Neopatogen WIPS
I'm going to redesign Arya in Japanese style, most likely a ninja.
Sansa would look awesome in kimono with a Japanese umbrella in a garden, so I'm tempted to try that, too.
I obviously have problems with drawing figures in motion and in perspective, so I think I'll go on with related studies.
Nothing special here for now, just some rough sketches that I managed to do today.

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Great, cool idea. Maybe try a japanese castle study for the background. Just remember the redesign still has to have the GoT vibe and be recognizabe as such. Good luck :)

Great idea! And i agree, some studies of the era you want to do would be nice: castle style, weapons, material of clothes, clothes design, accessories, etc.

The value sketch is looking very GOT-ish, reminds me of the underground tomb or the place danny kept dragons!
Arya probably my fav character besides the Imp, good choice, not sure if your thinking of using needle as thats been a big part of her character too, I would recommend gesture drawing, maybe twenty 1minute poses daily would really give your characters that flow/ motion your looking for.

Great start cant wait to see more.
Thanks everyone! Didn't expext so many comments for my humble post :)
I decided to test another idea, too - Arya in Assassin's creed style, that is 3rd option I guess. Gave up on Sansa, I definitely choose Arya.
The action takes place in medieval Syria. 
While deciding what option of those 2 to choose, I'll try to do more studies - gesture, figure drawing, perspective, Arya face study (portrait), etc. And some more sketches would be great. I already got faster with sketching, but still too slow to produce as many sketches as I wish...

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Looking forward to seeing what you come up with neopatogen! No crits for now...just have fun exploring!

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Cool idea perhaps explore the middle east region a bit more it has a lot of cool designs to draw from, looking forward to more!

Cool concepts here, I definitely think Arya would fit well into both of these environments. I prefer the idea to have her be in a different culture rather than a different universe, but that's just my cup of tea. I think either Middle Eastern or Asian cultures could be interesting. I'm excited to see where you go from here!

No way! Assassin's Creed style GoT char!?

Oh man I can't wait to see where you go with this exploration!

Keep goin', neopatogen!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Thanks everyone! Actually, I'm kind of frustrated because I don't like any of my sketches :) Explored Soviet army style for Arya, but I don't think I'd like my future portfolio to look like a bunch of soviet posters or too much like cartoon style. I think I'll return to Assassin style, because it's so eye catching and recognizable, and I want to have Nymeria in my picture, too.
I might not survive the Crucible, but at least I have to give a good fight and learn stuff. For now I'm going to concentrate on figure drawing and making a decent sketch.

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Hey, don't feel frustrated! All that time you've spent on this is added to your experience. All your failures and your success' are a lesson you need to improve and that is the main reason behing the challenge. Don't worry about portfolio just yet, focus on improving your skills.

As for choice, I think AC is the most interesting option. You can work on a comp for another day, then you should probably do some studies and start the final work. Good luck, you're doing well!

Looking good so far :) Love how you've explored a lot! And I agree, assassin Arya is perhaps more recognisable and easier to work around. Seeing as we're all soon going to be short of time, it's probably a good idea to start working on the final drawing/painting you want.
Keep it up :D
I definitely think you should push through to final. This is actually the hardest thing to do and is a skill in itself. Pushing through the ringer to finish is something we all have to learn to deal with and get through to get good work out to deadline. I know you can do it if you put your mind to it. :) I do like that you haven't just settled and explored further, but there defintely comes a time to decide and make it happen. The design and exploration phase should be about being open and developing ideas but then homing in efficiently on the good ones. It is easy to get stuck in the exploration phase and be debilitated by indecision. Something we all face! I kinda dig the landscape comp in the middle with the triangle. With a bit of tweaking, it could be pretty epic.

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Thank you for comments! Amit do you mean the one where Arya jumps over the wall with Nymeria? I think it would be better to interchange the wolf and the girl (preserving the triangle), so that the main focal point would be the girl. Will try it out!  It's time to get ready with the basic sketch :)

Yep that one. Nymeria definitely takes the focus and creates a tangent at the bottom so yeah maybe swapping would be good :)

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Nice to hear that you are frustrated! Rather than not feeling anything and stop caring about your work. But I do hope you use that emotion to churn out something positive.
(03-21-2016, 02:44 AM)neopatogen Wrote: I might not survive the Crucible

I know this may sound corny, but I'll say it anyway: "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right" - Henry Ford

Good luck! I'm excited to see your take on this! Let's push our work as far as we can before the clock stops!

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead
Made my basic sketch! On the background, there is Suleymaniye mosque (Masyaf, Syria).  
Time to add Arya's face to my mannequin (got to make some studies), add flesh and Assassin clothes.

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Arya face quick study. The face angle on my picture will be similar to this, that's the best screencap that I've found.

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Wow, very good composition and a very challenging angle! I'm so excited about the piece.


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