Yarrnick - thanks for that dude. I was just kinda going by eye on that one, but I'll be revisiting your comment for sure when I do another arm study. It's that kind of in depth knowledge that I lack, something to aim towards, for sure. Cheers :).
OtherMuzz - Yeah, it's good fun, still playing around with it, no idea what I'm doing lol. Umm, to be honest, I have no idea. I've been opening a polysphere tool, and just going from there lol. Is that bad? Good shout on the subdivisions though, feel like that helps a lot :)
Lex_Paul - Cheers, yeah that was really fun, gonna have to do another one soon :). Glad you liked it.
MrFrenik - Yeah I feel like it's helping, good fun as well :). I know the golden rule of critique is to not argue, but I really didn't want to go crazy on the lighting on this one. I've done a few pieces back to back where the lighting was all dramatic, and I felt like toning it down a bit with this one. Hopefully the changes I made have helped a little though, who knows. Dramatic lighting again in the next piece :).
Warburton - Ah, thank you man. Glad you think so :). Yeah, I have a habit of getting way too dark with my illustrations. Hopefully I've managed to pull it out a little with the change I made, and I think moving the values around a bit helps to make the face a more obvious focal point. Who knows lol. Either way, focal points are gonna be a focus for the next one :). Cheers for the feedback as always dude :).
New stuff
Face study, Used a load of Christian Bale ref, looks nothing like him though. Still, learned some stuff.
Tweaked some stuff so I could use it as ref for my illustration. Didn't really use it in the end, but yeah.
And the illustration. Minus any little tweaks, I'm gonna call this done now I think, thanks for all the feedback, as always :). I repainted some stuff, fiddled with the in certain areas (the cup hand/pillar for example) and brightened up the piece in general. A few people suggested changing the lighting to something a bit more interesting, but I've done a couple of pieces in a row with really strong lighting, and wanted to try something a bit subtler with this one. Don't worry, rim light will be back on the next one ;).