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Me eyes are burnin'
Didn't exactly end up doing what I set out to do today :c
A couple of gestures, a quick leg study aaaand I managed to actually finish a painting... well, self-portrait study #vanity .
Learned a hell of a lot from it, so I don't regret bypassing other studies.
Though obviously not 100% happy with it - the likeness is still a bit off. I still gotta work on valueees, study lips, badly (and how to paint eyes), + much more.
anyways, much to do tomorrow :D
lol concentration mode activated: (painted SP #1)
sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
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Soo good!! Are you using photos for the self portraits?
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Your portraits are looking awesome! You should post more works in color!
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Really nice looseness to your sketches, really like the anatomy studies and that self portrait too, keep it up :)
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M. Calza - hahaha aaaah not yet! Oh no, I use a mirror and my laptop (I realised now how screwed up the values are... laptop monitors be so glarey D:) but thanks dood!
Rognoll - Mmm indeed, in time :D I just want to feel a little more comfortable painting with values, before I fully move into colour... but I will pop out a couple soon to acquire new knowledge ¯\(°_o)/¯ thank you Rognoll! ^^
will123will - ohai! Thanks buddy ^^ and will do ;)
I am annoyed with myself :c
I couldn't even finish a value sketch for the "character generator" challenge I set myself
I was full going to clean up his derpy face and make him look more villain-y(?) sighsighsigh
I need to stop giving up on these paintings from imagination - just because you get frustrated doesn't give you an excuse to give up - after you finish it, study what's frustrating you. 'Nuff said.
did a couple of hip studies (very basic)
more 30second gestures
some sketches, which I'm unhappy with
I had so much more I was going to learn today. Mmm.
Oh well, tomorrow's a brand new day <3
Just remember to thiiiiiink girl, thiiiiink.
sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
hey you've made some really cool progress in this sketchbook!
going from the start to the end, I can see major changes in your technique and your confidence.
keep it up, you're doing great!! :D
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darxx - hey thanks man! :3 I most definitely will keep it up, in fact - I'll never stop... mwahaha! ^^
Read a lot today, did a couple of photo studies which I feel I learned a looooot from.
(says she wasn't going to paint in colour... paints in colour #facepalm haha!)
A crappy sketch... which however I learned quite a bit from - as crappy as it is.
and 2 really quick Michelangelo studies which I feel I learned nothing from :/ (yeah, fix this, girl)
Looking forward to tomorrow! Lots more studyin' :D oh and finally being able to play soccer since like a whole month and a bit of terrible weather, aww yis.
NN daggers <3
sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
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cool color studies! i just started getting into color too, it is much more fun than B&W
Ps have you seen donnie darko? especially the part where he talks about smurfette? [/i]
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Wow, it's been a'while since I've visited your sketchbook, and I gotta say there's so much going on it was a little hard for me to get caught up with your stuff, haha. Really great stuff, you're pencils have come a long way in terms of their cleanliness and just about everything. You reminded me I gotta get to doing pencil drawings again, it's been too long.
As far as a crit of where you are at right now it is hard to say what you need to work on considering you're attacking most facets of drawing and getting more into painting. I've seen what appears to be a few personal WIP's, I'd really like to see those finished. Anything else and I'd just be nit-picky. Really liking the progress, MOAR! :DD
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I have come here from page 1 and have seen you jump at least 20 levels, well done! awesome work ethic.Your gestures look a lot better and your hatching is soooooo much smoother and easier to look at now, and I think you pulled off the glossy material in those last studies really nicely
I want to see more imagination sketches and personal work too! GO GO GO! If you study glossy materials then you better paint some from imagination to apply the photostudies!
Hey, thanks for the welcome in my introduction post :) you've got a nice sketchbook. I like the variety of studies and I can tell you're really working on a lot of areas at the same time. Keep that up and things will be happening!
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You're like a freight train with your studying.
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Fedodika - haha thank you buddy! Ohhh yes haha I totally agree ^^, 'though I can't help but still feel intimidated by colour haha :3 and omgosh yeeeeeeeeeees!! That movie is another main reason I came up with this nick - definitely in my top 10 movies of all time, daaamn it's soooo good
Archreux - oh man... oh man oh man! Where do I begin? THAAAANK YOOOOUUU! I have to thank you a bajeezus-load for the feedback on my lines way back in funky town :3 so many facepalming came after reading your comment and ever since then I really tried paying attention to what I was doing with my drawings - as well as in general. Really opened my eyes for the better, so thank you once again. It really has been a while hahas ^^
Samszym - aaaaah I'd say jumped up a couple lvls, maybe not 20 :3 haha --- ooohhhh yes sir , roger that! I definitely agree, I keep on starting pieces from imagination and just leaving them unfinished... I'll do two tomorrow mwahah! Thanks for dropping by!
HiddenMyst - hey no worries buddy! Glad you're apart of the community! :D haha yeah, now I just gotta get these studies to stick! Thanks you!!
Finnjamin - LOL :D you so funny! - now I feel I need to do imaginary stuff for sure tomorrow :) thanks man
Been reading for the past two days straight, managed to get a little prac work in, though not a lot...
I had fun with these studies and learned a looooot after reading over articles regarding light, tone, form and edges - still I should've managed a lot more hands on work than I did, mm.
So, er, some (unfinished) sketches from life from yesterday/today annnnnd light experiments.
my damned brother kept moving as I was drawing him to tick me off... he succeeded. :c . oh well, jokes on him 'cause he turned out like shit :D
Terribad perspective, tone, etc.
Man, I wanna get better at drawing. :/
Now it's off to bed while listening to this on le repeat ^^
NN daggers <3
sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
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Holy crap, a 'vulcan' heater. I used to spend all winter in front of one of those.
Your sketching skills have advanced so much since page one! Frikkin' wicked progress.
Hey smrrfette! Nice progress so far! You've already come a long way, keep going! I really like your self portrait and most of those are solid! I liked the idea of doing them digitally. Ok, i could've thought of it myself, but I never did! :D I tried it today and my gestures turned out stiffer as they would've been have I sketched them traditionally.. good paper and pencil saver though..
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What a great progress here ! :D
Great work on the values for the sphere on the last post ! And keep doing tons of life sketches ! :)
Can't wait to see your next post !!
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Finnjamin - LOL yes! We still huddle up against it today :D haha thank you ^^!
eleven - I must admit, it feels strange doing gestures digitally! I guess pencil and paper will always feel more natural to me (even though I suck :D) but very true, saving some trees ;)! Thank you!
Izzual - heya, thanks! I totally took your advice - been drawing from life a lot more, it helps with sooooo many things, I will continue to draw from life now! :)
I do not have much to show D:
There were a good 10 more pages of pencil sketches which I've managed to lose, as well as a couple of PS files that were destroyed by a blackout (and my frustrated self - starting files, getting 3/4 through and binning them. I keep telling myself this needs to stop, but nothing happens... mmm.)
sketches before applying perspective, ugh
stuff from life again
feet from life (there were more, but they were soooooooo bad ugh)
terribad unfinished piece of shii--
couple of perspective studies from Sick's class :) (basic idea)
playing with light
wip sketch from imagination (if I ever finish it... YOU BETTER!)
Although, during last week, I found something pretty interesting about myself as a person.
I work a lot harder when I'm put down.
When someone looks at my work and reminds me I have a lot of work to do.
When I show a family member and what I get in return is a silent nod, or a "yeah it's good, but..."
I become extremely competitive when someone tells me I can't do something, or that I suck at something, or if I'm looked down upon.
Subsequently, I tend to become very lazy/complacent when someone tells me my work looks good.
The stupid thing is, when someone mentions they like my work; personally I still hate it - and yet, hearing feedback like that literally makes me want to do nothing.
The theory not only applies to art, but many facets of life.
I'm glad I've figured this out now, rather than later.
Now, enough venting - back to art.
sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
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I bet you can't finish this last one, it sucks! and I'm looking down on you! Prove me wrong!!
Ps. Thanks for the answer from my pm, I'll try that again.
Pps. Love your "mood" signature, always good music :D
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Your quest for clarity in self and in art is inspiring :D
I'm tempted to go "GREAT JOB!" but you now its not as effective as...
It's good smrr but...
*edit* thank you for that awesome royksopp playlist REPEAT!
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13 long have I been out????? You've gotten so good, it's disgusting.
Ew, gross.