Laco Sketchbook
Hi, lets start a sketchbook! 

So i start drawing seriously about a month ago and bought my tablet about 2 weeks ago. Here some sketching from the past month and my first painting from a gumroad tutorial. I have mainly focused on the construction of the head for now. Next i want to learn the figure and anatomy. Hope you can point out my flaws and help me grow! 

Thank You!
Good start. If you want to learn anatomy, Loomis' books are probably the best. Keep up the good work!

The struggle is hard! I really dont know what i'm doing.. Just ordered bridgman and loomis book! I cant wait to study them! Might study some perspective stuff this weekend to try different things. 

Some studies from david finch and some trying from my head. I really need to slow down and make better lines ! 

Some eyes studies and some copy from photo and from artist i like. 

Hey, It's been almost a month since i haven't updated my sketchbook. I did not stop learning and drawing but i realize one thing is that i'm a slow learner and easily distracted. So here what i've been up to. 

I Dont know why but the last image is much darker than on my desktop and inside photoshop ?
Hey, not too bad a start on this for having started seriously not too long ago!

Not a whole lot to say this early on in development, great you ordered Bridgeman and Loomis's books It's kind of my cut and paste advice but -

Study Loomis and Bridgeman (Focus bridgeman's construction imo) the stuff you learn from these books is gonna create a foundation in structural drawing and understanding things in 3d. make sure you try to understand things as you move through, don't just copy.

I'd focus on traditional drawing for now, I started digitally and tbh I think it made the beginning a lot harder then it had to be.

Four years down this art thing and I can still go back to these books and have a new found understanding of what they teach.

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Thank You Jonesoda, 

i'm happy to see that some people still participating on this forum. I just have one friend who do art and we criticize each other but it's cool to have other feedback.   

It is really easier for me to draw traditionally but i want to get comfortable with the wacom that's why i practice with it. I realize tough that i was trying to go too fast. I started gathering and watching a lot of tutorial to the point i was spending more time watching than practicing. Also i wanted to paint pretty pictures  without going through the ''boring'' stuff. As a result i paint the crack on the wall thing and it's crappy. 

So back to the basic, i need to FOCUS. It's easy to get lost on all the thing you need to learn: Anatomy, figure drawing, perspective, light and shadow, color, etc. In fact, how to draw by Scott Robertson , framed ink, and 2 Bridgman books are sleeping on my shelf cause my mind is confused by where to start. 

So i started learning human machine by Bridgman not long ago. I wish the print quality was better.. The drawings on this book look really odd.

Finally, sorry if my sentences are hard to understand i'm also learning english haha. 

Here's two comic page i did for a learning project with my friend. We do kind of a exquisite-corpse thing in wich i do a page of comic and he have to continue. The goal is to see our progression page by page. ( Note that we didn't mind if the style or character changed in each page ) 

First page done by me. 

Second page done by my friend. 

Third page done by me. ( i got lazy and didn't do the shadow. ) 
Pour ceux qui parlent français j'ai fait des fautes horrible je sais haha.


Here is some studies i did of movies.

Heres is some thumbnails from my head. 

And lastly, a project to do 100 faces studies. 

Thank You!
Good start indeed! I really like your comic pages, they have interesting perspective and concept, and working on your anatomy will help you get even better at them! A great idea to do 100 heads studies, just don't rush through them. Its the journey that matters, not the finish line ;) Think quality over quantity and always try to make the most out of your studies. Also look at some master paintings of portraits and see what values they use in portraits, you tent to use only middle tones, with little contrast.
As for books, i myself like Michael Hampton - Design and invention to be more precise and Gottfried Bammes - Der Nackte Mensch. I tried vlippu, bammes, loomis, bridgman but i found those two click better for me. So have a go with other styles too, and see what's best for you.

Didnt have much time to practice recently. 

I put anatomy aside for a little and start working on my perspective. This week i got inspired by the thread of onesketchman and did a lot of straight line, elipse, cube and sausage form with textures. 

I wont show you my straight line and all but heres some sketches i did that im not particulay proud of.

Welcome! You should also check out scott robertson and Peter Han-s dynamic sketching videos on youtube, its a good start on fundamentals. And couple that with anatomy studies, get books from Loomis/Vilppu/Hampton/Hogarth/Bammes and draw a ton. Also remember to do stuff from head and have fun.

It is really easier for me to draw traditionally but i want to get comfortable with the wacom that's why i practice with it. I realize tough that i was trying to go too fast. I started gathering and watching a lot of tutorial to the point i was spending more time watching than practicing. Also i wanted to paint pretty pictures  without going through the ''boring'' stuff. As a result i paint the crack on the wall thing and it's crappy. 

So back to the basic, i need to FOCUS. It's easy to get lost on all the thing you need to learn: Anatomy, figure drawing, perspective, light and shadow, color, etc. In fact, how to draw by Scott Robertson , framed ink, and 2 Bridgman books are sleeping on my shelf cause my mind is confused by where to start.

I'm in exactly the same position  Shock's so hard for me to focus on one thing at a time ;___; but that's what I really need to do.

But great stuff! Keep it up! :D

I bought some foundation video i love how they teach! I think i'm gonna stick up with them. So here what i did today. I'm trying to get my freehand perspective right.. right now i'm very messy i need to tighten it up! 

It seems you're on the right track. The only thing I might say is have a strong focus on one thing for a while. But that's just my opinion, not an objective one.
Keep up the good work, mate!!

Your right Blunt Pencil! 

I decided to focus on perspective and man made object for a while. 

I did not put big attention to design in theses. I know the mech cant really move and i dont have a strong visual library yet so i was just trying to put shape togheter in perspective. I need to practice elipses i cant draw them! 

i've been mainly doing basic exercises like lines, circles , compound shapes etc. Nothing very exciting. 

We're on the same boat of wanting to draw and be good at everything at the same time. I think that's the curse of being a comic book artist: you have to draw everything the writer demands you to. I'm not here to preach that it's bad to jump around from topic to topic. I do it myself, and it makes me look like a hypocrite to tell you to stop. But I must admit that I do lack the focus to stick to one thing.

Just want to tell you that, although most of your sketches aren't particularly nice (in fairness, these *are* sketches), there are pieces that are lovely. I think your head studies are amazing. And I love your silhouette vehicle concept designs. There are bursts of brilliance amidst your struggle. I just hope that you stay resilient enough to turn these little bursts into being consistently great. I look forward to seeing you progress!

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead
Thanks for stopping by John, You're right i cant focus! 

And i know that most of my sketch aren't nice and it's getting me frustrated !! 

I can't do clean sketch. My lines are all over the place and they are hairy as fuck. I think it's because it's hard for me to commit when i sketch, also i'm a little affraid every time i put the pen on the paper. 

Heres somes sketches.

Little update on my learning! 

Hey, that last perspective design looks pretty neat.


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