Tristan's Sketchbook
Heya Tristan, thanks for coming to my sketchboo, the crit was aaammmmmazing! <3
Great sketchbook, love the dark lady that you have as your profile pic.
Really like your anatomy sketches, too, but why are there so few? I'd love to see more!
Sorry to hear about the place, hope you find a new one fast. :)

meeko - Hey, thanks. About the color picker, if you use a higher opacity, you tend to avoid loosing saturation when painting. Also, color can be easily edited later on, what's important are the values.
Anyway, thanks for the reminders :)

lzybonez - I am fairly familiar with all the fancy stuff you can do with photoshop, however as a wise man once said "its best to not use any of the little gimmicks to cheat your painting around" ;) Anyway, maybe I should implement some once in a while ^^ 

Nowi - Thanks, man! Anatomy is time consuming so I can't spam it all over the place. I also take a bunch of notes that I don't really post. 
I might be on to finding a new place. Fingers crossed! 

Started this painting today

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Still working on it...

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Nice sketchbook! Your anatomy studies looks great, reminds me that i should do some more anatomy studies.. Keep going! :)

echo - Thanks! Check out the Crimson Cadavers group if you need help with anatomy :)

I started this still life but the lighting changed so I had to abandon it. I also did a very quick anatomy thing this morning.

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Great, holding the fingers crossed for you! ;)

Nice trees.... I would suggest moving the knighty knight a bit to the right, so that he stands in the shadow of the front tree. that way you can your him better on the darker background :)

Will definitely check it out, Thanks man! :)

Nowio - Thanks! Right now the knight is just a placeholder to give me some scale. I'll probably re-paint him later in a better position :)

echo - No problem ^^ 

I spent most of the day doing client work but I did start working on this for a personal project. 

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
I'm really busy right now but I still managed to do something this morning before starting to work. 

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Some of these sketches are seriously ass kicking dude. I can only imagine how good you will be when you finish your studies at the atelier you are going to.

Wow, love your anatomy- and character studies! My fav is the environment concept :)

Nice knight ;) But I wouldn't let the sword go outside the image :P

Btw any new info on the place, did you get it? :)

cesartalves - Thanks. Hopefully I'll become an art wizard while there. The plan is to sink my teeth as deep into the atelier as I can and maybe I'll get good as a result :)

Cat - Thank you! Environments have for a long time been the bane of my existence. Maybe I'll get good at them some day ^^ 

Nowio - Thanks. You're right. It looks dumb when it goes of the page like that. 
Yeah, I went there today and got it. It's a little small but I think it will work out just fine. I have a bed, small kitchen, bar, bathroom and I'll find a way to fit in my full work setup. It's like a 15 minute walk from the atelier and it's basically the most ideal place for a student. I couldn't ask for a better place so I got really lucky. 

I'm renting this place from a sea captain, not joking. I'm moving September 1st, school starts on the 28th.

Was away all day to check out and secure my future living arrangements. I just got back and did a few quick drawings. 

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Some portrait drawings I did after doing a bunch of commission work. 

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Great sketchbook! I'm really digging your anatomy studies, and your paintings are beautiful too. I've nothing to crit, you're totally on the right track already.
Keep up the great work!

(I also hope I can check out the anatomy group you set up here! It might be a thing for me)


Wow, wonderful sketchbook!
Cyprinus - Thanks! Be sure to check it out! 

sauloart - Thanks, I appreciate it. 

Some skull studies before bed

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Hey man I'm glad you find a place.

What about this knight with a magic sword? ;)

Hey! thanks man. I'm really happy about the place. It's a small place but considering how few my needs are and the fact that I can quickly walk to school every day, it's probably the thing closest to perfect I'd find. 

I'll maybe do more work on the knight. It was mostly done just for fun. 

A few of us where talking about starting up a new run of the Golden Boy. I figured that I'd do it as one last ride before I can't say I am a self taught artist anymore. I hope some of you decide to up your game for a month and eliminate one of your weak spots. If not, then it will just be me and a few others that do it. That would be sad but I'll be studying and getting better so it's not like I care all that much ;)

The subject I've choses is Form and Edges. I wan my work to feel like it takes up real volume in space. I've realised that I can brute force most subjects that I used to find difficult (landscapes, portraits and so on) by being very systematic in my process. This means that I've sort of gotten over that hump where subject matter isn't the issue but rather the common elements in all drawing and painting is where my attention is needed. 

I did a Master Copy of a Nikolai Nikanorovich Dubovskoy painting. Man, I really love his work so so much. 

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Hey, amazing news on the place, really happy for man! ;)

Haha jsut to mention it, yesterdays we got the keays to our new place where I'll move in in the next couple weeks, better roommates, better internet, better landlord and better neighbours.... <3

I still have to check out your anatomy thread but I'll come to that ;)

Goldenboy!!! :D


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