Wolkenfes : this week i was thinking about your advice..and i realised than it's almost impossible for me to draw right/left eye the same and drawing a frontal face without tilting it..
i suck ^_^ i flipped sometimes my picture but i definetly think it comes from my lack of structure drawing.. i m working on it :) thanks a lot !
ToxicPanda : fun was n't very easy to find previous week. thanks for passing by !
Janvonfrosa : well , stop rushing my work is my inner fight( always scary to not finish in time , scary to be too slow..) .I tried very hard to slow down. Now these time I don't really care than all my skeches looks like retarded of rough even if i spent 2 hours on it..if i m learning i ll take it :)
but i tried to apply your advise about seeting limits on time , i can't thank you enough , it helps me to increase my productivity instead spending my time trying to fix detail or getting lost

, thanks!
I got some switching mental issue , you know passing from "superproductive period" to "one i want to go to hell "(procrastination, super tired..)..it s about 2 weeks by 2 weeks..very strange.. i need to fix this mental disorder..
Do you guys have already feel something like that ? it's kinda lame..looks like i m a lunatic guy ..
so here some stuff from my last blast
I posted almost everything i did , good or bad , sorry for the flooding . (yea most of them are bad but , well, i m here to learn.. )
I tried to increase my ability to represent faces , paintings it..It looks like i m learning how to paint with photoshop flike a beginner. Skin tones, shading is very hard for me...and i noticed how making lineart in photoshop is difficult for people like me ..i prefer traditionnal tool.
Portrait with references
here i was focused mainly on overall shape and very basic skin tones . nothing too deep.just to understand (or trying to begin seeing something i can call understanding..)
a little bit more loose study ( i prefer this approach but i think i m learning fewer things )
and this picture is a WORK IN PROGRESS , it's just a painting about face with a reference but here i don't put extra effort on it, it s mainly for relaxing .I m not looking to finish it in a particular time , i know here the colors a little bit off. ( i mean ...i m wrong but i will modify them when the time will come :)
i don't think i can draw good faces without better drawing skills ( i mean it may be easier..i think about jana schirmer, wesleyburt, or everyone else ..)
here attempts i did all along these day to be able to make something i can call "lineart" in photoshop..
basic warmup ( i got 4 layers but one is enough painful for your eyes i guess :p )
lines face with the main layer on TOP of the references. To practice my lines flow..nothing else . i hate photoshop when it comes for lineart...
After that i did this still life study ( about geometry , it's a belt bag for harp)
it looks like i feel better with a big fat brush rather than 3 pixels width to do my lineart.
( i know colors are horrible..)
speedsketching session , doodling without ref. (which is bad for learning ..i know)
here some of the most interesting doodles i ve done
I tried to paint on one of my sketch , just for fun ..it looks a little bit "ambigous"..yea painting is not my strength..
This one is entirely without references just to see how my studies are going
looks weird ..
one hellboy fan art i did yesterday to warm up ,
and now one of the most boring study you will ever see..
I color pick once some colors from the painitng and after i tried to match by sight the color..ahah , no kidding this is hard ! ( at least for me )..
right now, i m actually get back to my drawing board revising my dynamic sketching . i love traditional pencil...
thanks for watching ! :D and sorry for the massive flooding update..