CC5 | Tien Chi WIP
Hi everyone!  

I am a bit late to this challenge but I have been very busy with work and life you know ;)  I did not want to commit until I was sure I had enough time to complete the challenge.  I mean a week is not much time but I will do my best.  I started off gathering some reference images of existing structure with interesting alien like shapes.  

In addition I found a link with some helpful reference images for anyone whose still looking :)  

[Image: ref3.jpg]
[Image: ref2.jpg]
[Image: ref1.jpg]

Early on the week I did some thumbnail sketches with pen exploring the idea and composition
[Image: cc5_sketchexplore.jpg]

I did outdoor life studies over the weekend prior to the launch of this thread.  The study was mainly aim towards life and how it feels to have infrastructure and housing.

[Image: cc5_lifestudy2.jpg]
[Image: cc5_lifestudy1.jpg]

Hi there, 

Shape exploring
[Image: cc5_exploration.jpg]
Comp Sketching
[Image: cc5_thumbnails.jpg]

For tonight I took 3 comps and trying to build a narrative around the big shapes.  I think I am getting closer to something I like we'll just have to see what happens next which will probaly

[Image: cc5_bwsketches.jpg]

Your workflow is good, if a little random in nature. No clear sense of specific patterns being used to inform the design, but I like the comps, they are strong with some interesting shape language in there. As you develop perhaps bring this idea of a unified cultural shape language to it. Carry on!

 YouTube free learnin! | DeviantArt | Old Folio | Insta
@Amit - Thanks for the suggestion, it was very helpful :)
For this update I continue my research and study.  I decide my scene will be in a high location.  I start by looking for several high places and the Himalayas is a place I found most interesting including the high peaks, cliff structures and a very rich culture.
I did some studies of the Tibet culture trying to understand their pattern and shape language in their costume and architecture.   I extracted some of the pattern from the studies and made some of my own. 

[Image: cc5_cultstudy1.jpg][Image: cc5_cultstudy2.jpg][Image: cc5_cultstudy3.jpg][Image: cc5_patternexplor.jpg]
[Image: cc5_shape%2526design.jpg]

I do plan on including a launch/landing platform for starships and transporters.  
I hope to include the first pass of the final image before deadline, thanks for viewing!

Very cool stuff, I like how you have thought through and developed this, so keep it going! The deadline has been extended so you have more time. Please finish it off!

 YouTube free learnin! | DeviantArt | Old Folio | Insta
Oh how sweet life is... extended deadline, Woo! Woo!

I doodle around some more exploring possible changes in composition not sure what I want yet.  Studying some more of real life design and explore some of my own as well.  
[Image: cc5_sketchnotes.jpg][Image: cc5_aliendesign.jpg][Image: cc5_compxplore.jpg]
I ended up going with one of the original comps I had earlier and explore that some more.  This challenge has been so much fun, I will see you all at the finals.


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