Egbu draws stuff!
So spent the whole of today trying to fix this image, a lot of problems with it like the values, how flat it is, the terrible looking lava, but I want to move on so oh well I guess D:

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"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
Those environments are looking great Egbu, I love the colors! And nice work on the self-portrait,
good use of planes/colors/value! You are getting much better man go, go, go!

Tonari: Thanks a lot, want to try and keep the momentum!

A boring flat portrait in ps, going to re visit head construction and facial features, because I am not about that flat, boring portrait life.
Been working on figures a bit in my sketchbook as well so here are those

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"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
more sketchbook pages and a character design thing. Just wanted to flesh out the basic design with no real form or detail, going to render it out soon

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"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
Been doing quite a lot of sketchbook lately, really enjoying it! Been doing poses from this "dancer" on youtube called Nathan Barnett, his moves are like an explosion of awkward passion if you want to check him out or have already watched him and just want to rewatch it here is the video.
Lastly I did a figure study in PS & tried to apply it.

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"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
Update on character, going to do some still lifes to get the folds on the arm how I really want them to be,and a bunch of sketchbook pages, might try and level out the digital : traditional ratio a bit more :D

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"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
Heeey. It's cool to see a hard working person heading to greatness. Keep working on your drawing skills, study form and anatomy. In my opinion you should for now focus purely on drawing and values. Do a lot of black and white studies. Mostly from life. Support it with anatomy, I recomend Loomis or michael hampton stuff. And keep at it!

First post of the year wooo...accidentally deleted my sketchbook...woo, you might think "How the heck did you do that" well it takes a special type of idiot to delete their own sketchbook by accident and it seems I am one >_>, lost all my attachments which sucks a bit and a three updates with a few comments, but at least I still have all the encouragement, crits, tips and comments still here.

On better news have started doing still lifes, made it a goal to do 150 by the end of the year, so by my calculations that is slightly under 3 a week, which I am pretty sure I can handle. I also have been steadily going through hampton since Rama & Trigger suggested it, love the book really learning a lot from it, err also my wrist has started hurting a bit so I didn't want to risk seriously damaging it, so I switched to my left hand which I cannot really draw with, I guess I will just learn :D (you'll see the last few sketches have wibbly wobbly lines.)


application of 2nd still life

sketchbook pages

sketch just to apply a few things from hampton's book

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"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
damn that sucks about the sketchbook, time to get it filled again eh :)
if i can add a crit, try to push the values some more, it will turn the form and show more depth. keep it up
Ahaha, smooth move man.. smooth move...

Good stuff, I agree with Ben, push those values. With your goal of doing 150 still lifes, thats really good but if I were doing that I would do 10 really short ones to save up enough time to really spend an extended period of time on one. I really benefited from spending a few weeks on the last still life I did, more than I did from all the ones prior to that which were short (only 4-5hours)
Keep it in mind. Remember to mix it up :)

Ben Flores: Yeah my values are quite weak, I think when I block in I need to start thinking in pure light and shadow more before I go into any midtones, maybe I'll try and few bargue studies, even though the best I will be able to do are from photos it will help.
Jaik: Yeah I tried to switch it up a bit this week the watercolour still life was an hour while the south park pencilcase was almost 6 I think, problem is I don't think I will really be able to go over 10ish hours due to school, but I'll still try and push it

err so I actually did 3 still lifes this week in fact one today, however my laptop randomly crashed and I forgot to save it so >_>, instead I just quickly painted something from my head, to apply the last 3 still lifes's I have done into one thing. also sketchbook stuff, have been trying to learn how to build form through pencil rendering, still not getting it :/

still life 3/150

quick application

still life 4/10

appplication application application

sketchbeeewk stuff

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"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
been kinda lazy art wise over the past week, from what I have worked out in my head with a majority of my exams being in may/june, I may just be absorbed by a tornado of revision, however I am determined to update this thing weekly, and still try and keep on track with my still life challenge, as I really feel like I am learning a lot! Anyway he is some stuff still lifes 6 with application and 7, and sketchbook stuff (trying to post best 5-6 pages, instead of posting 15 images like I did before I deleted my sketchbook)

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"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
still life 8/150 w/ application,still life 9/150, still life, 10/150 w/ application, still life 11/150, figure study w/ application and random imagination doodle. Will upload sketchbook stuff tomorrow/in the morning

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"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
Hey man, you are improving a lot! Good work on those portraits from imagination, and nice figures too. One thing I would recomend (which has helped me a lot lately) is understanding how the torso moves with the pelvis, for me their relationship is what gives poses a dynamic feel. But no need to do extensive studies just for thatt! Just look at some pictures (or even do some quick gesture drawing) and then apply from imagination as many times as you can!Just try it out, I think you will be surprised! (not that I'm any specialist in figure drawing, but I think it helps)

Tonari: Thanks :D, that sounds like great advice, I'll try and focus on the the connection, I think it is called the obliques

here is some stuff

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"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
Quote:I'll try and focus on the the connection, I think it is called the obliques

I don't think that would be going about it right, try instead to draw the form of the torso and pelvis as simply as you can. Drawing the rib cage and pelvis as two boxes is a fantastic exercise because it forces you to decide what part is closer to and further away from the viewer. Getting those two forms to go in the correct direction in space is key to figuring out their relationship, not being familiar with the anatomy of the midsection.

Samsyzm: Yeah have tried to visualize those to forms and draw them before I get into any figure drawing,

So this past week as part of a "Don't break the chain" type thing I have been doing with my friends, I've been making a comic everyday, and woah, my weaknesses have never been so apparent to me than when I have tried drawing comics certain things, like cars, figures in motion, faces from different angles, expressions etc. It forces me to draw things I would normally never draw, so it has been a good and actually quite a fun way of me accurately identifying weak spots (and there is a lot XD) So this week I have been drawing a lot of figures in motion and in natural poses, to try and start understanding how they move (been trying to simplify those major forms, I've also been trying to focus more and take more time on construction, not just for figures but for everything I draw.

In regards to the still life challenge, it's been tricky, Doing so many had made art quite boring for me, and even though I do learn, sometimes I feel like I could learn just as much if not more by really tackling my weaknesses, and not just painting a pencilcase so I can add another still life to my list, even though I know you can still learn a lot from painting a pencilcase, it is a a bit of a dry way of learning it, and I would really like to use more of my time for imagination stuff as these few months has just been study study study. I will still do still lifes of the objects in my house but not as frequently and not for some type of challenge as I don't want it to get to a point where I am just painting it cause I have to and lose all enthusiasm for art, it should be because I want to. After all I am only 15 and enjoying what I am doing should be the main goal right now.

Anyway sorry for the wall of text here is some stuff, the comics are quite badly drawn and are just stupid inside jokes between my friends and I so it's kinda >_>

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"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
Hey Egbu, firstly, holy crap... You've improved a butt ton!!! Wonderful to see, makes me get all warm and fuzzy inside when i see that hapoen :)

Well I would love to see you improve even more, so in regards to this:
(02-23-2014, 12:23 AM)Egbu Wrote: So this week I have been drawing a lot of figures in motion and in natural poses, to try and start understanding how they move (been trying to simplify those major forms, I've also been trying to focus more and take more time on construction, not just for figures but for everything I draw.
The biggest things helping my drawings in general is exactly that - understanding form. So you're definitely onto that! Which is great! Secondly, construction as you call it - yep, spot on, it'll help you out loads with proportion and on the side help out a bit with perspective... But perspective... Perspective will rock your world!! Believe me when every art book tells you: perspective is everywhere. Cityscapes, landscapes, portraiture, figure drawing. Nail perspective and you can see through any kind of form like a boss :)

Perspective for Comic Book artists by Davis Chelsea and more recently, that wonderful Scott Robertson How to Draw book is invaluable!

Also, with the still life challenge you're doing - I'll tell you the story of the animal skull I had to study for my body of work in year 12 - I was told to look at it, draw it, rotate it, understand the texture... But yeah, just look at it. I had it on my desk whenever we had practical. And I'll tell you now, just by looking at it, touching it and drawing it a couple of times... The image of it is embedded in my brain. I can draw it from any angle... Just by looking at it whenever I had it there. Observation studies are mega important, but man, you're still so young, take your tiiiiiiiiimmmeeeee!! Look at the object, marry it! Haha, yeah you should do quicker ones as well, but really and truly, if you want the image embedded in your head so you can use it whenever you want - take your sweet time :)

(02-23-2014, 12:23 AM)Egbu Wrote: I will still do still lifes of the objects in my house but not as frequently and not for some type of challenge as I don't want it to get to a point where I am just painting it cause I have to and lose all enthusiasm for art, it should be because I want to. After all I am only 15 and enjoying what I am doing should be the main goal right now.
Only 15 c: haha always gets me. You're gonna be a rockstar if you keep this up!!

All the best Egbu, I believe in ya!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Good job with all the life studies man. I agree with smrrfette , take your time on some of the studies and really push them.
Keep it up!

Hey daggers, so it's been a long time 4 months D:, I wanted to write a brick of text about school and shizz and stuff, but eh, I just need to pull my socks up and start actively trying to improve and make artwork.

I wish I could come back from a 4 month hiatus with brand new skills but nah I'm am pretty much the same level..haha..anywaaays, here is the little work I have done over the past few months.

Would really appreciate crits, like I reeeeally need them, at the moment I am rusty as urrrr...rust.

So in order we have: A weird inside joke thing, some figure drawing practise I did and a badly cropped self portrait.

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"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"

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