Thoughts on the bloodsport
hey guys specially @ dan and dave . i found out only recently about the bloodsports, and i think it would be a shame to "kill" it. it has as you said created a HUGE amount of attention, this serves EVERYONE involved. so instead of fighting and arguiung what we should draw, you guys should find a solution and go on. in every journey there is a stepback a point thats not to easy, if you would have quittet at that point no one would have become a concept artist in the first place. i think it is great that people who made it give back to the community.

Hey guys,

Here's my 2 cents on the matter:
I'm doing both full-time and freelance work and the little time left outside of those i dedicate to study. And here's the thing, i consider the bloodsports to be a learning experience, regardless of the darn theme. Most people complaining about the format, themes, balancing [really?], requirements and so forth are simply looking for the needle in the hay stack.

"I would like the bloodsports to be more about icecream and chocolate noodles"
As specified before and with the launch of the challenges - these are aimed towards people who:
1. want to do them
2. need portfolio work
3. need exposure / practice
If you're not included in the aforementioned categories, by all means step aside and simply choose to not do them. Bringing QQ and drama never helped anyone.

Personally, i feel bad for missing out on all of the themes so far, i trust Dave and Dan's judgement in choosing the themes and providing feedback to the work so i do regret not being able to finish any. I've come close to completion on some as most of you know but things are what they are. I too had to choose day to day issues over the challenges yet i'm not here bashing on the boards about it.

We're all here to do the same thing - learn. Please just focus on doing that and let's stop the nonsense, eh?

i let fear get in my way. i probably have more time to paint than any of the daggers and the area i seem to need the most work on is sticking with stuff and bring everything to a good finish. i did one of the challenges, one, and i quit. i am going to push myself to do the coming challenges to the best of my ability, no matter what they are about or how hard they are going to be.

Kinda the same for me. Weird enough to, my last entry was complete shit, it always is. Dunno why my stuff always sucks balls whenever I join competitions. It's weird cause I don't feel the same when I do work stuff.. It's like I start rushing stuff.

I joined this forum because of the Bloodsport challenge, I saw the judging videos on Youtube and I liked the way Dan and Dave gave unbiased advice and critique as if they were the AD's, invaluable for people wanting to push themselves. I've not seen anything like this (away from and I hope they start up again, I want to join in.
(04-04-2012, 09:17 PM)Gingerninja Wrote: I joined this forum because of the Bloodsport challenge, I saw the judging videos on Youtube and I liked the way Dan and Dave gave unbiased advice and critique as if they were the AD's, invaluable for people wanting to push themselves. I've not seen anything like this (away from and I hope they start up again, I want to join in.

Hey! Bloodsports is back on again. It ends this Friday. :)
I found out about the bloodsports directly after joining, and I gotta say it looks mighty educational and entertaining. What you people create in there is inspiring! I want to push myself and get into one of these, I just missed the current one - so I gotta keep my eyes up!

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