The Velvet Revolvers
Hey !! Welcome back Trigger! Some shit went down in my life, long story. But it's on AGAIN!

I wont upload as much as i used to, given that i have a full time job now, non art related, but I will post daily.

Those studies are looking nice man! You've been busy! have you tried shading the planes with straight edges instead of soft ones? That could give you a better insight of where the planes at more specifically, but so far i can definitely tell there is good separation of the planes mostly. Maybe try studying from photos with a bit more contrast to them, these seem almost too flat

Also funny you mentioned the materials for the spidey suit. I was just doing that earlier to day. I don't know if i want to go as far as painting the like... honey comb pattern in it, but, i do want to nail the values and the material of the actual suit in a realistic way.

Here is a bit of a start on that regard, study of the suit material kinda, and study of the material of the eyes part.

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Hey guys, today was lame, job was intense, i only had a bit of time today to draw, i did a study of a spidey arm, and something from imagination, which, looks so shit, haha i need a few more studies...

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Alright, today's shit.

Some heads, spidey poses, and a bunch of renderings from imagination.

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Today i started working on Dave's orc tutorial, im gonna get thru it, then keep posting common shit.

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Yo Sorry it's been so long since I last posted, I had photoshop die on me for two days and then I just haven't exactly been able to find the effort to paint, life issues and all that, still struggling with it but I managed to get this finished.

Jeso:Yeah about the heads you're not supposed to use refs for the 14 day challenge, basically you finish one, get it critiqued maybe look at some heads for comparison then do another one applying what you learned, basically trying to get a standardized well painted head in your mind I think, though I did use one of those plane heads for this one since I've been having so much difficulty with them.

Anyway nice studies dude, once again I find it hard to critique this stuff since you're lightyears ahead of me xD, but I think the cheekbone on that second imagination head(the top female one) might be a little too far out?.

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Yeah man I know what you mean, Life gets in the way. Boy do I know that... just last week they sent me to a business trip, couldnt do much. Having a full time job that aint art related sucks.
Dont give up do, carry on, and try to get any drawing in as often as you can. Keeping a sketchbook near by at all times helps. Thanks for posting! 
I did not know much about the 14 day challenge. But i see it focuses a lot on applying the knowledge and stuff. That's some good shit. Yeah, when you are through with it, U definitely gonna improve them heads a lot.

Here some stuff.

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Today's shit dump. Productive i think.

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Nice work dude.

The 6th one down the muscular guy, I think you might've pushed his muscles and arm out too much on the left side even for a muscular person..Also that last one...that's a portfolio piece right there XD.(Don't know if it was intentional but I like how the highlights kinda make little eyes lol).


So Photoshop broke....Again, causing a million CEPHTML processes at once and making it unusable...goddammit adobe.

So anyway back to traditional until I can fix it.

Working on ribcages.

I'm having a really hard time building the figure so i'm gonna study this, pelvises then do a ton of figures ignoring the arms/legs and just drawing the head/ribcage/pelvis.

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@jeso you seem to make all your torso's especially the taper down to the waist area really thin.

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Hey guys! thanks for the comment Amit, ill keep an eye out for that.

Hey trigger, remember to do some torsos or rib-cages from imagination too. Recently I have been doing nothing but hands, and i do them from ref, then imagination, and I have notice some real palpable improvement in just a few days. Gotta do them from imagination.

Sorry I m not posting anyting right now, all this shit is on my sketchbook, and impretty busy at work. More images to be posted soon!

Keep working hard trigger! Let me see some imagination stuff!

Finally turned on my companion again so i retrieved some of it.

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Mmm, So i guess there i forgot how to paint faces...

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Stuff from today.

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Nice work dude, I think you might need more highlights on the face though, plus the nose looks quite flat.
I also think the hair looks a bit like a wig in the right picture, though i'm not sure what the issue is, maybe the hairline is a bit to high?.

Anyway working on another 14 day challenge head, though given my problems with Photoshop currently i'm not sure I'll be able to finish it anytime soon.

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Hey Trigger, Thanks for the feedback man, yeah these heads sucks balls. Now I see that my skills did wear down in some areas after the break I took. Gotta study more...

On your stuff, this head plane challenges are looking fine. Is it wise to keep doing the same challenge over and over? I think you should at least do some studies from photos on heads and stuff. Do some portraits from imagination or something haha. Some more challenging mentally.

Oh I have been doing other stuff, did some studies on facial features a while back and i'm trying to finish of an imagination portrait now and keep in mind you're supposed to get these critiqued each time you do one and I have improved at them a lot.
This being my 4th one

Technically you are supposed to only do these each day for 14 days though, I've just kept having problems with Photoshop lol, i'm on my 11th one now so almost done with them.

Hey Trigger, Yea i get it man, wish i could see everything you do posted in here though!  :)

How is life by the way? Like whats up with you, whats your deal, how is the near future looking like for you?

Here is some stuff from the past couple days.

I feel some improvement has been made on these faces.

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About the faces you painted, i think you're making the eyes a bit to big on them currently, there's also some proportion issues such as the nostrils not being parallel with the sides of the eyes, I also think you might want to try blending the skin tones more.

Life's sort a mix bag currently, having to move out on the 22nd of December so I might be off the group for a while while we sort out the internet but aside from that things are mostly looking good currently trying to look for a part time job and I've had some good interviews lately, if I can get that sorted then I can just focus on art a lot more without many distractions.
Hows life been for you currently dude?.

Anyway finished up the next head, had some trouble with this since i'm getting used to using Krita, but I think it came out fairly well.

Also did this fan art of Valkyria chronicles, didn't finish it up to the extent that I wanted to but I kinda lost interest after having the issues with Photoshop.

@Jeso; I think the nostrils can be a bit wider. They usually align with the eyeducts. And in your eye-studies, the eyeball looks nice and round. I miss this a bit in the portraits.I like the clear plane changes in the portraits :)

(11-30-2016, 10:46 AM)Triggerpigking Wrote: About the faces you painted, i think you're making the eyes a bit to big on them currently, there's also some proportion issues such as the nostrils not being parallel with the sides of the eyes, I also think you might want to try blending the skin tones more.

Life's sort a mix bag currently, having to move out on the 22nd of December so I might be off the group for a while while we sort out the internet but aside from that things are mostly looking good currently trying to look for a part time job and I've had some good interviews lately, if I can get that sorted then I can just focus on art a lot more without many distractions.
Hows life been for you currently dude?.

Anyway finished up the next head, had some trouble with this since i'm getting used to using Krita, but I think it came out fairly well.

Also did this fan art of Valkyria chronicles, didn't finish it up to the extent that I wanted to but I kinda lost interest after having the issues with Photoshop.

Hey Trigeer!
I just wanted to mention something about nostrils and eyes, those rules are not set in stone, i know it sounds like a cope out hahaha, but its legit, You can draw every single face ever, based on the proportions you see on the loomis books. People have different faces, and imperfections are what make somebody memorable, other wise all your face will look like mannequins of the same mold.  With that said! Nice faces u got there! Them planes are super readable. Cool!!

Sorry to hear you are moving out, moving outs are insanely stressful experiences, i have found.. hahaha. Hope you can get your art output up and running soon! And good luck with the part time jobs.

In my case, life is alright I guess. Japan is fun, this month ill go to toyko for the first time with my Gf. Gonna be fun, but im starting to hate my english teaching job, not being able to do art for a living... its so.. stressing, cause when u got a full time job, but want to do art, you cant help but feel like you are massively wasting your time.


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