smrrfette's Odyssey
Fedodika - yeah, its pretty frustrating... guess I've just gotta manage my time more efficiently D: <3 your support keeps me going Fedodikaaaa thank you!

Not much, researched, read some stuff - but made sure I did a digital from imagination. Gotta do so many more... somehow.

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
smrrrrr i think maybe you could try some diff mediums to help with your arm problem. like charcoal or even oil paints, i've tried them myself and they are much less taxing on the wrists. if anything i don't want your problem to get worse to where you can't draw at all.

Also, i wouldn't love you any less if you took time away from drawing and just try to get that arm in shape... don't worry about getting behind, i mean, i know it sucks not drawing but, it'd be better than not being able to do it for the rest of your life!

just food for thought :3

smrfette&love forevz

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Whoaa you got the companion? The tool of champions! Is it as fun to play with as I dream it is? And good for you getting that arm problem looked at, health comes first :) Your sketches, particularly with faces, are looking a lot more accurate and awesome these days, so keep it up!

Well guys, this sucks - but health comes first, right?

I was recently diagnosed with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, one of the many types of RSI out there and have started going to PT and whatnot. I was told I cannot work for more than 20mins drawing -whether that be on a pad or tablet - and to also avoid staying in the same position for too long.
At first I was happy that I finally have a name for this bs I've been going through for over the past year, but I guess now the reality has hit.

Apparently there's no "cure", I've got this for good, and I only have myself to blame.

Anyway, I'm writing this because the way things are going, I don't think I'll be drawing for a while. My primary focus is to reduce my symptoms as much as I can so that I can hit hard - but smart - when I'm back in action.

It's funny because you hear about this kind of thing happening to other artists and people all the time... and like many people, I just shrugged and said "meh, it won't happen to me".
Well, suck it old self. You're in for a treat!

Kinda freaking out haha, as you do when your world starts to implode.

I guess I'll see you guys around, keep arting hard, but smaaaaaaaart-!
Hopefully I can check out some sketchbooks in my time away (this write up alone took hours haha)

All the best, daggers <3

- smrr_

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Do you think you will be returning to your art in the future? If not this makes me really sad, You've made a lot of progress and I think you have helped a lot of people with critiques. I understand that it's not your choice and you obviously need to heal but... for some reason I just can't imagine you quitting... even though I don't know you.

Either way, I hope your problems get solved and you do something you are happy with in the end. Goodluck :)

Fuuuck that sucks dude, I wish you all the best man. Like you said health comes first dude so make that your priority now, there are more important things in life than drawing.

Life has a habit of throwing these haymakers at you when you least expect it and it hurts a lot. In your case it seems both physically and mentally. Though to try and put a positive spin on this if that's even possible, whatever doesn't kill you can only make you stronger. The body and mind are amazing machines which can achieve incredible feats which many would deem 'impossible'. Like when people are told they will never walk again, and choose to fight that assumption and go on to become athletes.

It might seem like everything is falling to shit now, but maybe in time this will become another obstacle you overcame and became stronger for it.

Or maybe I'm being an asshole who speaks easily but in reality cant even imagine what your going through :/ I'm sorry if it comes across like that. Whichever it is, I wish you all the best man and as a fellow dagger my heart goes out to you. Stay strong mate.


Hey smrrfette that's awful to hear but don't give up! How often do you hear doctors form a judgment and later patients overcome it? Physical health is super important for anybody who have sitting job. Let it heal but don't forget to strengthen your muscles. Body can stand much more when it's fit.

Ambidexterity, Smrr, you have a whole other arm to use!
Yeeesh , really sorry to hear that smrfette ,i dont really know what to say about that personally other then the fact that it sucks . Especially since 20 minutes aint that big of a timespan and im genuenly sure some of those pics youve worked on are around 20 hours heh , but who knows you might get better or ya might not , im of course hopeing for the first , hope you get better

My Sketchbook (do help me out)

And if your rather curious on some older stuff here's my deviantart
I feel for you Smrrfette. I cant imagine progressing as much as you have and then having something like this happen. But like Finn said you have a whole other arm. You're already better with your left hand than I am with my right!

here's to your recovery smrrfette <3 i will miss but i feel your passion each day :)

Soak up as much greatness as you can <3 <3 <3:

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Damn its a bummer to hear that. You got to stay positive though, life will go on and you will get over this obstacle. You can still crank out drawings out with your left hand while you reduce the symptoms. Take pride in this and use it as motivation, dont give up.

you will be missed, i cant imagine what you are going through, but i still want wish you all the best and all the luck in the world to overcome this situation.
And like others said, its not unusual to see patients with different issues recovering after being told that it was impossible, i've seen it myself.
Doctors usually prefer to say that rather than to give you false hope, but there is still hope.

All the best smrr.

Take your break are on a hiatus. This is not the end. Doctors are not always right.
...some weeks or a few months and you come back.
YOu have all my compassion and blessings
Wow, so sorry to hear. Take care of yourself, and don't give up hope! Just because something is chronic doesn't mean it will always be as bad as it is now. Hope you can find another interest/skill to tackle while this one is on hold.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


That sucks.

Well, take care of your health now. I'm sure you'll get better & start painting again.

Oh my god.
I'm so sorry to hear that, Smrrfette. You're one of the most passionate and hardest working artists here, (and pretty much everywhere) this just sucks. :(

Eduadrdo is right, I've read that unless it's an extreme case, with time and proper treatment, you can live and even work regularly without any problems. Remember things like carpal tunnel are also "permanent" and most artists have it.

Anyway, nothing I can say will make it better, I just hope you recover soon. Don't freak out and some the time to rest, remember most great artists go through stuff like this. All my best wishes and good luck.

Deng, smurrfette. I'm real sorry to hear that, that's really tough. It's great to hear you're putting your health first though.
I've always been really encouraged and appreciative of the comments you left on my sketchbook. Superbless and I hope you get well soon *

"If you want liberation in this life, there is no area that you do not watch. Watch the breathing, watch the posture, watch the flow of energy, watch the texture of the mind, watch the response to objects." - Namgyal Rinpoche
Please don't get disheartened, just take a good break and rest up. Rarely are things so permanent. Who knows, after a month or two of solid rest (no drawing!), you might see some improvement!

At any rate, I'm sure with your work ethic and resourcefulness you will find a way to continue. Who knows, you might even become an art ninja from adapting to this, using extremely minimal arm movement and efficient brush strokes to come up with amazing art! Get well very soon!

You guys are the beeesstttt
seriously ;3;

LongJH - Aww ^ ^" thank you so much, Long! I did manage to take about 3-4ish weeks off of drawing (...before going mad that is haha), now its just a matter of slowly easing back into it :). And lol art ninja :3 I wish!

aks9 - ;_; aaaaah ~ thanks for your support, aks9! Also, I'm glad to hear that, keep tearing it up! :)

Rognoll - ahmahgad Rognoll... Thank you :)! I really don't deserve all that praise, but I'm grateful for the kind words and support! I'll keep what you've written mind for when I feel like poop haha. Very inspiring, thanks again!

Prabu - sucks and blows all the same, but haha I did deserve it in the end - thanks Prabu!

Tygerson - Thanks for the encouraging words, Tygerson - means a lot! Mmmm... I probably should have mucked around with other things come to think of it D: haha.

constructicon - :) thanks for the support constructicon! Yeeeah, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the ones that told me to quit. Slowing down and taking this break has helped in a lot of areas. Thanks again ^ ^

EduardoGaray - aww shit yeah! Reading this got me so pumped uuuup! Haha, because yeah exactly - doctor's are such pessimists due to the whole "false hope" thing. But I'm not one to sit on my butt and wait for the 'stars to align' if you catch my drift ;) haha anyways, thank you for the uplifting words, Eduardo! Means a lot :)

crackedskull - Haha believe me, I would've been cranking out drawing with my left hand if I could xD but lucky for me, the RSI was like "nope!" :3 basically it screws up both arms when I work too much haha. Thanks for support cracked! Won't ever give up, I'll be seeing you on Permanoobs too! :D

Fedodika - haha oh you <: you know how things have been going ^ ^, thanks for the support as always Fedododdididika <3

Hypnagogic_Haze - Such lies! Haha, Its a blow, but manageable for sure :) and yeah I've tried, but lucky for me the symptoms became present in my left arm as well when I remained in a drawing position for a period of time. But oh well, thanks a lot for the support, Hypnagogic, means a lot!

Mariyan-Hristov - Haha that's awesome, yeah I checked out a bunch of vids and took your advice with the 20min alarm thing :). The surgery option is something I'd have to look into as a worst case scenario. Though, I'm hoping to overcome it by doing the exercises and looking after myself :)
And oh shi- that sucks to hear! I hope you're doing okay now D: be sure to listen to what your body's telling you. Also, taking an actual break (even if its just a day or two) helps loads! Don't be afraid to take that time to chill out, breathe some fresh air and let your mind wonder :)
But yes! Thanks for the advice and support Mariyan!

Greatdictator - Hahaha its no worries in the end. I've come to terms with it and feel it was meant to happen xD yeah, 20mins isnt that long but so long as I make sure to take that break, things will sort themselves out I think. Thanks a lot for your kind words, Greatdictator!

Finnjamin - Hahahaha aaaah shit. Still wish I could've, Finn!

Madzia - aww, thanks a lot Madzia! You read my mind with the strengthen your muscles bit ^ ^, it's amazing how well the body reacts to strength training exercises coupled with some cardio... it's funny - I neglected strength training last year when I started getting symptoms to this problem (... something I severely regret doing now, but hey, what can I do haha) - but yeah, thank you!

Warburton - Daaaaamn, Will. Thank you so much for the crazy, inspiring words!

Not gonna lie, felt like shit for a good 3 days after that first physio session. Wanted to sleep forever. But after that, come the 2nd physio session it was all about just doing the exercises he gave daily and getting into a strength training routine. Health is so damned important, I'm an idiot to have neglected a nutritious diet and exercise regime.

Learned a lot in my time off - you're right, there's much more to life than drawing. Getting out and about has inspired me shitloads :)

Still taking things slow but yeah, things are starting to look up - aaah~ I enjoy proving negative people wrong haha thanks again

JJ Aaron - Wow I was taken aback reading this JJ! Thank you a lot for the support and encouragement, means a lot to me. Yeah I can't see myself quitting art tbh. Although admittedly, when I was at my worst with the symptoms and not finding any answers from the tests I took- I felt like quitting.
Just because it was bloody uncomfortable working with the pain :P so it was hard to enjoy the process etc... but now that I've been focusing on working smart, taking breaks and getting stronger to overcome it - my head's in the right place again with art and I'm feeling gooooood! Thanks again!

much <3
like holy shiet

Basically, I'm still taking it slow & trying to make it work. Typing's still a bitch, I had to type the RE's on my phone lol :P
so enough tawk let's wawk.
[Image: funny-gif-self-high-five-Liz-Lemon.gif]

I'm sick of studies, personal pieces upcoming
some stuff:

20min colour studies:

colour study:





wip stuff:

sketch with the lost idea:

hand studies:

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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