Don't know if I agree with the whole 'less detail is better' thing,
but I think I know what you mean .
And yeah loomis is great I will do some more studies from him, and perspective in general is always good to study although I think I will focus more on anatomy for the rest of this year.

Thanks for your advice!

Noice stuff mate,

Loomis is always worth a  revisit, but generally i would agree on the whole less is more thing, even tho he is coming from another point.

but i can say that i like your process of learning when applied correctly, because if you don't feel like doing something you're able to switch subject and never loose motivation. The Problem that brings with it aside ^.^

 keep pushing, because remember that battle, going on.

You seem to understand form to a certain acceptable degre like you said i think it important you get a deeper understanding of anatomy not just surface anatomy.Muscle are really what give most of the surface volume so it good thing to study because they also change depending if the form strech or bend.I would recommend you to do study before drawing i know you probably just want to jump straight to rendering but that doesn't help because many aspect are gonna be thrown away this way.

Here a is a deconstruction of a general approch.
Composition,Gesture,3d construction,craving the 3d form,putting in some shadow indication,adding detail and texture,indicating highlight.

It a great challenge for illustrator to have the patience to be willing to spend the time to do each step correctly as there the one that generally need to know the most about the fundamental.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Long time no see!

thanks a lot for the feedback,I have to get back into studying anatomy I was doing a lot in december but I think I didn't approach it correctly, I've come to the realisation that it's more about understanding and thinking, a LOT, about anatomy rather than doing thousands of drawings and studies :)

@darktiste I've always struggled with a process that is too organized but maybe I'll try :D

here is some stuff :) will post more soon

[Image: U1N7e6L.png]
[Image: kPsqBrS.jpg]

I been through you sketchbook looking for some simple still life drawing or constructive anatomy and i couldn't find anything.I would advice you to get more familiar with those type of study because the will greatly improve how greatly you can create the illusion of 3d space.
I recommend you to watch 4 video of website ctrl paint in the video section:

2) Traditional Drawing
Watch the following
Constructive Form pt. 1
Constructive Form pt. 1 and 1/2
Constructive Form pt. 2
Simple Still Life

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Haha you sexy beast :D you rock man post more i need my fix

Really cool sketchbook dude, loads of hard work! Can I ask how old are you??

@darktiste you re right lol, i dont do a lot of stilllife studies

@NoodleInBox <3 I'll try to post more often haha

@MannionJJ2020 thanks a lot , 18.

Here are some old anatomystudies I forgot to post, I did a ton of these in december (1500 digital and 1500 traditional)

[Image: HPjukXi.jpg]
[Image: Zwq2Lz6.jpg]
[Image: Y0EQ7of.jpg]
[Image: DKL3NEh.jpg]
[Image: dWYfaya.jpg]

and a selfie wip ^^
[Image: A5R8kbY.jpg]

also finished this one

[Image: MAbmJar.jpg]

work in progress :)

[Image: W9vaC7b.jpg]

Nice work on the volume, maybe incorperate some gesture into your studies to get the figures you end up making less stiff ;) Simplify as much as you can!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
yes! I will work on that :)

[Image: kPkAMQo.jpg]
[Image: gcw4YVk.jpg]
[Image: JmK0b6J.jpg]
[Image: LBBBk75.jpg]

you're developing a good eye for color harmony my man, always be thinking on how you can push the edges because at this point, that's gonna make all the difference. Get a high res master work and zoom in and really see how its done, down to every brush mark ;)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
thanks man, I will keep it in mind!

some sketches from imagination focusing on gesture :)

[Image: qlWtxOX.jpg]

[Image: BfeU2gL.jpg]
[Image: 2SPVePH.jpg]

new technique I'm trying out:

[Image: u9xkifo.jpg]

something I painted after looking at pictures of smoke:

[Image: fvWKoCc.jpg]
[Image: I1LCvtS.jpg]
[Image: QGMVv7F.jpg]

What was the point of that armor study?
Were you trying to learn how it's constructed?
How the light bounces off of it?
It's design? Finding the general shapes of the armor?

The study looks very chicken-scratchy, and since you didn't add a description- purposeless

What is your goal with these studies- What Specifically are you trying to learn?
If you're simply mindlessly or/and haphazardly copying a photo- what's the real point?

the goal is mainly design :) I want to implement a more realistic armor design into my current illustration (last post).
I know what you mean though, mindlessly copying a photo is not the best idea, sometimes good for testing brushes ^^.

Nice tests of mist/fog/atmospheric perspective. I like how the figures stand out against it.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


thanks a lot!

finished the illustration
and did a sketch with opacity turned off

[Image: 8uyrrMi.jpg]
[Image: HVnUbSb.jpg]

hey bro im digging the green recent piece; little narrative crit there, why is the guy hunched over in a boxing pose lol? the other pose is great and fits perfectly, but just imagine that in real life. One guy in that pose and special jimmy bout to punch someone who isn't there haha.

You might already know this but, there is the big medium small phenomena in design, which you are doing in some elements, but on the rock they stand on, it is medium the whole way through, try and vary up the silhouette, it really adds a lot to it!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
lol yeah, I was going for a fearful and hunched over pose.


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