Video Games
i just started Kingdoms of amalur, but the game is huge, and with Final Fantasy X HD, Dark souls 2 and Metal gear solid 5 on the horizon and dont even know if i will finish it haha

I'm almost finished with Super Mario RPG. Right at Smithy, the final boss. I started the game around February or so.

It's funny how forgettable the last gauntlet of bosses were if they weren't Machine Made. I didn't remember Gunyolk, Cloaker, Domino, or any of the factory workers.

But somehow I do remember Countdown.

Still an enjoyable game. But still not as good as the Mario and Luigi series.

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Gonna start replaying ZombiU tonight played it with a friend a while back and loved the hell out of it pure survival horror,
gonna try my luck at finishing it on survival(1 life) mode.

Also playing payday the heist recently, my steam names triggerpigking if anyones up for a few games of it.

I also finished resident evil revelations with a friend,
Started out by playing infernal mode and is it just me or is the mode broken, firstly it destroys the first monster reveal by spawning them before it's meant to be introduced (we were confused when we first played it as a monster just walks round the corner and no dioluge no cutscene or nothing).
And secondly there does'nt seem to be enough ammo to take them all down even if your very precise with all your shots and the dodge mechanic is bordering on broken so you can't really run past them so they end up just chasing you over to the door and camping outside of it until you finally go back through and meet a spikey claw to the face.

Aside from the bullshit infernal mode though we went to play normal and it was a very good game hell best since re4 which is sadly not saying much it even had some funny and good new characters story's good incredibly cheesey but good, RE itself is cheesey so it works fine.
I just want wesker back :(.

Humm It's currently hard to find time to play BUT I have achieved to finish Far CRy 3 Blood Dragon and what a fucking funny game, it's been a long time since I hadn't enjoyed a game that much...

Then I'd like to finish Assassin's Creed II and Skyrim (<3) and to start Darksouls because it really looks amazing and at long last to be a challenging game.. There is a looooong list of games I wish I had time to play but those are the priorities.. ^^

Recently finished Rayman Origins, which was really fun and appealing. I had never played a single Rayman game before, and now that I've learned that the character was a single creation by an individual who's had alot of creative control with the main series, as opposed to the corporate amalgamation I always assumed (Blame the shitty Rabbids spinoff for making me think that), I'm interested in playing the old games now.

Rayman was just the series I never played. I heard it was good. But I never had much interest until I saw a trailer for Origins, and played the demo to get a good taste of what to expect.

I absolutely loved the goofy Earthworm Jim vibe I got from the entire game, from the graphics to the music. And the solid 2D platforming makes it all worthwhile.

I'm most certainly gonna get the sequel. Whenever it comes out.

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The 2d on that latest Rayman looked -amazing.-

I'm playing Baldurs Gate 2 again. I think I've finished that game a couple of hundred times.

Just finished Kingdoms of amalur, it was, gray. Not bad, but not good either. Just meh...
Also, looks like we have XCOM enemy unknow on playstation plus this month (in europe that is)
Anyone played it? i have heard really good things about it.
The permadeath of the characters is a plus for me.

I've heard really great things about XCOM, but haven't played it myself. Constantly debating playing it, heh. Just got done playing Sanctum 2 with my brother, great improvement from the first one(which I loved.)

just played Xcom a bit and it is AWESOME i really recommend it, but beware, is like a damn drug.
Edit: Until it gets too difficult and you realize you are not going to beat it. Dammit, i´m not a gamer anymore, just a casual player.
Where is my casual level of difficulty??

About 5 hours into Final Fantasy V. It's been a good while since I've played a game in this series, and I plan on beating all of the original games soon enough. So far I've beaten 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 10.

Of those, 1 wasn't legit. 7 is KINDA legit (up to Disc 3, at least). I'll replay them both some time.

I recommend 4 as a starting point to get into old school RPG's in general. Beware, the final dungeon will kick your ass.

But 6 is hands down the best game of the series. The only drawback is the middling difficulty. Everything else is excellent.

7 is a good game, but is certainly overrated.

8 and 10 are decent games AS games, but their much maligned stories are just as terrible as everyone says they are.

Back on topic, when I started 5 I was dreading that the gameplay would have the main problem that 7 and 8 cemented into the series, that continued with 12 and 13: Interchangeable blank state characters with little to no practical individuality.

7's Materia system had this problem, but 8's Magic Junction is the most extreme example. In both games, the only thing that truly distinguishes your character is their limit breaks, which you'll rarely use (unless you cheat). Outside of that, any character can have any skill or command or spell or ability.

It didn't help too much, but 7's characters DID all have unique base stats, and made them lean toward different roles, to some degree. But after halfway through the game it's not enough.

But in 8's case, your characters really are completely interchangeable outside of their limit breaks. The game itself WANTS you to treat them this way. You change characters stats with the magic you carry, and because of it, any character can take any role, and you can literally swap a character's stats with another, which happens many times throughout the game.

But having spent 5 hours of play, I've realized something about FF5. The fact is that your characters are all blank states from the beginning and all have access to any class you unlock. But the reality is that your characters BECOME individuals by the choices you make and the experience they gain in each individual class.

Characters unlock abilities the more they use a specific class, and eventually it turns into the point that characters will have abilities the rest can't access. And the classes that characters master permanently change their base stats, as well. Dual-classing characters is what the game expects you to do, and the ability to do so is dictated by the experience you build in each class. It's a very nice system.

And I have to give points to the Blue Mages here. The majority of the time, I despise Blue Mages. They're usually the busywork class that takes serious effort to make useful. It all comes down to the horrible idea that the blue mage must be hit with the enemy skill in order to learn it. In FF7 and FFTA it's insufferable, but some games change the method of gaining the skills and it usually results in something much more bearable.

8 had Quistis learn different Blue Magic (her limit break, by the way) through consumable items you find throughout the game.

But 6 had Strago, who learns Enemy Skills simply by watching an enemy use them! He just needs to be there and able to see it!

5 happened to be the first game to do Blue Mages, but two things keep it from being the nightmare I suffered in 7. Dual classing makes it possible for a non-Blue Mage to have the ability to learn attacks that harm them, and the best one: Blue Magic is a shared pool. Unlike 7, when one character manages to learn a skill, all other Blue Mages have access to it!

It's actually pretty easy to acquire Blue Magic is this game! There are still some that are tricky busy work, but with a guide I was able to acquire all of the blue magic available to me at this point in the game in about 20 minutes.

To wrap up and stop yapping, FF5 isn't bad at all. I just defeated the Liquid Flame and I'm waiting to finally meet Gilgamesh.

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I just got Sid Meier's Civ V and I don't think I'm ever going to peel myself away from it. It's also been good as far as thinking over story concepts are concerned, because it presents a lot of scenarios that make my terrible brain figuratively jump up and down in glee.

Such as Genghis Khan, Naval Overlord and Kamehameha's SCIENCE EMPIRE and all sorts of things. I just wish it had more sophisticated espionage and diplomacy mechanisms, along with more room for...politics, I guess, but that's just my lifelong desire to see a decent intrigue/espionage game set in a good, well-developed pre-industrial setting rearing its ugly head.

No, lifelong desire. Sleep. That will never happen.

In other news, I've been enjoying Far Cry 3 a whole lot, because it's pretty well-written and full of terrible dudes who I am secretly glad are not real. I just wish the protagonist wasn't Jason because Jason is an enormous tool and I'm sick and tired of straight white male protagonists in pretty much anything.

I really want to replay New Vegas, Mass Effect trilogy, along with the entire Assassin's Creed series. Mostly II, III and Revelations, though. Brotherhood just didn't do it for me.

So, yeah. Games! Mostly I complain about them and ruin everyone's fun.
I finally caved in and tried out Skyrim.

I was always wary of playing the Elder Scrolls series. Yep.

When you can describe a game series as "Dungeons and Dragons with Bethesda's Fallout engine", it's hard to find it interesting. The thing that makes the Fallout games so goddamn fun is the setting. It's unique, it's sometimes comically cynical and full of mythos, and the soundtrack's always great. I can explore the world for hours. Finding locations, fighting creatures with a laser gun I found from an alien spaceship. Blasting off the legs of 9 foot tall monsters with C4 I plant in their path. It's a joy!

What's interesting about a Dungeons and Dragons setting? It's been done thousands of times.

Well it turns out, it's pretty fun! Just accept the fact that it IS just DnD and enjoy it simply for that fact. Fighting dragons, exploring dungeons, gaining loot, casting magic. Just because it's generic doesn't make it not fun! There's a reason this genre's still alive and well!

The character progression is a great improvement to the engine, I must say. Gaining skill by USING the skill in question is much more natural than simply gaining a pool of points to spend on a level up. Your character only gets good at the skills they constantly use, based on the mileage. I know that sounds familiar to all of us.

I pretty much tried to adapt the Elf Wizard character I made for my first ever game of DnD, and am essentially going through the game as him the whole time. Except he's alot braver.

The most amusing moment so far is the time I went to Riverwood and caused the townfolk to riot just because I killed a chicken. Was NOT expecting that. Just make me pay a fine, people!

One thing I'm disappointed by is the removal of the ability to injure body parts like the Fallout games. That really made me strategize the way I fight, especially when I'm a person who loves loves using explosives in these games. But that aside, I really see what I missed.

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(06-29-2013, 02:49 PM)Psychotime Wrote: I finally caved in and tried out Skyrim.

I was always wary of playing the Elder Scrolls series. Yep.

When you can describe a game series as "Dungeons and Dragons with Bethesda's Fallout engine", it's hard to find it interesting. The thing that makes the Fallout games so goddamn fun is the setting. It's unique, it's sometimes comically cynical and full of mythos, and the soundtrack's always great. I can explore the world for hours. Finding locations, fighting creatures with a laser gun I found from an alien spaceship. Blasting off the legs of 9 foot tall monsters with C4 I plant in their path. It's a joy!

What's interesting about a Dungeons and Dragons setting? It's been done thousands of times.

Well it turns out, it's pretty fun! Just accept the fact that it IS just DnD and enjoy it simply for that fact. Fighting dragons, exploring dungeons, gaining loot, casting magic. Just because it's generic doesn't make it not fun! There's a reason this genre's still alive and well!

I pretty much tried to adapt the Elf Wizard character I made for my first ever game of DnD, and am essentially going through the game as him the whole time. Except he's alot braver.

The most amusing moment so far is the time I went to Riverwood and caused the townfolk to riot just because I killed a chicken. Was NOT expecting that. Just make me pay a fine, people!

Skyrim is a lot of fun! I understand your aversion to medieval fantasy. Hell, I even share it. However, the setting (in my opinion) takes a significant number of steps away from DnD and I'd argue that it stands on its own. It has more than enough well-developed lore (hell, the dunmer and bosmer alone, along with all the Morrowind stuff and the plethora of books you find in-game), and doesn't necessarily deserve to be thrown into the same grab-bag as the overwhelming majority of poorly executed Tolkienesque settings.

And if we're talking about Skyrim stories, there was a time where I accidentally the entire city of Whiterun with two dragons and a Stormcall shout.
I used to be a hardcore WoW player (hardcore as in, raiding 8 toons every week, for at least 5 hours per toon, per week) - I've played a lot of games, and still playing some... These include (But are not limited to):

- Borderlands 2
- Guild Wars 2
- World of Warcraft
- Diablo 2
- Diablo 3
- Need for Speed franchise
- Ratchet and Clank
- Crash Bandicoot (Crash Team Racing, Crash 1,2 and 3 only)
- Spyro the Dragon (1, 2 and 3 on PS1 only. Tried the others and didn't like them)
- Grand Theft Auto (Vice City is definately my favourite)
- Tekken (I prefer 5 and 6 myself, even though 6 makes me ragequit a lot)
- Dead or Alive
- Kingdom Hearts
- Final Fantasy
- Dirge of Cerberus (Another FF VII Game that was bought out on PS2)
- Harvest Moon
- The Sims 2/3 + Expansions
- Motorstorm: Apocalypse
- Twisted Metal
- Shadows of Rome (Hands down funnest game i've played on Ps2)
- Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time :3
- A Bugs Life
- Prototype
- Devil May Cry
- Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

... yeah. There are probably dozens more that I have forgotten. :P But those are just a few... Also used to be a hardcore Pokemon player on original black and white gameboy... Charizard was by far my favourite :) (Cliche, I know)
Finally watched Rocky 6 earlier this week (Decent movie. The only bad Rocky movie is 4, in my opinion. Yes, everyone knows it's a dumb movie, but seriously, I hate it. Probably because I never watched it as a kid, which most fans of the movie seem to have in common.)

So immediately afterward I felt like playing Super Punch Out. It's been around 5 years since I last played it, and it shows. I no longer have a good grasp on the patterns and get my ass kicked.

I beat Super Macho Man, but I haven't been able to do it without losing once or twice, so I can't unlock the final circuit, which requires a perfect (no-losses) run on all of the previous circuits.

Still a fun game. I never really bothered with the original, because I didn't grow up on the NES. I've tried it, but I'm absolutely terrible at it, because it plays differently from the SNES game.

I really need to buy that Wii game one of these days. It should be cheap now.

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At the moment I just finished up Fallout 3 GOTY edition. Was 20 bucks and i never played the DLC so I thought why not. I'm glad I didn't fork over 10 bucks a piece for those DLCs thought cause most of them were pretty awful!

I also just picked up oblivion again and am playing that as an assassin/thief. usually I play RPGs as an in-your-face tank kind of guy, but recently, after playing Witcher 2 I've been finding that playing agility based characters is WAY more fun. Its way easier dealing tons of damage and simply moving out of the way of attacks than it is dealing medium damage and taking all the hits head on

And I've also been playing Roller Coaster Tycoon 3. I must say its actually a very good game, and a pretty good step up from the other 2. I just really hate the music and the fact that the music only plays when you zoom all the way out or allllll the way in!

I've been playing Earthbound for a little bit. Never played this series beforehand, and for the dumbest of reasons (I don't like it when RPGs do the 1st person type thing for it's battle screen. I just don't.)

It's difficulty is bipolar in the beginning, but it's a surprisingly funny game. I knew it was gonna be cute and silly, but I was not expecting funny dialogue or situations on top of that. It's enjoyable, but it's easy to get stuck sometimes.

Currently I just added Paula to my team and am trying to find a way to get past the ghosts that block the path to Threed.

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Just been going back and playing classic games lately: the first three Mega Man X games, Chrono Trigger, Contra Hard Corps, Super Mario 3, Blaster Master, Contra.

I got rid of all of my current-gen systems, those games just take up too much of my time. I have Borderlands 2 on my laptop, but I play for about an hour a week and get bored with it pretty quick. The classic games I can play for as long or as short as I want, and not feel like I've wasted any time.

Finally finished Season 1 of the Telltale Sam and Max games. I've been told that the series gets progressively better with each new season, which is good to hear.

Episode 1 of Season 2 certainly starts off with a bang, but now I'm stuck at the North Pole with no idea what to do.

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league of legend
(old game game i like)
Age of empire 2
starcraft before starcraft 2
grand thief auto

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