Ass Kick
Alberto thanks man <3 The anatomy refs are from a german book by gottfried bammes called "die Gestalt des Menschen" (finally a good thing about speaking german). I got a physical copy of it but maybe there are some free pdfs on the internet. 
Axrel thanks for the crit! Now that you point it out i can totally see what you mean. Need to study the anatomy of the neck! Its the next chapter in my anatomy book yay!

Well I really embarassed on how long i havent been posting and how little i got done :/ but at least two more exams are done weehh! Well i didnt upload everything cause honestly i was too lazy to scan my anatomy stuff and sketches. And was kinda hating everything i did and threw much away which is something i dont want to repeat. Its not about the perfect picture but about the journey to reach your goals and I need to get my mind in the right state again. Starting right now! So as a small update a face doodle on which i wasted way too much time. Then some biathlon figure studies and one from imagination. Blub... see ya tomorrow!

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hmm hee! Your figures have a nice grounding on them, keep up those sketchies!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Dude, those comic pages look awesome!! I dig the story a lot. 

I see that you're studying anatomy, Michael Hampton's and Bridgman's books are my go to books for that subject.

Keep up the great work dude, your figures are looking great!

See ya
Today some poses, a bit of anatomy, selfies and a WIP for a friend of mine :) 
Not much more going to be done today since its Karneval in the region I live in. Its like a week of nonstop partying and listening to bad german music xd Tomorrrow will be much more! Yaaasss!

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haha ur cute -.0

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Really liking that face you drew, the values look great :) and your progressing so well on those anatomy studies, I've gotta catch up. Keep up the good work.

Today a digi doodle, a character, some anatomy from memory, then some from bammes and finally some sketches done on the train and in school while I should be listening to the teachers. Oh and a little update on the WIP :P

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Seriously though, keep it up; you're killing it at the moment!
Yeeees that character with the bow is dope. I also like the death note piece you're working on too. It looks like you're struggling with faces atm. I would maybe take time to study those because you're body anatomy seems much stronger and you don't want faces/heads to fall too behind D:.

I would love feedback on my Sketchbook
Nice going NoodleInBox :). Your anatomy studies are looking great again - just be slightly careful with your serratus muscles - you're probably aware but in case you're not - they insert along the inside edge of the scapula between the scapula and the rib cage, check this out:

Keep it going - you're doing great!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Man I totally forgot to answer the last comments >.< was pretty tired i guess hehe... 

Fedodika thanks i guess? <3
Peter haha thanks and dont worry thats not a hard goal to archive >.< I need to draw mooorree! 
Matthew Thank youuu <3 your comment motivated me to stay up a few extra hours this night and draw more :3
kvSketch Thank you so much and yeah you are so right faces are one of my (many) weaknesses. Gonna do some today! Just for you :* and for myself haha
Artloader Thank you for pointing that out again :D I just looked at a few more pics and that helped me a lot.

Well, well today is not that much just cause I have a bunch of unfinished stuff that Im gonna post later today when the stuff is done. Just some anatomy and a school doodle for now

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Hey Noodle! There's a lot of really good work in here, very nice! Your anatomy studies are come along nicely as well. The only thing I would suggest for now is maybe getting a little bit more variation in your lineweight. Like darkening up all the downward facing planes a bit more. Good work!

Learning is not the same as performing.
Jeffrey Thank you and you are right. My lines are always the same :/ gotta work on that right away! Love your sketchbook btw <3

So this time some poses, eyes and cubes from imagination. And a selfie wohoo gotta work harder on those faces!

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Wow! I love all the work you've done!! Keep it up :) I need to catch up! I really love the character you drew in post 127 :D

Axrel Thank you but I havent done nearly enough >.< where is my motivation gone fuck! 

Well this time just a digi doodle and a character for CHOW. I kinda forgot all about it until it was too late so here is just a character sketch. The topic ward bard and i wanted to make a punk rock version of him. Well next time Im gonna participate :D

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All exams done yay :D just a knight doodle, dragon, some figures from head a selfie and a portrait study. Damn my brushwork needs so much more work.

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Not nearly enough done.. tomorrow will be much more! 
Poses, Anatomy and a selfie

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It really shows how your confidence increases ;) Great work!
super cool, i need to try selfportraits :)

I like how you're paying attention to the 3D form and also the shadow shapes in your anatomy studies NoodleInBox - it really gives your work a solid feel.

Keep up the hard work :)

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook


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