smrrfette's Odyssey
Maan, you're progress in the past few months alone is really inspiring! I agree with Manny, though, it's pretty gross. :P

LOL YOU GUYS. Hahahaha I was in stitches when I read your comments! aaaaah means a lot :')

M. Calza - hahahaha! WELL THEN! Now I feel like finishing it! >:D and oooh, respect ++ for even noticing the music I link, let alone digging it! D5f02ecd

anzhou - LOL! Aww anzhoooooou! Thanks buddy :D and haha yes! Royksopp <33 *high fives* for awesome music :D

Mannyhaatz - YOU! YOU'RE ALIVE! :O! Too long, my friend, too damned long D: hahaha yes indeed it is gross xD

ZombiechinChilla - hey, thanks you man ^^ hahaha awwh, that's sweet of you! Hearing that sure makes me want to work harder, better, faster, stronger ;)

Couple of sketches - I want to finish & fix the weird-ass short-legged evil horny chic, not the other page though.

sketches from life (could have put more effort into getting the tone correct in the background bit)

still working on dat cyborg - had to lighten it up - I think the glare from working on my lappy is really screwing with the blacks & whites

quick still lifes - pretty much all block ins... I need to do soooo many more of these, they're fun and I learned a lot (now I gotta apply it).

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Someone inspired today? Keep up the studies, that water bottle is my favorite of the batch.

I'm in love with that canvas and thick paint texture you get on the background of that bottle :D *can't stop staring*

geez how did you get that texture on the water bottle canvas[/align]?!?!
are you using painter???
nvm don't tell me, it's your thing Shock
Now that's a giant amount of studies haha!
Dropped by to say I really, really liked the girl's portrait in black and white on page 7, it's amazing. And the life sketches. And the color studies..arghhh all your stuff is real nice...

really cool stuff in this sketchbook, bottle is very good, more still lifes...keep it up

Lance MacCarty - haha indeed! Thanks mine too :3

anzhou & Fedodika - hahaha, it's just from a brush pack I found on CGHub by Ditlev, here ya go! : yeeeeeaaaa... I'm not that amazing! ;A;

TonariNoPunpun - it's gotten a tiny bit better, though I definitely need to push harder!! thank you :)

blu01 - I plan on it :) shall do and thank you!

What can I say?
Painting from imagination is something I both love and... I wouldn't say hate, but fear is a good word for it.
This past week I've been forcing myself to read novels, look at inspiring shiz (from art to life etc)
to get inspired so that I could sit down and finish some imagination sketches!
I still can't believe how many times I get 50% through a piece and then start over (I'm thinking from now on I should screencap the progress for shits and giggles)
soooo the idea was to finish some colour pieces, mess around in PS and stop being a pansy.

couple of master studies - the Bierstadt was a definite fail, though still learned a lot ~5hrs *sigh

Sargent study - focus on the face ~3.5hrs. Dem edges. The man was truly a master.

experiments 10mins ea


thumbnails and an unfinished char design for the "Travelling Merchant" CD character challenge (I plan to do all of these :D)

There were a lot of sketchbook pages... but my scanner's being a douchebag.
Hopefully that gets fixed soon :/

My head hurts from not working as hard as I could.

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Wow, awesome to hear your drawing inspiration from novels and life and stuff! I want to scurry off to the library and get some books myself now XD Great work on these studies!

I just want to say I absolutely love the lower left thumbnail, the dude looks like he's carrying around his goods in a giant hermit crab shell and it feels like a character I'd see in a sea-based Legend of Zelda game. For me that guy read instantly as a traveling merchant.

Loving your progress. Keep it up!
Also cool concepts :)

Hey there!

Good work so far! I see improvements in your studies, even though you say you struggle with those so much. Just keep at that pace and soon enough you'll be doing them in much shorter time and learning as fast as you do now! That's like, productivity on top of productivity or smthn! :D

What I noticed about your past original work is that your compositions are very linear. Which is often boring if not handled well. You might want to break some of those horizon-and-pretty-much-every-other-line-that-is-going-straight-for-too-long. <- Like that word I just made up.

Also, make sure you got some image hierarchy going. I want to look at that awesome spiky green tombstone building in the corner, but I end up watching those beautiful clouds instead every time I look at that pic.

I like those quick sketches you did, though. Especially the last one. I have no idea what it is...but the colors and the composition seems to be going in the right direction there. So yeah, have fun and keep grindin'. Good luck!
Looking good, looks like a big improvement in the last couple pages.

I especially like the master studies in the last post. And the water bottle is great too, I keep trying to do more of that but always end up rendering to compensate for my forms being wonky.

Aaaah I need sleep... stat

Love all you guys ^ will reply to you all whilst on the train to see my Dad for lunch <3
aaaaand will be able to check out some sketchbooks again :D


Samszym - reading really is a source of infinite inspiration :D hey thanks! Yeeeeeeah my idea for the traveling merchant was a hermit-man type of thing :) though I've only played Zelda thrice (don't kill me haha) I know what you mean and it means alot that you thought that :)!
crackedskull - thank you! Will do as always ;)
eleven - maaaan you are a legend!! All kinds of gratitude to you, sir! This is awesome feedback and I will get to work on it straight away once I'm back from the city! :D thank you again!!
mdbauman - haha some kind of improvement at least :s thanks man! Haha I know that feel

Thanks for dropping by guys ( ~^3^)~ <3

Sunday soccer gameeeee, we made it into the semis (AW YEEA) got back at around 4pm, read some Nat Geo articles and made a 7day schedule. It was becoming overwhelming to manage my time and what to study every day using only post it notes. Time well spent :)

Went to life drawing yesterday :D and I know I've said this before, but I'm for real reals going to be attending life drawing every Monday from now on :) these are from yesterday's sesh. I know now what I need to work on even more, learned heeaaps. I also love that after the 2ish hours, you feel absolutely spent. Drained. So much thinking going on... In such a relaxed atmosphere... It's awesome :)

The rest of the work is from today
Woot woot for my first colour self-portrait! It be bad, but I know what I need to work on. Thinking natural lighting next time round, instead of fluorescent crap...

nn daggers!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Couple of sketches:
Blue pens from the bus - messing 'round. The smudged orc page (wah ;_;) with the soldier dude was from the train ride yesterday. The quick-ass thumbnails were from a couple of days ago.
Ear studies.
Gestures after watching some Proko vids, though they feel lifeless. I now see what a complete waste of time my last life drawing sesh was - I wasn't observing or analysing anywhere near as much as I should've been. Oh well, now I'm even more eager for next time >:D
I then took one of the gestures (first of the second page) and redrew the gesture from imagination, then turned it into a somewhat finished sketch.

Looking forward to tomorrow's work, aw ye.

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Really like the blue pen stuff, very graphical and it's nice to see the different approach, the last sketch overall it's really peaceful except for her arm, looks very tense, if you open her hand and make the arm more like this ")" it would make her more relaxed, you still suck! work harder! :D

Your sketches make me want to start using my sketchbook again! Wonderful sense of design. I have yet to cross that bridge haaa

M. Calza - hey dood! Yes! Thank you! I knew something was just not right about that sketch! Too bad I don't own an eraser :c
LOL ^_^ yea I suck! Hahaha you're the best!

Mannyhaatz - yay! Get them pencils out dude :D! No way man, you're leveling up everyday, believe me!

Some master drawing studies.
I realise right before bed (i.e. now) that I forgot to apply what I learned, so instead of finishing that failed 5min self-portrait drawing, I sketched a couple of quickies. (lots of work to do~)

warm-up sketchy thing was this quick muscle study.

15-20min photo studies from terragalleria

colour scheme challenge #2 (the first one which I spent a good 3hours on got deleted... ;____________________;
due to my haste, I was so inspired to paint that I never saved the file once in the 3hours of work.
so this one took about 30mins. :/

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand what I will call my first coloured self-portrait ;) because I actually used a palette with this one, instead of random, ugly guess work!

And no, it doesn't look like me in the slightest. woo.

Tomorrow, I'll be out... let's see how much work I can get done beforehand. >:)
Bring on the sunshine!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Wow! You really took the color thing to heart! I can see it adds a lot to your work. Those complementary pallets you did up there look excellent.

BTW,Argh! well, at least it was just 3 hours, not an entire day's work. Photoshop CS 6 comes with autosave, to forgetful dorks like me, it's a blessing.

Rognoll - Hahaha yeah I sure did, it was hard to before because I was fearful... working from grayscale to colour, I find to be harder atm as opposed to applying straight colour to canvas... pretty strange considering I draw all-out and don't paint. :P thank you! And lol yeah true :') I have CS6, but the autosave function didn't apply because I'm an idiot :)

Read quite a bit today before I went out, as well as downloaded a couple of cool art programs, which I will gladly share. Managed a couple of master studies and then attempted to apply what I learned.

Mm, scanner was being a bish again so I took photos... Not as bad quality as I thought they'd be...

Can't wait for tomorrow, there's so much to learn :)
Ohhhhh and soccer shall be good too.

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Short update!
Had soccer semi-finals today, we lost and I got booted in the nose... 20f27c58F5f49335 But damn it was fun <:
Managed to get a couple of things done:
Master studies, pen/pencil

Learning how to paint skin, ref'd ~2-3 hours using a palette :k , on and off between housework and cooking, bowchickabowwow

Life drawing tomorrow!! Need to study ask that juicy anatomy and pump out some gestures before the trek!
Can't wait! \o/

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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