Victor wants to CREATE!
Hello everyone!

Just a brief story: I always loved to draw, and in my highschool I started making portraits in Photoshop. My goals was always try to match to photo, I've learned how to render and use Photoshop, but nothing more, and I always wanted to create stuff, so recently I started taking this seriously and I started studying the fundamentals and try to paint from my mind and also some life studies.

I want to share them with someone, I'm really missing some critiques on what I do, hope you guys can help me! I'll definately comment in others sketchbook!

I'm studying Industrial Design, so there'll be some products here. I really don't know on what I should focus, I think I'll focus on both of 'em by now.

So here are some studies I've made a while ago, trying to learn the name of the muscles following a Anatomy Book that I found on my college library and proportions of the body following Charles Hu workshop.

[Image: 3h9ymQ7.jpg]

[Image: sMX1EJl.jpg]

[Image: 4e6blZV.jpg]

[Image: zogBfkF.jpg]

[Image: egis4Dq.jpg]

[Image: TBYnmKY.jpg]

[Image: JOqMYvv.jpg]

[Image: 93L5dSh.jpg]

[Image: aJxblIo.jpg]
Here are some Still Life studies I've made
[Image: AcxhB0v.jpg]

[Image: 51ff3xw.jpg]

And this little bird that I've doodled when thinking of something else. Kinda liked him

[Image: IZaYQ7Y.jpg]
Some face studies I did, looking at some references but trying to create a new face.

[Image: 2tyr7um.jpg]

[Image: J35L3VM.jpg]

And a self portrait

[Image: BuntLDK.jpg]

I was struggling a bit with noses, so I took some reference photos and tried to deconstruct the nose into basic shapes to try to draw it at any angle

[Image: T7lXL2R.jpg]
I've made some photo studies on traditional media, toned paper, graphite and micron pen

[Image: r8IHjDs.jpg]

[Image: gEr5UvP.jpg]

[Image: 4W4qFwH.jpg]
And some torso studies I did looking at photos, the steps I took was: Gesture>Larger Masses>Landmarks>Anatomy Constructing>Shading and detailing. I only used one brush, that was Chalk brush, to challenge me a little

[Image: hLUNAve.jpg]

[Image: kVEbhyX.jpg]

[Image: cWYS6UE.jpg]

[Image: I18jixz.jpg]

[Image: b5hBXbx.jpg]

And at last, some Figure Drawing I made

[Image: BEuDwtp.jpg]

[Image: eiYwPke.jpg]
I was really short on time today, but I've managed to make a photo study, still learning how to use a toned paper properly, and wish my toned sketchbook had a softer texture, looks like I'm sanding down my pencils hahaha

[Image: mlZrZEm.jpg]

Used a blue pencil for making a loose sketch, 0.3 liner, HB and 6B graphite for shadows, white pencil and white gel pen for highlights.
Not enough time this week to make more studies, but I did this photo study of a fox and filled a page with thumbnails, looking at references and adding something from my mind. Started understaing depth in the last ones, but still a lot work to do. 5 to 10 minutes each.

[Image: hRPMAVl.jpg]

[Image: hO8j1DW.jpg]
Here are some of the studies I've made. I'm attending to a class about product sketch techniques, and I tried to apply it in something organic (the eye), kinda liked the result. And I'm feeling improvements in my other drawings just by attending to this class, my strokes loosened up compared to before.

Now I need to get back to figure and other fundamentals studies, I'll try also to post more often here.

[Image: xcVQxaz.jpg]

[Image: CvfmJju.jpg]
Just made this helmet because it's for college hahaha. I really miss painting, hope to get back on studies pretty soon.

[Image: OOwe2FQ.jpg]
Must learn how to control edges better, must learn a lot of things!

[Image: Vr2A1Y4.jpg]

[Image: 6deLs8h.jpg]

Did those more for fun than training, I have to return my studies, but, felt good making those!
I did some still life studies, after a really long time without doing, I'm feeling rusted :/ And really struggle making ellipses and round objects in the correct perspective, gotta train more, I'll choose some objects that challenges me.

[Image: EfXafbM.jpg]

[Image: IuH1ToX.jpg]

[Image: q0J0BLf.jpg]
Plenty of neat digital and traditional sketches, good job.

Ahh man, love that frog and the product design stuff.
About the still lifes, since you are a product designer (I'm guessing?) you probably already know about it or do it but, have you tried scott robertson's method (of course he didn't invent it but y'know) of putting things in boxes, and then drawing the circles/elipses in each side of the boxes to get the perspective right?

(07-04-2015, 11:20 AM)crackedskull Wrote: Plenty of neat digital and traditional sketches, good job.

Thank you!

(07-04-2015, 04:14 PM)Gliger Wrote: Ahh man, love that frog and the product design stuff.
About the still lifes, since you are a product designer (I'm guessing?) you probably already know about it or do it but, have you tried scott robertson's method (of course he didn't invent it but y'know) of putting things in boxes, and then drawing the circles/elipses in each side of the boxes to get the perspective right?

Thanks! :)

I'm not really a product designer yet, still studying and I'm attending to college on Industrial Design. I actually used this method, but I can't figure out the correct position of the vanishing point. The weight on the bottom of the wheel looks off, the back of it looks lifted to me. Need to be more careful finding the correct position of the horizon and vanishing points.
Did another study, and I just hate it, struggling a lot with elipses, but I'm studying a lot, hope to get better on it.

I don't know but I feel that my drawing that have organic objects are much better than those with cans, pens and other products.

[Image: h09o2v4.jpg]
How do you find the industrial design as a major? I think Craig Mullins came from ID too. Are you going for sort of a well-rounded approach and do a bit of everything? Seems like you are going for all of it in your studies which is cool to see. I don't know what I could say critwise, maybe just to keep pumping out the anatomy sketches from imagination? Daily pose gestures also never hurt. Keep it up man!

(07-05-2015, 01:24 PM)pnate Wrote: How do you find the industrial design as a major?  I think Craig Mullins came from ID too.  Are you going for sort of a well-rounded approach and do a bit of everything?  Seems like you are going for all of it in your studies which is cool to see.  I don't know what I could say critwise, maybe just to keep pumping out the anatomy sketches from imagination?  Daily pose gestures also never hurt.  Keep it up man!

I can't say much about Industrial Design, I'm going to my 4th semester at college, for now I just had one drawing class with very, very basic stuff, and after that I had technical drawing classes. We also started using Rhinoceros for 3d modeling, It's cool, very effective for product modeling, but I'm planning to start learning 3dsmax or maya and zbrush. What I know about product sketching is what I learned from a fast course and by watching videos on youtube. For now the college is pretty focused on production, learning the materials, making projects and creating them in the workshop with all those crazy machines that can chop your head off in an instant. I don't really like this, but I understand it's major importance to a industrial designer, after all I need to draw something that can be produced in the real life.

I feel very inspired by Craig Mullins, Scott Robertson and Benjamin Last, all of them are Product Designers and also work on the entertainment industry, and I'm really splitted between Product and Concept Art, so yeah, I'm trying both, let's see if I can keep it up and decide what to focus. But in the end, just like Scott, Craig and Benjamin, I believe that ID has a lot to add to the Concept Art and Design world, it's all about solving problems, but one is for the real world :P 

Sorry about the wall of text, I'll try to keep up the anatomy studies and do more still life, and do more of everything, I still procrastinate a little :(
This is a great sketchbook! I love the studies you have done... Uhmm maybe one tip here, not saying that you do this ofcourse, but try to think about all the stuff you are studying, you see lots of people just draw what they see, like 'copying', without actually thinking about how one thing connects to another etc. :) That said, you will improve even faster if you combine your studies with personal work. When you do all that, you will improve with fundamentals in no time!! Keep up the good work!
(07-06-2015, 03:44 AM)AngeliquevdMee Wrote: This is a great sketchbook! I love the studies you have done... Uhmm maybe one tip here, not saying that you do this ofcourse, but try to think about all the stuff you are studying, you see lots of people just draw what they see, like 'copying', without actually thinking about how one thing connects to another etc. :) That said, you will improve even faster if you combine your studies with personal work. When you do all that, you will improve with fundamentals in no time!! Keep up the good work!

Thanks! I'm trying hard to understand what I'm drawing, I think I take more time to construct the drawing then render it, it's pretty hard sometimes, specially now that I'm chosing objects that challenges me (round objects in perspective pretty much, match the perspective of those ellipses free handing is hard hahaha). But thanks for the tip, I'll try to apply my studies to a personal work to see if I'm making progress.


I did another life study today, I think I'm getting better at making those ellipses. What was I thinking when I chose this Coffee Strainer to draw? It was so damn hard to match the perspective and angle of all ellipses.

[Image: PiGdk8u.jpg]

Sorry for all those bad quality photos, my phone camera sucks hard
Last one for today

[Image: rejzP83.jpg]

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