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Hi, Crimson Daggers! |
Posted by: NeonCapricorn - 11-13-2022, 07:43 AM - Forum: INTRODUCE YOURSELF
- Replies (1)
Hi, all! Name's Rob, and I'm just here to find a community with some art geeks who like to share their works and their knowledge. I'm here to try and be a more contributing member to an online community. Plus, CD reminds me a lot of the communities that were around when I was a wee-lad. This place seems like a really cool place, and I look forward to seeing some awesome work as I lurk around these forums.
Hello everyone |
Posted by: Saki - 07-15-2022, 05:58 AM - Forum: INTRODUCE YOURSELF
- Replies (2)
Hello everyone,
I just joined this community, I'm looking for a good place where i can post my art and talk to others about art. I really love studying art and the style I have the most fun is with anime/manga art style. However I also practice still life and real life human figures a lot. I look forward to spending more time here!
Somewhat Goal |
Posted by: prince0-100 - 06-19-2022, 03:15 AM - Forum: INTRODUCE YOURSELF
- Replies (2)
My name is Prince and I am 19 years of age.
I have been drawing on and off my whole life. I am now going to college to pursue a different career.
And I wanted to use my free time when I am in college to become good enough at drawing or digital painting that I can have a career in art. From what I've read 4 years is a lot of time, I've seen artist improve or become professional within a year or two. Assuming that the people who improved in that short amount of time spent a lot of time drawing, I am hoping to use all of the free time I have while in college to be spent on improving my drawing skills.
My goal is to be able to draw in this kinds of style using only my imagination where it is not too simplified, anime-ish and not photo realistic.
with the likes of these:
I got access to a lot of good anatomy books but I decided to focus only on Burne Hogarth - Dynamic Anatomy (Revised and Expanded) because of Marko Djurdjevic, love his art style and he recommended the book is good if you want to draw the figure in motion with no use of reference.
Artists I like Marko Djurdjevic, Dave Rapoza, Eliza Ivanova, Karl Kopinski, Maciej Kuciara and many more.
I will upload my sketchbook soon and include a link.
Thank you for reading
Please dont be shy and message me if you have any questions.
Hello |
Posted by: spagliacci - 06-09-2022, 06:12 AM - Forum: INTRODUCE YOURSELF
- Replies (1)
Hello everyone
My name is Matthew and I am 22 years old.
I have liked to draw on and off for some time now. For the past year or so I have been more serious and consistent in studying. I can't really say how long I have been drawing exactly.
I work as an apprentice electrician. I don't have any goals for a professional career in art. Other than drawing, I like to lift weights and go to metal shows. I also like tattoos. I like to watch MMA and muay thai and have done a little muay thai in the past which I hope to start again when I move house.
I am currently producing a silly comic for fun. It's called steel cupid and I will share here from time to time. I hope you enjoy.
People I like are frank frazetta, jeff jones, r crumb, robert e howard, hp lovecraft, edward hopper and tsutomu nihei.
I'm posting here because I don't speak to anyone who draws in real life so it will be nice to see other people's work and share opinions. I also think it's good to share my drawings somewhere people will maybe appreciate them, since art is meant to be shared I think, and I don't ever show anyone my drawings.
I will upload my sketchbook soon and include a link.
Thank you for reading
Edit: Here is my sketchbook http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-9400.html
I'm Dave. |
Posted by: dave1977 - 05-31-2022, 01:03 AM - Forum: INTRODUCE YOURSELF
- Replies (1)
Hello ,
I'm Dave. I'm self taught. I'm 46 yo. My dreams are to become DC or Marvel artist. Or at least Disney or any of the other big names.
I'm just kidding. I'm here to learn how to work with lights and volumes. I want to Understand anatomy, muscles and skeleton structure how they work.
I need to understand the behaviour of the perspectives and materials. Basically everything.
My interests are indeed with comics, illustrations and 2d animations.
I believe I've got a big sense of humor.
bit late but HI |
Posted by: Crowbit - 05-15-2022, 07:53 AM - Forum: INTRODUCE YOURSELF
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Thought I'd do one of these as well even though I've started my sketchbook already.
My name is Fergus and I'm from the highlands of Scotland. Used to take part in Snatties 100-day challenges as well as use the CA google hangouts back in the day. and then made the shift to permanoob.
I'm only just starting my career in the concept art industry but not gonna stop learning and improving.
Also, amazing job to those of you that have kept this ancient artifact of the past running and alive. look forward to posting and tracking my progress alongside you all ^^
Hello |
Posted by: serdar - 04-26-2022, 06:32 AM - Forum: INTRODUCE YOURSELF
- Replies (3)
Hello everybody,
My name's Serdar. I have been drawing on and off for sometime, but recently decided to draw more seriously. Even though I'm 37 and have a full time job that I hate, I dream of one day becoming a freelance illustrator or concept artist.
I never got to get feedback because I didn't show my work to anybody or posted anywhere. Hopefully I will post them here. I believe it will encourage me to draw more. Although I love drawing and get very excited when I imagine myself working as an artist, daily practice sometimes becomes a tedious chore, especially after a long day at work.
Long story short, I'll see you around and have a nice day.
Hi! |
Posted by: tonsofgranola - 04-22-2022, 02:07 AM - Forum: INTRODUCE YOURSELF
- Replies (2)
I used to browse the CA.org forums as a kid. Back then I only posted occasionally. Those forums encouraged me to keep pushing in my art goals and now I currently have a job in the animation industry. I'm here because I want to push myself and get better at art and I remembered that having a public sketchbook used to motivate me to draw and paint. So here I am some 9 years later, restarting my journey. I hope you'll take this journey with me!