_spec's stinky sketchbook
Hey everyone :)

I'm Nick, just finished college here in the Boston area, and tryna level up my boobie drawing skills y'know

I actually used to have an okay sketchbook thread going on the CA forums but that site has since kicked the bucket rip. This looks like a real cool community and I'm stoked to learn together!!

Anyways, here's some of my recent works as a reference point of where I'm at currently in my journey. Please let me know if I'm uploading in the wrong format/size! Cause I have no idea what i'm doing hahahahahaha

Here's a few of the HEAVYPAINT paintings I've made lately. If you haven't heard of heavypaint, its a super simple and 'analog' feeling painting application that's gotten sort of popular these days- particularly with digital pleinair painters from what I'm seeing. I'm in love with it to be honest haha.

Most of mine are done on my phone so I'll try to share em soon! These ones are using the Windows application.

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Interesting style; I'm not sure if I've seen anything like it (I'm completely out of the loop of the current art world though). What's your main inspiration?

It is very difficult to give critiques on stylized art, but as far as cartoons rendered in a 3D manner goes, it looks like you're doing pretty good to me.
I really like your sketches. Everything looks super cool. I especially like the landscape with the pixely noise texture. It's kind of a bold move but it works and it looks interesting.

I find your work similar in someway to this artist.But your as certainly a more vibrant approch to color.


My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(04-20-2020, 02:44 AM)Pubic Enemy Wrote: Interesting style; I'm not sure if I've seen anything like it (I'm completely out of the loop of the current art world though). What's your main inspiration?

It is very difficult to give critiques on stylized art, but as far as cartoons rendered in a 3D manner goes, it looks like you're doing pretty good to me.

Hmm I'm trying to pull different aspects from some of my favorite artists atm. @mrdanidiez, @marekjaroki, and @nbekkaliev are just a few of em (IG) Trying hard not to be a copy of anyone in particular though haha. Thank you for your thoughts :)

(04-20-2020, 04:33 AM)JosephCow Wrote: I really like your sketches. Everything looks super cool. I especially like the landscape with the pixely noise texture. It's kind of a bold move but it works and it looks interesting.

Thank you! heavypaint has some pretty neat tools, one of them being the soft noise brush. It's super fun turning up the hue jitter in that one hehe.

(04-20-2020, 08:29 AM)darktiste Wrote: I find your work similar in someway to this artist.But your as certainly a more vibrant approch to color.


Oh yeah :) I really really like their work, and found myself taking a lot of inspiration from them. I'm trying not to blatantly copy anyone's style which can be tough haha. I'm hoping this can serve as a starting point for my own developments and style

Some charcoal gesture exercises worth showing and a digital one. Never had the ref on the left and photoshop on the right in splitscreen mode- worked pretty well so I'm excited to start doing that more :)

For the 30 second poses, I feel like I'm rushing to draw out the whole pose, as opposed to taking the time to making a few but important marks that communicate the gesture. Details can come with longer poses.
Hmmm I'll try to change my approach and do some more and note any changes! What do you guys think?

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id reccomend watching some mattessi or getting his book for gesture, its incredible


right now i think youre just trying to draw the contours of the gesture instead of thinking about the individual components which make the gesture; the weight and skeleton and flow of it. You seem to also draw one big line of action and try to fit everything to it, which can be a very limited mindset when youre doing this sort of drawing.

Think of the limbs as all being part of one big story, they lead into one another, they are families and relationships of energy that flow in and out of each other. it starts getting into poetry when we talk about gesture... its hard to explain in a logical way; but yea check that out and take it one day at a time thinking about how you can tell each quick story better than the last ;)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
In my opinion 30 sec gesture are all about the C S I line of action most of it is basicly the action of the spine and the head.I have my doubt that this is being actually done in 30 sec those look more like 1 min gesture.It an exercise in reduction when doing 30sec gesture not in putting the most information you can on the page in my opinion.A 1 min gesture is more about capturing full gesture: the action of limb the direction and to make the gesture as clear as possible with the remaining second.A 5min gesture is all that was said previously but more information on the 3d nature of the figure a more define contour and how the limb and the body balance to create the gesture.

I hope this was of any use and this my personal opinion so it open for debate.Don't be scared to reduce your gesture to something that more abstract in your 30sec gesture.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(04-21-2020, 04:14 AM)Fedodika Wrote: id reccomend watching some mattessi or getting his book for gesture, its incredible


right now i think youre just trying to draw the contours of the gesture instead of thinking  about the individual components which make the gesture; the weight and skeleton and flow of it. You seem to also draw one big line of action and try to fit everything to it, which can be a very limited mindset when youre doing this sort of drawing.

Think of the limbs as all being part of one big story, they lead into one another, they are families and relationships of energy that flow in and out of each other. it starts getting into poetry when we talk about gesture... its hard to explain in a  logical way; but yea check that out and take it one day at a time thinking about how you can tell each quick story better than the last ;)

(04-21-2020, 04:53 AM)darktiste Wrote: In my opinion 30 sec gesture are all about the C S I line of action most of it is basicly the action of the spine and the head.I have my doubt that this is being actually done in 30 sec those look more like 1 min gesture.It an exercise in reduction when doing 30sec gesture not in putting the most information you can on the page in my opinion.A 1 min gesture is more about capturing full gesture: the action of limb the direction and to make the gesture as clear as possible with the remaining second.A 5min gesture is all that was said previously but more information on the  3d nature of the figure a more define contour and how the limb and the body balance to create the gesture.

I hope this was of any use and this my personal opinion so it open for debate.Don't be scared to reduce your gesture to something that more abstract in your 30sec gesture.

Thanks so much guys. So it definitely seems like I'm rushing to copy the pose- especially for only a 30sec one. What I'm getting is that I should slow down and think of the energy and weight of the action being done and not so much major contours. I'll do some more, apply this frame of mind and post updates! Again very much appreciated.
Also started watching Mattesi's vid series- thanks for the link :) Directional and applied force in a shape/gesture is new to me but super fascinating. Really liking the idea of there being "momentum" lending itself to balance and rhythm. Around 9min in at part2 is particularly blowing my mind ahah. Seems like a more abstract and emotional way of thinking of things, sorta like u were saying darktiste.

Anyways, here's a painting from the other night. Working on shape design + design in general. Spent more time than usual researching outfits and resolving the designs of things during sketching phase rather than letting it bite me in the butt later on while painting lol. Definitely something I'm learning to incorporate in my workflow more. Can't always jump into the fun painting part right off the bat huh xD better to learn the hard way than no way haha.
+wip. Gonna give turtle a mask lmao

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nice job on the explorer! that could definitely be a portfolio piece, it has good story and the gesture is believable and good stylization. I wouldnt really change anything about it, but i guess i'll challenge your conceptual mind... what are other ways of exploring or showing that gesture of being lost on a map? Think of all the different little ways a cartoon character could get hung up on that subject... try all those variations in quick sketches and ideas.

youre good at showing a lot of story with no mouth or nose, try to push that even further ;) its gonna have to be with the body

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
(04-26-2020, 02:07 PM)Fedodika Wrote: nice job on the explorer! that could definitely be a portfolio piece, it has good story and the gesture is believable and good stylization. I wouldnt really change anything about it, but i guess i'll challenge your conceptual mind... what are other ways of exploring or showing that gesture of being lost on a map? Think of all the different little ways a cartoon character could get hung up on that subject... try all those variations in quick sketches and ideas.

youre good at showing a lot of story with no mouth or nose, try to push that even further ;) its gonna have to be with the body

Thank you :) And that's a good direction to move in for sure. Because of how I like to simplify the face, I should def make up for it in other areas. If anything this is a good sign to pick up the pace on my anatomy and gesture studies!

Quick heavypaint still life for today. I actually made a GIF of my process time lapse but I can't attach it :(
Anyone know how to post gifs in a thread by any chance?

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you can try the

>new reply
Then on the top above the black box, theres 

B I U S brackets text, text size, text color, remove formatting, and then the next little area to the right
Click the second one and upload the url from another site in that little box

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Thanks Fedodika! I'll upload it to imgur and drop it here when i get the chance.
For now, here's some colors I slapped on a previous sketch. No real studies lately because of commission and school work ugh

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Today's 1HR gesture class. Thanks again to those that helped me with my gestures :) I'm having way more fun and feel like I'm moving in the right direction. Just need to keep at it!

Tackled a Mermay painting but wasn't feeling it to be honest lol. I (again) rushed into the painting phase without considering much of the design and especially the odd silhouette situation going on here. Seems like I really dislike painting anything overly complex atleast without thoroughly breaking it down first in phases. I'll aim to consider this in me next mermaid paint

Finished dis one a few days ago. The glass was a fun challenge indeed

Ah almost forgot this one. Color thumbs for class

hey spec, heres some quick things to consider in gesture...

Always emphasize the tapering line, forceful lines lead into eachother when they are curved and parallel. also for quicker gestures, ditch thinking of the contour, focus on where the weight is placed on the ground, or how the spine is curving, how the balance of the pose is in space. That's much more helpful in thinking of what the pose is capable of in the long run than trying to quickly show oh the arms here, heres the head you know...

What are their relationships to one another? how do they flow into one another


Focus on how those forms land, gesture isnt about pretty drawings its about feeling the possibilities of what the drawing could be, finding the skeleton before you add the rest of the good stuff

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70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
(05-05-2020, 11:17 PM)Fedodika Wrote: hey spec, heres some quick things to consider in gesture...

Always emphasize the tapering line, forceful lines lead into eachother when they are curved and parallel. also for quicker gestures, ditch thinking of the contour, focus on where the weight is placed on the ground, or how the spine is curving, how the balance of the pose is in space. That's much more helpful in thinking of what the pose is capable of in the long run than trying to quickly show oh the arms here, heres the head you know...

What are their relationships to one another? how do they flow into one another


Focus on how those forms land, gesture isnt about pretty drawings its about feeling the possibilities of what the drawing could be, finding the skeleton before you add the rest of the good stuff

Wow thank you!!! And also for the lil paintover w pointers. Looked over it and also studied more of Mattesi. Slowing down and thinking not only of the different types of force along with weight, anatomy, proportion etc is quite the challenge! But I honestly feel like I'm having so much more fun as opposed to earlier where i'd stress and rush to "copy" shapes lol. Looking forwards to my next gesture sesh to practice this some more.
Again, I super appreciate the help dude

 Below is the 30min "class" for tonight. Feels less fatiguing than a 1hr sesh and I can better focus and retain what I'm trying to learn. Might stick with these for the next few days

Funky car painting hehehe

yea big jump already! Always push for more simplicity, which stylistically you do anyways, but it goes a long way... Yea copying contours is something a lot of artists get sucked into early on. They think its about drawing as fast as possible instead of appreciating how this image is fitting together!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Slightly older studies but found some useful reminders here for myself. Omitted the reference cause noodity

Also any help with this mermaid's lifted shoulder would be SUPER help! I'm going for a more simplified look, but I still feel like somethings missing... maybe slightly implying the deltoid or even clavicle somehow... hmmm idk haha.
Or maybe I'll get of my own bum and do the pose myself and update once i finish schoolwork!


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