Rotten's Pocket
look forward to seeing what you're up to! ^^


Unfortunately haven't been. I ended up being dragged into work to cover someone who left on holiday and as usual a trail of fucked-uppery and potential loss of contract meant I've been going in early and staying late and burning myself out. But, I will try.


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Discord: emnida
Aaaand now I'm doing stuff!

I'll be completing these hopefully by tomorrow evening, for a paid commission. Trying to time myself too to work out how much I ought to be charging as well as trying to not fuck around so much so that I spend less time on them. 
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Discord: emnida
So... damn... sleepy... 

I've got to stop posting rants about work but the past few weeks have been so rant-worthy... So, doing a dump-and-run before I start - commissioned drawing 'Spirit' no specific brief.
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Discord: emnida
Thanks Sketch, 

I've been receiving a lot of encouraging comments and I really appreciate the input I'm being given. It really helps and I will keep pushing :D

Some things as of late:
 Click Here For Image 


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Discord: emnida
Hey RP - you have a deep and mysterious imagination and I love your art style which I can't tell if it's digital or traditional? Either way keep up the awesomeness!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Wow, your style is freaking awesome! I love how storybook-illustrative it is. It's just got such a nice flow to it. Keep on being awesome! :D

DeviantArt YouTube | My Books and Comics


It's a bastard combination of the two! Thanks ^^


I will try! Thankyou for your kind words.

Only real sketch of the week that wasn't scrapped:  Click Here For Image 


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Discord: emnida
Nice too see all the new stuff :D

Loved ur crucible entry too, you can really convey 2 characters in a relationship well!

@Cracked He Lives! Good to hear from you man. Thanks a bunch. I'm more focused lately so even if there isn't much new stuff I'm definitely planning stuff. 

Hokay, so I went and splurged this past week. Bought a lightbox, seeing as it used to be something I'd do to have a more polished result but since my mock-up one made for me had broken, everything I've drawn has just been random, scrawling about the page trying to figure out what to make of it. I'm shit at thumbnails, see, probably because I can't see everything and it's not always clear to me when all I see are shapes. I'm also terrible with references, mainly because I'm picky. Everything available is so dramatic or overemphasized. People have made comments on my odd poses but those are normally conscious decisions. I wouldn't do the stereotypical hand-on-hip gesture, but I would curl or tense fingers like I do when in motion. Digital art I've come to accept is disposable, and that's not a bad thing. It lets me do things to it that I'm too precious about in traditional medium. 

And so, the plan is to start more planned pieces, actively using references as an indirect resource to make mock-up pieces I can then use as a base to trace from, keeping artwork well constructed, clean, and best of all faster without compromising my artwork's integrity.

Base of an idea that would have been my Tale Of Two Contrasts Entry, were I to have actually done it in time. 
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Discord: emnida
Haven't been too well this week so struggling to get things down on paper or on a screen. We're halfway into Summer here in Australia, it's been hot as balls, but I have the flu and right this very moment it's mid-afternoon and there's a hailstorm outside... STRAYA!

Will need to develop -  Click Here For Image 


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Discord: emnida
I like your forms. Also i think that it would be much more awesome if you add some constructive elements to your drawings to define your shapes and forms even more. Hope you'll get better soon. Cheers!

somewhat of a warmup
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Discord: emnida
I know I say this to everyone but moar gestures these beautiful sketches just feel a little stiff and I find it a shame with your strong grasp on anatomy and rendering

I will endeavor to do so 

CHOW, chainsaw (anti-)hero entry. Look at that smile, ain't it gay?
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Discord: emnida
0 points to all daggers, for not noticing the giant phallic symbol I slipped into the CHOW... Shame.
Aaand my next bout of self-flagellation. Feathers and scales... So many....

Having issues placing the backward leg. It won't be as detailed so shape is important but at this point I keep erasing it. Halp.
 Click Here For Image 


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Discord: emnida
Nice stuff here. The textury stuff with pencil looks pretty good. But I was wondering are you backing it up with some studies and not posting them here? or doing just imagination stuff?

Everything is just as is, I was never in the habit of doing studies, although I should be. I just draw things.


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Discord: emnida
Ooh, I absolutely love your stuff! Nice and creepy!
If I may, I would suggest some line thickness in your line drawings for the shadow->light parts

Hey RP, that bird lady is looking good.  Since you asked for help with the back leg, I thought I'd give it a shot, please take it or leave it.  My thinking here is that her hips are tilted so her back knee would be lower than her front knee - then we need to take the perspective into account - so to the viewer, her knees would nearly line up on the same line of sight.  Anyway, hope this helps:

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook


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