Vandrake's sketchbook
[Image: manatarms72.jpg]
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[Image: lum72.jpg]
Draw a thousand tiny characters in various stances. Tiny, not full page as you tend to do. Don't focus on the details, just the overall structure and proportions of the body.
Paint in grayscale to learn the importance of color value (how dark or light it is).
Paint large areas with solid colors to focus on the most striking contrasts.
Paint a thousand tiny people in two or three color values.
Post these studies so we can comment and help.

Dibuja mil minusculos personajes en varias posturas. Minusculas, no grandes como la pagina. No te preocupes con los detalles, solo con la estructura general del cuerpo y las proporciones.
Pinta en escala de grises por la importancia de la luminosidad.
Pinta areas grandes con colores solidos pora concentrarte en los contrastes mayores.
Pinta mil minusculos personajes con dos o tres colores o grises.
Publica estos estudios aqui, que podamos comentar y ayudar.

Hey! How are you?? You are doing great !! I want to give you some advices:

Look for some fundamentals, Drawing and Theory Color to get started on your studies.

those 2 websites you can find everything you need to get started:

Good lucky!!
[Image: acechando72.jpg]
[Image: littlevampire72.jpg]
[Image: chicamontandohuargo72.jpg]
[Image: demonhunter72.jpg]
[Image: maga%2Bdel%2Bbosque72.jpg]
[Image: monjeshaolin72.jpg]
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[Image: samusmother72.jpg]
[Image: samusaran72.jpg]
[Image: skeletonwarrior72.jpg]
[Image: esqueletofantasma72.jpg]
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[Image: 20200114_004129.jpg][Image: 20200114_004151.jpg]

New illustrations and sketches!
Cool :) what are these from? You creating a comic or anything?

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

(01-15-2020, 08:18 AM)Artloader Wrote: Cool :) what are these from? You creating a comic or anything?
nope, some are from metroid and the others are original characters just for practice
[Image: calaverasteampunk72.jpg]
[Image: snowgirl72.jpg]
[Image: sexysamus72censored.jpg]
[Image: leonardo72.jpg]
Great work and studies, always focus on construction as you have been. I really like that last warcraft one. I like that you're trying different poses, and not just sticking to standard character facing you with arms down (as a lot of artists do) You've got a pretty established knowledge of color just try not to get too black with the shadows. Keep it up! will follow this sketchbook when I can. A lot of others added some really good suggestions, ctrl paint is a really good resource, and I also found Noah's art camp to help me a ton with painting.
(01-14-2020, 11:03 AM)GenesisVandrake Wrote: [Image: samusmother72.jpg]

[Image: samusaran72.jpg]
[Image: skeletonwarrior72.jpg]
[Image: esqueletofantasma72.jpg]
[Image: 20200114_003937.jpg][Image: 20200114_003957.jpg][Image: 20200114_004012.jpg]
[Image: 20200114_004031.jpg][Image: 20200114_004053.jpg][Image: 20200114_004107.jpg]
[Image: 20200114_004129.jpg][Image: 20200114_004151.jpg]

New illustrations and sketches!
I think you should pay more attention to the fundamentals, your figures are stuck and without rhythm, I advise you to start with gestures and then go to structure and proportion

[Image: spiderman72.jpg]
[Image: angryelf72.jpg]
[Image: mononoke72.jpg]
[Image: orcoconcepto72.jpg][Image: alien72.jpg]
[Image: megaman72.jpg]
[Image: powerranger72.jpg]
[Image: slime72.jpg]
[Image: herovsgolem72.jpg]

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[Image: demeter72.jpg]
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[Image: batmanquerie72.jpg]
[Image: nemesis72.jpg]
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[Image: mario72.jpg]
[Image: hades72.jpg]
Hey! Pushing the 3d construction of your figures would add some life to them! Made this drawover for ya
Treating the body with more form in the initial stages of a drawing will give it more believe-ability in the render as you finish a piece. Study the body and break it down!

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