it has nice composition I think!
But yes keep on pushing on those fundamentals studies, and study from life whenever you can :)
Welcome to daggers newblood!
Keep cracking away at Loomis, hes a good guy.

VoodooMama: Hey man, thanks. I always try to start with fundamentals but whenever I sit down and actually draw, I always have a sudden urge of doing the good stuff and skip them fundamentals OTL. Such bad habit of mine sigh.

crackedskull: Thanks for the welcome man ^^ I've tried skimming through Loomis' book but I found it hard to understand xD I'll try reading the texts to see if it makes a difference, otherwise I'll try to look for other books.

My stuff for today. Just a quick note to myself at how much I suck xD. These should prove useful for reminding me of doing them fundamentals ^^

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In addition to what have already been said.....

Observe, observe, observe. Did I say observe?

Welcome aboard and keep going.
Watch out for those tree textures, grab some HD photos of trees or look at them in real life and do studies ;)

Zearthus: Thanks man.

Gliger: Yeah, I actually try to look at photos but like what Zearthus said, I don't try to observe x(

Okay, kinda repeating the same mistakes here coz I'm stubborn XD. Anyway, I tried to draw some basic shapes in perspective and very poor color studies. I'm going to drop the color studies (or reduce to 1) for now because too complicated.

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Your environments are looking nice. Your proportions of the head are off, read through Loomis' "Drawing The Head and Hands". Just by getting the proportions of the head right, It will make them a lot better real quick.

Also I would highly recommend James Gurney's book "Color and Light". It will allow you to observe things in a completely new way because you will have and understanding of why things look the way they do.

Preston: Thanks, I'll try to look for Gurney's book. And yeah, can't really draw peoples. I'm trying out Loomis' method but nothing is sinking in my head xDD probably just need to draw more.

Aaand some more crap for today...

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You've already made a lot of progress here, and you're definitely taking the advice here to heart! Like the others have said: just keep going on the fundamentals! Something that might help you with learning lighting and textures is just do very simple 3D shapes for now. Shade a sphere, texture a cube... that kind of thing. Keep up the learning! :D


Crackedskull already said Loomis is a good guy :) Even if you think it is hard don't give up. His books are amazing and very helpful.

About the head studies: try establishing the angle of the head and adding the jaw in the beginning. Don't worry with the features in the early stages

GabbyTaylor: Thanks for the tips. I'll try that instead of smashing my head whenever I can't figure things out xD
iamorim: Thanks man. It would even be harder if it weren't for yous guys helping me T.T I will probably try to do a thousand head drawings because I suck so bad xD

My crap for today... my whole body was hurting like hell today from doing outside stuff. Could only do a few gesture drawings because my arms started to hurt so bad.

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Keep it up! and don't be such a downer about your work :P Work hard but also remember to throw in some fun once in a while as well :)
yangdaniel027: Thanks for the encouragement mans :D. I try to stay away from fun stuff for now because it only leads to frustration xD I enjoy learning the fundamentals anyway, so I'll just stick to it for the mean time.

Mine stuff for update. Man, I've only drawn for an hour or two and my arms are getting tired. Need.. to... draw more... but.. need... to rest.. xD

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Some more head practice for today... Drawing circles and ellipses are actually hard, need to practice them more O^O

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