Coinhero's sketchbook
reply to echo on previous page

I was at an aqua park with some friends all day long and didn't do anything digital. I brought my little watercolor set to maybe do some live painting in the downtime and I painted some buildings that were peaking through the trees just outside and idk I liked them
[Image: r6WV7W3.jpg]

there was a really dotty shade where we were and it made the picture more interesting, like it has some kind of dramatic lighting or something
My sister gave me the idea of this image

[Image: dbASYYE.jpg]

I struggled a lot on this, lots of re doing stuff but I like the way it came out in the end 

[Image: lML18xR.jpg]

and a quick color sketch to get a feel for things. I'm hyped for this image, it's really hard but if I pull it off I think it's gonna be pretty
[Image: f1e9QI1.jpg]
[Image: u0Z0a5m.jpg]
eh whatever
That aqua park-watercolor turned out really nice! I dont know if you heard about Aaron Blaise? He used to work for Disney and now teach art and animation online. I think maybe some of his techniques would fit right in there with your paintings of the girl/tiger with the vivid colours and the subject matter.

His youtube channel where he got some walktroughs/tutorial, maybe you could snap up a thing or two if you watch some of his videos:

(08-23-2018, 09:37 PM)-echo- Wrote: That aqua park-watercolor turned out really nice! I dont know if you heard about Aaron Blaise? He used to work for Disney and now teach art and animation online. I think maybe some of his techniques would fit right in there with your paintings of the girl/tiger with the vivid colours and the subject matter.

His youtube channel where he got some walktroughs/tutorial, maybe you could snap up a thing or two if you watch some of his videos:

Yeah I've know of him from his schoolism interview he did a while ago but only yesterday I actually looked up his work because I remembered he has a lot of animal paintings and I wanted some reference, I have his stream playing in the background while working on this image now :D
[Image: ebuJsKz.jpg]

so while working on this today I must have pressed some key combination or something because all of my layers except for the one that I keep the vines on got merged and I had already done 30+ mins of work and didn't want to start over from a backup... so working on this today was a huge pain in the ass =/
I like a lot of thing in this image and want to repaint others but everything considered I'm happy with this, it was a nightmare from start to finish and that's always a good sign, I'll noodle around fixing stuff on this tomorrow and I might repaint the tiger head if I'm not too lazy. Painting a god damn tiger swimming with a girl on its back is fucking hard to pull of. 
  I've got 2 super tiny ink sketches and some notes I did for what I want to do next but there like really hard and my brain muscle is mushy at the moment. Also I've been thinking about making something with more meat to it with these two or come up with a name at least, I don't want to do the thing where an artist just perpetually makes concept art for there personal project that's not a thing but it's so hard not to. I also thought I would just combine some japanese word together to easily get a name for the girl, something simple like tiger girl in japanese, but that would be something like Torasho or Torashoujo and that sounds fucking stupid... nothing is ever easy is it.
I don't know if I like how much this sketchbook thread is just turning in to a public diary but there's something therapeutic about getting your thoughts out of your head.
[Image: CZZvvGf.jpg]

I had a big dumb smile on my face the whole time painting this 
also made some ink tumbnails for future stuff
Today was terrible, I spent a lot of time doing art stuff and made a bunch of little ink thumbnails and stuff but everything went to shit when I started drawing. It was like when you are Darksouls and you just can't kill a boss and you keep dying and getting more tilted and dying and getting even more pissed of, that never works out well.

[Image: xeddjba.jpg]

[Image: nZ7j46O.jpg]

I'll do something else tomorrow
edit: and when I say ink thumbnails I mean stuff like this
[Image: 8oc6Evk.jpg]

I've got a stack of these notes and whenever something comes to mind I write it down and do a little abstract sketch so I don't forget.
I think I'll do this all on one very long image and separate it later 

[Image: zyWyHM8.jpg]

I did more just planing and little ink sketches than drawing today. I want to do a little comic thing to experiment and it's making me think in a very different way about images. There's a little bit of text that I'll save for last and I'm not sure what to do about color, I want to paint everything like I normally do but that might be too hard idk. 
I have all the panels roughly figured out and thumbnail'd but I don't know if I can execute on everything, it's very technically hard for me because I don't do this kind of stuff.
I feel very insecure posting this which is strange because I've been posting shitty images for years now, this is different somehow and it makes me feel very awkward
[Image: uGody2b.jpg]

I wanted to do some color stuff today just to get an idea of how much works it's going to be, spoilers a lot. Tomorrow I'll focus on only lines and just figuring stuff out, also making everything on one long file is going to get too messy after a while so I'll split it up, I'm guessing the whole thing is going to be 3 pages but I can always add more stuff or just fail to draw something and rage quit everything.
I made the aspect ratio to be more like standard, I thought it would be easy if I just work on one long file and split it up later but that makes like a million other problem. I rearranged stuff on the first page and decided that it would be better for big wide panel to not have a border and just go from end to end and fade down. idk I'm trying 

[Image: gLQBXPt.jpg]

made more lines, I'm doing a lot more line drawing that usual and I'm kind of realizing that I don't have a brush that's good for lines, the one I'm using is just a watercolor brush from the photoshop pack and I use it for literally everything but there are many things it can't do, like a sharp edge... maybe clip studio for lines and photoshop for painting would be a good idea but I'm so used to photoshop and really don't want to learn a new program.
I didn't do a whole lot of art stuff today but also didn't slack of too much. Going to Italy for a week with my parents in like 2 days so I had to go out and buy some new shoes because my current ones are just destroyed and wont survive a week of walking so that took up most of my day... and dark souls.

[Image: JwAlYP3.jpg]

I made lines for one page and the other 2 are just super quick sketches just so I have a base to work on, I also decided that I'm not going to have any white in this comic or at least have very little of it, I want to do that thing where you have one big painting and there's panels on top of it so the background is always at least some color. I don't know what that's called and I don't really know anything but I'm learning. I painted a bit on the first page but I'll share that image when its done I already spam enough as it is.
[Image: MnsDpkK.jpg]

Not sure if I need to figure out a faster way of painting or need to just not slack of.
When I get back from family vacation I think I'll stop sharing stuff everyday and just do it once a week, it's nice to build a habit but it's just spamming the same crap over and over. I'm scared that if I stop I wont have something to keep me accountable and will start to slack of even more tho
Actually I think you paint kinda fast, but then again, i'm a really slow painter. I should probably work on that :P 

The comic is coming along well! I have never worked on a comic myself, but in my daytime work some of my duties is graphic design and I also work with a couple of local magazines etc.. And one main thing I learned on the job is the many benefits of doing stuff like these in InDesign instead of Photoshop. While photoshop is great for photos and painting it is lacking (a lot) in layout and typography. Also an InDesign filesize doesn't take up as much space on your hard drive as a photoshop file. 

In practice this would mean that you: plan your layout before hand > then paint each piece in photoshop > then Place the picture in the Indesign document, you can then, finally, move around every picture and change the layout and add text.

But like i said, i've never worked on a comic, and if you don't already know InDesign it can be kind of a pain in the ass to learn a new program. But that is probably how i would do it in the end, just because of the freedom and other benefits you get from it in the long run :-)

Keep going with the comic, I wanna know more about them!  In love

(08-31-2018, 05:21 AM)-echo- Wrote: Actually I think you paint kinda fast, but then again, i'm a really slow painter. I should probably work on that :P 

The comic is coming along well! I have never worked on a comic myself, but in my daytime work some of my duties is graphic design and I also work with a couple of local magazines etc.. And one main thing I learned on the job is the many benefits of doing stuff like these in InDesign instead of Photoshop. While photoshop is great for photos and painting it is lacking (a lot) in layout and typography. Also an InDesign filesize doesn't take up as much space on your hard drive as a photoshop file. 

In practice this would mean that you: plan your layout before hand > then paint each piece in photoshop > then Place the picture in the Indesign document, you can then, finally, move around every picture and change the layout and add text.

But like i said, i've never worked on a comic, and if you don't already know InDesign it can be kind of a pain in the ass to learn a new program. But that is probably how i would do it in the end, just because of the freedom and other benefits you get from it in the long run :-)

Keep going with the comic, I wanna know more about them!  In love

I'm actually studying graphic design in university and I've done a couple of booklet prints before so I know how to do all that stuff (kind of). I was thinking of just getting clip studio and doing all the lines and layout there and just painting in photoshop, sounds like the most simple solution to me. I don't like how many steps you have to do in indesign to make simple things, just feels stiff but when I'm done with everything I'll probably chop it up in photoshop and stitch it back in indesign because I'll probably end up printing because it ties in with some university stuff I have to do this year. Also I don't want to make a layout and stick to it because it's my first time doing a comic and I keep learning new thing and keep coming back and changing old panels 
I'll play around with clip studio today
[Image: NTSGHxt.jpg]

I'll be gone for a week, if I don't come back that means the italian mafia killed me and made cooking utensils from my bones
[Image: qTewnNn.jpg]
Yay! Great sketchbook updates! ^__^

Sketchbook (^_^)
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@roanna Thanks :D

[Image: aaP6zni.jpg]

study from a super crapy phone photo I took while I was away. Normally I would try to paint stuff the way it would look like in real life but I liked how dramatic it looked on the picture with super burned light and black shadows.
I can noodle on this for many more hours to try and make the pillars look like marble and get all the edges nice and crisp but I wanted to do this just to remember how to paint, not drawing for a week really got me out of shape -,-

I'll keep posting everyday for now but I might do the once per week thing later

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