Felix's road to freedom
"It's pretty expensive but you can find it if yoy know where to look *ahem torrent ahem* "

Recommending people torrent paid courses when there are quality free material such as loomis is pretty shit man. Please don't do this. It's like sombody offering you a free hamburger and you decide to steal a hotdog instead.

Nice stuff here! Looks like you are on the right course for the most part. I think though perhaps you are being waaay too fast and careless on your studies. You aren't just trying to memorize things when doing studies, you are trying to develop good habits, and so it's important to never scribble, and always try and make clean and thoughful line and brush work.

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
(05-03-2016, 08:20 PM)tripna Wrote: Cool studies man I like your focus. I can suggest Michael Hampton's figure drawing course, I started it last week its really nice and touches most of the points you are studying. It's pretty expensive but you can find it if yoy know where to look *ahem torrent ahem*

Thanks man!, I'm actually studying the Michael Hampton's figure drawing course :D, is hard but I feel like I'm learning alot!

Stuff from WEEK 4!

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(05-03-2016, 08:36 PM)OtherMuzz Wrote: "It's pretty expensive but you can find it if yoy know where to look *ahem torrent ahem* "

Recommending people torrent paid courses when there are quality free material such as loomis is pretty shit man. Please don't do this. It's like sombody offering you a free hamburger and you decide to steal a hotdog instead.

Nice stuff here! Looks like you are on the right course for the most part. I think though perhaps you are being waaay too fast and careless on your studies. You aren't just trying to memorize things when doing studies, you are trying to develop good habits, and so it's important to never scribble, and always try and make clean and thoughful line and brush work.

Thanks man!, I actually just got my Michael Hampton book last week, it sits always in my desk next to Loomis drawing for all its worth, I think you're right about making some studies way to fast maybe we are trying to do more than we can do, this last week I did a total of 65 studies, I'm gonna try to make them with more time and Love this week.

I'm really liking the form studies you're doing with those boxes and cylinders. They don't seem like much but will really come in handy in the future :)
(05-10-2016, 04:07 PM)yangdaniel027 Wrote: I'm really liking the form studies you're doing with those boxes and cylinders. They don't seem like much but will really come in handy in the future :)

Thanks!, Those are after what I'm studying in a Michael Hamton course and book, It has been very different and difficult so far but I'm learning lots!

Heres some stuff from week 5, this week we are studying anatomy mostly the trapezius, Pectoralis mayor, sternocleidomastoid and serratus anterior.
I'm applying what I learn so far, gestures - Constructive drawing and on top of that the study of the muscles, I'm taking my time with these ones.

[Image: tumblr_o71vonpFxk1ssl9kko1_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_o71vonpFxk1ssl9kko2_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_o71vonpFxk1ssl9kko3_1280.jpg]

This last 5 weeks I've been studying like I never did before, I was very dependant on reference to draw anything, I'm good drawing from life or reference but I didn't knew anything about the placements on muscle, perspective and all the good stuff that you need to design freely, I didn't want to study mostly because I think I was scared of the challenge, because that means I was an amateur and I wanted to be pro already and feel the satisfaction on being good at something, drawing from a photo is a good skill on its own an some people take pride on it but I felt like I was a dependant to pinterest I felt I wasn't free.
Before starting my studies of this week I wanted to warm up trying to draw something and this came up, I started with the circle divided by 3 then another third for the jaw, placing the eyes sockets, nose, ear and even placing the clavicle based on the sternocleidomastoid, even though is far from perfect and I need to improve so much I'm starting to feel less restrain every week and more free.

[Image: tumblr_o7a9y2rINh1ssl9kko1_1280.jpg]

Here's some stuff from this week!

[Image: tumblr_o7o1lrOhnC1ssl9kko2_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_o71vonpFxk1ssl9kko1_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_o71vonpFxk1ssl9kko2_1280.jpg]
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[Image: tumblr_o7ormkeE6t1ssl9kko1_1280.jpg]

Yeah that's exactly Phelikz. We study, and study and study and study and ... dammit. When we are actually applying the knowledge? That's why I believe having a healthy balance between studying and performing is good. Glad you came to that realization, and keep going.

(05-25-2016, 05:47 AM)Hermidraws Wrote: Yeah that's exactly Phelikz. We study, and study and study and study and ... dammit. When we are actually applying the knowledge? That's why I believe having a healthy balance between studying and performing is good. Glad you came to that realization, and keep going.

Yes!, A balance is good, we need to test ourselfs we need to make mistakes so we can go back to our studies and figure out what we did wrong. lets keep going!

I will upload at least a sketch daily.

[Image: tumblr_o7pultc6RY1ssl9kko1_1280.jpg]

This and the last two girl sketches are from reference, I'll try to make them with out reference from time to time, sometimes at the end of the day I'm too tired to think xD

[Image: tumblr_o7rsynD1s71ssl9kko1_1280.jpg]

Today's Sketch, as time passes I'll try to make the character more complete, I hope to get to a point where I can design a full body character in not so much time.

[Image: tumblr_o7t7mrlU9V1ssl9kko1_1280.jpg]

Really curious how that girl side view will turn out, since I dig the concept. Flowers hmm. Might be something I can try. Yeah lets do that. Seems like I will be stalking this sketchbook for quite a bit, ha. Keep going.

Lots of hard work going on in here. :)!

Just some notes on your studies.

Stop using those ugly colours for your lines, if your studies don't look good then you are just letting yourself do a slack job. Choose some aesthetically pleasing line colours!

Your box shapes are good, but your cylinders are beyond sloppy.

[Image: lq7Hkx.jpg]

With these studies? How many attempts are you doing on each? I say as a general rule, if you don't need to erase each study at least once and restart it, you aren't pushing yourself hard enough.
I think of studies as these memories you are trying to form in your brain of the real world, and how accurate you are is the tolerance level for how close to reality that drawing is. The things you are messing up by not being accurate with angles and so on are the things you really need to learn.

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
(05-27-2016, 04:41 PM)Hermidraws Wrote: Really curious how that girl side view will turn out, since I dig the concept. Flowers hmm. Might be something I can try. Yeah lets do that. Seems like I will be stalking this sketchbook for quite a bit, ha. Keep going.

I got the idea from pinterest, I would like to push the design too, If you do something with it let me know!

(05-27-2016, 05:27 PM)OtherMuzz Wrote: Lots of hard work going on in here. :)!

Just some notes on your studies.

Stop using those ugly colours for your lines, if your studies don't look good then you are just letting yourself do a slack job. Choose some aesthetically pleasing line colours!

Your box shapes are good, but your cylinders are beyond sloppy.

[Image: lq7Hkx.jpg]

With these studies? How many attempts are you doing on each? I say as a general rule, if you don't need to erase each study at least once and restart it, you aren't pushing yourself hard enough.
I think of studies as these memories you are trying to form in your brain of the real world, and how accurate you are is the tolerance level for how close to reality that drawing is. The things you are messing up by not being accurate with angles and so on are the things you really need to learn.

Thanks man!, I'll try to make each study with more love and time.
I've had comments on my elipses before I'm gonna make tons of circles with different perspectives to understand this better.

I Start over with some studies but most of the time I don't erase anything, I should push myself more though you're right.

I really like what you said about the studies I'm starting to understand how important and precious these are!, thanks again for the comments man it really means a lot :)!.

3 hours of live drawing from today

[Image: tumblr_o7vf72Ft201ssl9kko1_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_o7vf72Ft201ssl9kko2_1280.jpg]

Here's today sketch:

[Image: tumblr_o7xfhcIivw1ssl9kko1_1280.jpg]


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