Peter's Sketchbook
(03-02-2018, 02:45 PM)Abnormal Wrote: Wow this is a lot of practice  Thumbs_up , what I have noticed is that you are trying to measure every centimeter of the body, as a result everyone looks static and straight, just focus is the greatest distances for the rest, you have your best attempt, compare, and repeat and this method of reilly is very good you should get more out of it, this lines capture the direction of the movement not the shapes of the muscles.^^


Hey Abnormal thanks for the feedback. I completely forgot about the Reilly rhythm/lines for the body! I remember the rhythm for the head but it's been awhile since I've studied the body. Thanks for reminding me about it, I'm trying to do comparative measurement but perhaps I'm too caught up in trying to get that right and forget about the gesture.

(03-03-2018, 08:52 AM)Tygerson Wrote: So figure drawing is a bit like whack-a-mole.  You fix one thing, and another pops up.

One thing I see in just a few of your figures is that the gender is a little ambiguous.  You might try for a few rounds to exaggerate the gender.  I don't mean like give the women a Dolly Parton figure, but more to do stuff like push the ribcage/pelvis ratio, exaggerate the wide hip and tapering leg,  make blockier forms for the guy's, and all sorts of stuff that I don't know how to do myself.

I think the default male skeleton we study kind of trains us to give females wider ribcages and narrower hips.  Also, it seems like even when gender is obvious in real life, it needs a slight exaggeration to be obvious on the page...

Your definitely right about my figures, I wish Proko made a female version of his skeleton app haha. I'll have to revisit proportion videos for the male/female skeleton. I'll try and be aware of it tomorrow at my life drawing class and try and exaggerate the poses more. Thanks again. :)

(03-03-2018, 11:15 PM)Fedodika Wrote: Hey Peter i wanted to give you a quick paintover, just to show like some edge things you should do. Try and make some softer edges in your drawing and dont go for those hard black lines in things often, using a pencil well is all about the side of it when it comes to charcoal shading. Also i dont know whats up with the patterns in the hair, but try to go for a big soft clump, with a little value change here and there. 

When it comes to wrinkles, dont use the black lines to separate planes, try using as slightly soft edge to lead it into subtely. also proportions, lots issues with the eyes, never draw them like that super bulgey olive shape, looks like he has a goiter or something haha. push them further in, and always try to imagine the head coming to life, like what would this thing look life if it were instantly real?

Thanks for the paint over Fedodika, you make alot of good points. Yh I'm really bad at drawing/shading hair. His hair was quite wavey so there were alot of patterns in the hair and didn't have a clue how to simplify it, I just shaded the whole thing in towards the end since it was blank haha. 

I'm still struggling with eyes for some reason, I thought out of the features they would be the easiest but apparently not. I need to sit down and just practice drawing eyes a few hundred times. 

I'll keep in mind what you said for my class this week, especially regarding my line work.

Thought I'd post even though I didn't finish the torso drawing that I mentioned doing.

Watched Proko's videos on torso drawing as I wanted to attempt a rendered figure drawing since I don;t get enough time at my life drawing class to really render. Watched his videos Friday and did the same process with my drawing, doing a bunch of studies (kinda felt like I was cheating by doing this, rather than measuring my eye etc) before the final drawing.

Really struggled with the value study, started it on Friday but didn't finish it till Saturday since I restarted it so many times. Found the other study's fairly easy in comparison (even though I forgot some measuring lines e.g ribcage length). Only included torso anatomy since I don't really know the anatomy of the arms/legs.

Spent around 2 hours today laying in the figure, started rendering but think I was too heavy handed and went too dark and went abit heavy on line weight, called it quits then as I got mad at myself and went and worked on some other things.

I'm going to attempt this drawing again during the week since I want to redeem myself.

most of the lay in is not bad, specially the face.

Pay attention the legs, as sure men have thinner waists, but this dudes thighs are much bigger and they jut out further

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
(03-05-2018, 05:47 AM)Fedodika Wrote: most of the lay in is not bad, specially the face.

Pay attention the legs, as sure men have thinner waists, but this dudes thighs are much bigger and they jut out further

Thanks for pointing that out! I'll make sure to correct that on my second attempt.

Update for the last 2 days. Life drawing as usual, a bunch of 10 minute poses and one 45 minute pose to finish the session off, not sure if you can tell but the model was pregnant (about 6 months I believe), not sure if that made it easier or harder haha. Tried putting what Fedodika said about my line weight and tried a softer approach, trying not to rely on heavy line weight as such.

Didn't go to my portrait class tonight, I've had zero energy all day, got abit of work done but not as much as usual. I correct my mistakes from my oblique invention from last week, watched the videos on the shoulder muscles and had a go at some invention.

I'm trying to work through the back muscles this week, invent some figures trying to put what I'm learning into practice, spend a week on arm and leg anatomy each and perhaps a week on some value practice and then attempt a finished illustration.

Now i struggle with this too, but its the swishy lines for gestures like to indicate legs; Make sure to get that silhouette close at least and in proportion, it makes a world of difference. And one trick i learned from vilppu is muscle insertions should be exaggerated with line, at least make it a little heavier or shoot for a more exaggerated C curve or heavier straight line, it can really add life to a drawing ;)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
(03-07-2018, 10:17 AM)Fedodika Wrote: Now i struggle with this too, but its the swishy lines for gestures like to indicate legs; Make sure to get that silhouette close at least and in proportion, it makes a world of difference. And one trick i learned from vilppu is muscle insertions should be exaggerated with line, at least make it a little heavier or shoot for a more exaggerated C curve or heavier straight line, it can really add life to a drawing ;)

Thanks for the advice. Glad to know I'm not the only one who struggles with leg gesture, the damn thing just doesn't seem to click for me. I understand the gesture when the leg is standing straight but when it's foreshortened or perfectly straight from a front view for example I don't understand how the gesture looks. 

Can you remember what video of Vilppu's your referring to? Would really like to check it out. :)

Spent last night reading a bunch of short stories for this illustration that I want to do. I've decided which story I want to do a finished piece for and started roughly thinking about which segment I'd like to illustrate and started researching clothing for it.

Tonight I just continued with the anatomy course, tried some invention of all the back muscles before I watched the videos for the upper back muscles, just quickly looked at the handouts. It looks off to me but it might just be because the rest of the anatomy is missing.

Moved onto the upper back muscle videos and then tried some invention for them.

Want to quickly go back to the lower anatomy videos since I'm still a bit confused by some parts and do some studies of the shoulder, upper/lower back muscles (the homework in each section) since I've been working digitally the last few nights. 

Got to work extra hours tomorrow so I'll try and get some of it done since I want to do some figure invention over the weekend and move onto arm anatomy next week. 

I would have never thought that some muscle would connected to the back of the cranium thank for showing me i was wrong.

One observation i would say is i think the muscle wrap way more to the neck than you shown it and you seem to have made the neck section of the muscle a bit to large it of course subject to change depending on the muscle strenght it flat on a skinny person and more round on a trained individual.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(03-09-2018, 08:36 AM)darktiste Wrote: I would have never thought that some muscle would connected to the back of the cranium thank for showing me i was wrong.

One observation i would say is i think the muscle wrap way more to the neck than you shown it and you seem to have made the neck section of the muscle a bit to large it of course subject to change depending on the muscle strenght it flat on a skinny person and more round on a trained individual.

Hi Darktiste, I'm glad you were able to learn something new from my work. :)

Thanks for pointing out my mistake btw, i'm still rather iffy with the back muscles so I will need to work on them more.

Been almost a week (I think) since I last posted. Must of caught something Friday night because I felt like crap all weekend so didn't get any work done. :(

Life drawing class was cancelled this week last minute (literally 30 minutes before it was due to start) so with the little time I had I started on some figure invention which I will finish off after I've worked on the arm muscles.

Portrait class this week I tried focusing on my values more, constantly squinting and  taking a slower, softer approach rather than laying in my deepest blacks from the get go.

Apart from that some figure invention while on my lunch break in work (the ones in pen and red), moved onto the arm anatomy course so some arm bones trace overs (really struggled with these) and some deltoid/upper arm anatomy studies.

I can already see some mistakes which I will correct tomorrow.

Dang, you've burned way ahead! The studies are looking great--really clear forms!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Keep the study and the imaginative work balanced you still want to enjoy doing art after all.It essential to do imaginative work to self correct area you would need to work on.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(03-16-2018, 08:23 AM)Tygerson Wrote: Dang, you've burned way ahead!  The studies are looking great--really clear forms!

Thanks Tygerson, trying to power through the anatomy course as I am planning on starting a illustration in about 2 weeks time, wanted to get a basic understanding of anatomy and value before attempting it.

(03-16-2018, 08:39 AM)darktiste Wrote: Keep the study and the imaginative work balanced you still want to enjoy doing art after all.It essential to do imaginative work to self correct area you would need to work on.

Yh I'm really bad when it comes to balancing those 2 things out not really sure why tbh. Funny you say that as I sat down on Friday to work on the rest of the upper arm anatomy videos but had zero motivation. I need to give myself 1 day a week where I just do imaginative work and have fun!

Was not motivated at all to do any studying on Friday so I had a go at drawing some figures from imagination and just had fun with it and carried it on through Saturday aswell (they took me awhile). I'm gonna have to set a day aside each week where I just draw from imagination and focus on what I was studying during the week  otherwise it's not gonna stick!

Just stuck to working on the upper body and didn't bother with the legs since I haven't studied the anatomy for them yet.

Quick update for the last few days. Life drawing as usual, didn't include my 5 minute drawings since I got carried away and tried to do more than I could in the 5 minute period and forgot about gesture. For the the 45 min pose I focused on layin in the figure and applying my anatomy knowledge.

Moved onto the upper arm videos. Went too hard on my shading on the first 2 drawings so for the following 2 I looked at some of Proko's drawings and tried going lighter on my shading. Lastly some figure drawing drawing from imagination just applying what I've been studying so far.

Didn't attend my portrait class this week as I was out for a family meal for my aunt and uncle's birthday. 

I think you have good lineweight and a good grasp on the concept of form, its just sometimes your proportions like will be half right, but throw the rest of the drawing off; like in the arm drawings above, you usually indicate the forearm as half the size it really is. Maybe practice quick indications of the same subject matter multiple times just to get the feel of the proportions.

Like lay out four panels, and spend one minute just laying in the arm four times focusing entirely on the proportion and not neatness or lineweight or anything. You can even get a lot out of drawing the same exact subject twice or more times, because you'll notice things you did and didnt do the first time. It immediately can liven up your eye to what you're coming short on;

Good stuff bro, post till u drop

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]

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