Elderscrollers Sketchy Stuff
I wanted to do some old masters study, but I also wanted to make a selfportrait, as I have never done that before. I couldn´t decide which one to do first, so I just combined them :)

the last one looks great .. great idea !. You have nice skills. I like when people draw some knights, creatures and full bodies , because i'm not able to do it. It inspires me somehow. Looking forward to your next sketches !:)

@florentK: Thanks! I know what you mean, there are so many people out there who are so good at painting, it makes me want to be on their level and it kind of motivates me too. Don´t worry if you can´t draw full bodies etc. yet. The key is patience and practice. Study constantly and concentrated from reference, learn proportion and anatomy and you´ll be able to draw anything :)

A quick color study of a screenshot from Underworld:

A quick sketch/doodle of a...well, don´t know what it is. I´ll call it Death Knight

Some quick a bit more elaborated gestures with very basic 2-value shading:

Hey, you've come quite a way from those first few pages in your sketchbook. While I was looking through all of it there was a definite growth in your progress up to this point. Also, your sketchbook has really got me wanting to do some pencils, haha. Quite inspiring, I must say.

The studies you'd done of Alex's drawings really payed off in the end, right after that there was a leap in quality within your characters designs and the quality of the pencil lines themselves. If I could offer a bit of critique it would be that in some of your drawings the poses feel somewhat stiff, and forced. You've got a few drawings in here where the poses feel natural. The female at the bottom of your post, #105, and a couple of those cleaned up chars are some good examples.

I find that a lot of this problem stems from the positioning of the feet and legs, so keep an eye on those next time you're doing some characters and I'm sure things will continue to improve from there. I would also continue to study more and more faces. They've improved quite a bit, although some of their proportions, such as the eye placement, tend to be off in a few of them.

I'm a really big fan of this last portrait you'd done, I'm really tempted to go and do something similar now just because of how cool of an idea it is, and the portrait itself turned out well. The cracks were a nice addition on your part.

Loving the progress here, keep it up! :]

@Archreux: Great that you´re inspired to do pencils :) I always have a sketchbook and pencil with me, so when the itch to draw comes, I can do it whereever I want.
My flaws in character drawings are definitely still the poses. You are absolutely right, they tend to stiffen. Studying Alexes drawings really helped a lot, I have to do more of these "masterstudies"
Thanks for pointing out, that the stiffness in pose comes from the feet and legs. it never really occured to me, but now it´s obvious!

Color study from today, concentrating on folds on dark fabrics:

ref pic: http://mjranum.deviantart.com/

And another color study:

ref pic: http://mjranum.deviantart.com/

Wow, self portrait/master study looks amazing! Love how the light draws you right to the eyes.

(08-28-2013, 02:54 AM)Elderscroller Wrote: I wanted to do some old masters study, but I also wanted to make a selfportrait, as I have never done that before. I couldn´t decide which one to do first, so I just combined them :)

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


@Tygerson: Thanks ver much! You should try a selfportrait, it´s weird at first but fun to do :)

Color studies going on and on. I love the lighting of the original pic:

Ref pic by: http://mangrasshopper.deviantart.com/

Dang these lighting studies are boss! Are you applying what you learned from them right away? Seems like a lot of people have taken to painting characters with the same kind of lighting as the image they studied, I think hat would be a great way to force the information to stick in your head.
Sick work, keep it up :D

@Samszym: For now, I´m not applying the info right away. I´m planning to do more of those for the purpose of practicing rendering and seeing color and value. I do however plan to incorporate more "studies" into my finished paintings, like material studies and light&color studies. I agree with you that applying studied subjects onto finished paintings right away increases the memorize effect.

Some pencil doodles till the next color study:

Color study for armor/rusty metal in diffuse daylight

Original image: http://keirea.deviantart.com/

Some figure/skin color study:

Original image: http://charligal-stock.deviantart.com/

More pencils for a change:

Whoa awesome stuff man! The lighting studies you've done are awesome and your pencils are sooooooo good! Can't wait to see how you apply what you've learned from the lighting studies

Keep it up up up :D

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
@smrrfette: Thanks :) I wonder myself how things will turn out when doing more studies

Some very very quick speedy landscape:

Expression and hands studies:

Nice studies! Pretty strong characters..

@Kaffer: Thanks :)

Anatomy studies:


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