Hey guys, I'm going to start posting in here if you don't mind. You all seem pretty cool and hardworking.

@Slapper Good to see your studying that ass anatomy man, you should try to replicate the muscles from memory after you studied them :)

@JyonnyNovice hey man good to see you here, our group sort of fell apart eh? haha. Cool skull studies, keep at it. I think it would benefit you more if you did a bunch of quicker line drawings that focused on the structure/proportions of the skull. Instead of doing one or two rendered skulls why not do a bunch of little thumbnail skulls until you really get the structure down? Then once you got that down, you could do a nice rendered one.

@art44 cool thumbnails, they look like fun to do. Some darker foreground elements might be cool to mess around with.

Todays stuff, trying to focus portraits.


[Image: MalePortrait2_zpsb9112c79.jpg~original]

[Image: Femaleportrait3_zpsbc9d24f9.jpg~original]


[Image: highguy2_zps6f856c41.jpg~original]

[Image: sadgurl5_zpsd01fa136.jpg~original]

And a sketch... I hid the face while trying to study portraits...Dumb I know.

[Image: blueguy2_zpsdb27c2d9.jpg~original]

@JJ Aaron Good to have you here man! Thx for posting. Nice studies, really like the first study. also great to see that you applying gained knowledge. Coll sketch man, love the cold pallet. Keep rocking man.

@slapper nice butt XD

@art44 your welcome man, keep rocking!

@JyonnyNovice Nice skull man! Thats way better then the one i painted over for ya.

one more room i did yesterday.

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JJ Yo Jonas! Great to have you here man : ) Thanks for the advice, I took that on for today's study - although yesterday was also about practising with charcoal, so that's why I tried to push it. Your portraits looking really nice too, watch the eyes though, I'm sure you saw it but their direction in the imaginative ones is a little unnatural. Remember that the iris is almost like a flat disc sunk under the surface of the eyeball, it can help with getting that part right.

Slapper Wrote:thanks for the advices, just seem weird to only do like 4 drawings and being done for the day. Also nice studies both of you.

I totally understand that, it can help to look at what your goal is when you do a study. If it's learning the anatomy shapes and how they look you can just do a line drawing, use contour lines / wrapping lines and /or some basic hatching to show the perspective. In fact you can fix it in your mind very clearly if you practice like that. If your goal is studying rendering and value and light and shadow and all that - that stuff does just take time. Maybe do a mix of both so you can feel like you're making more progress.

Skull stuff: reference then memory, bounced back and forth til I had these four done:

[Image: pAJ1zMM.jpg]

[Image: ft0wbTJ.jpg]

Some other stuff in my sketchbook, don't wanna flood this place with all my pages.

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Welcome JJ. Nice studies. Like Ihor, the first one is great. Some eye and value issues with the others, the shadowed sides in particular seem odd.

Ihor: Absolutely no crit.

Jyonny, seems like slightly more accurate proportions are the things to focus on when it comes to your skull study in applications, but nice work man.

Art44, thanks dude. Keep working the thumbs. Pay attention to layer separation ie, first focus on fore-mid-background separation and then build up depth by adding layers in between. I feel there are some value issues, so maybe try woring in grayscale only for the next set of thumbs. It really helps you focus on less at a time.

Was at work today, so only had time to do a mindless doodle in a meeting, and then slapped some pixels over it. I call it "Human Resources Capability 2014 Review session"

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@Amit Really love this traditional sketch man. The only thing id want to change is to move the human figure a little bit to the up and left, according to the rule of thirds. Right now it draws an eye too far from the architecture imho.

Finished that illustration Ive been working on

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Amit: awesome title ehehe, really cool drawing, how do you get away with that in meetings x.x my colleagues would be all over me

Ihor: It's great man, I got nothing to say, really awesome work ^^ only thing was the girl hovering, I didn't get that right away, thought it was some kind of bird or plane, then looked harder and saw the girl.

Dipping my toes into digital and seeing what I remember from skulls yesterday:

[Image: jAQRx0O.jpg]

That back part of the jawbone doesn't seem to have sunk in yet, proportions still off, will keep on it!

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
@Ihor: Thanks dude. I like your illustration a lot. Great comp and it is mysterious and draws interest. Not a lot of crit except it is a little hard to decipher what is going on really. A rite? A funeral? An execution? I also wonder how that middle large rock stands upright given the Center of Gravity would imply it should be tipping over. A nice muted palette which works well, but with your finished stuff like the Demon souls piece, (and this is a stylistic choice so ignore if you want) I find that a tiny bit more colour vibration and saturation, perhaps in the shadow areas might help it pop a little more. Not in a flashy way, but just in an enticing the eye way.
Overall tt does work very nicely as an establishing shot especially if it leads to another one with a bit more detail of what is actually going on.

@Jyonny: Thanks man. I am very good at my job so that is my leverage (If I needed any). I work in a government agency, everyone is in suits and ties. I rock up in a hoody, jeans and sneakers most days. NZers are very polite so they would never tell me I couldn't. The US might be a different story, but in any case I don't let anyone tell me I cannot do something when their view is based on mob mentality or being one of the sheep in a herd.

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Cool stuff guys, great mood in that last one Caisne.

Portraits...so much pain.
After Qiang Huang.

[Image: MasterPortrait1_zps93ba8e81.jpg~original]

[Image: MasterPortrait2_zps28f4b7ee.jpg~original]

Drew a bunch of girls with downs syndrome for some reason... gotta fix that.

[Image: headsketches1_zps4a2ea8d4.jpg~original]

Sketchy WIP

[Image: Demongir2_zps1b65d144.jpg~original]

Amit Go man! Walk your own path!

Paul Welcome back! Great poses, tres cute, and a little bit sexy too.

JJ Really nice painting style you have now, watch those irises still - yours seem to end up either a bit stretched or a bit too big, really zoom out and check before you commit to those.

Switching to head planes for a while, plus some neolithic themed thumbnails:

[Image: iPAeIaQ.jpg]

[Image: RMgHvQA.jpg]

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
@JJ Aaron I love your sketches man! But I don't think you finish too many of them. Try spending a dozen more hours on sketch you like. Maybe youll surprise yourself.

@Paul Kokshin welcome back, friend! hot gestures :)

@JyonnyNovice Nice heads and environment sketches. Try do a little research on cone of vision thing. Your perspective seems a little bit distorted, pbbly because vanishing point located to close to each other on a horizon line. Also keep an eye on a nose length on that heads. Few of them seems to be a little to short. Not sexy unless intended.

didn't do shit today :)

Great work guys

@JyonnyNovice : Great Studies , i'm loving your new studies plan .. keep it up

Personal stuff

[Image: tnWv9zR.jpg]
art44 You getting good man, keep it up.

some studies from today

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WIP for the current week. I've been studying so many different topics, i only have incomplete stuff. Anyway, since Wednesday, i decided to dig into one of the startouts. It's still in progress, but i think i can post it, at this stage.
Keep on the studies, guys, it's very inspirational to see your efforts improving.


I think i can post this one too:

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Art44 Thanks man, and yea you're stuff is looking really great now.

Ihor Funky studies man

Aumes Cool stuff, in the second one, that ship in the background looks too similar to the one in front, need to tilt or rotate it a little - I know it's WIP but thought I'd mention it

Focusing more on composition with these; I know there is some tangents and stuff going on.

[Image: E9MyIsb.jpg]

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
@JyonnyNovice Is that copics on it?

Few more heads.

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JyonnyNovice, Caisne Thanks guys.

Sketches from the streams.

[Image: 15817355183_019e107543_o.jpg]

[Image: 16436482752_09141666ac_o.jpg]
Keep it comin' guys.
I have had to work on an illustration for a short story called "Planar Ghosts" in an anthology publication being released later this year.
These are the three thumbs I sent to the AD. He picked C . I wasn't too thrilled with any of them really (was not inspired by the story) but I think I can work with C. Also gonna use 3D in my workflow this time.

Any crit you have please go for it hard. (not so much major changes, but somewhat within the bounds of the comp). As well as the money I get for the publication, my illustration will be one of 12 to be judged to win a 5K USD "Grand Prize". Not going for that, but help me push it guys :)

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Caisne Yea, copic markers Warm Grey's (W1 and W3) I used for that, they are so nice to use but run out sooo quickly it's just too expensive to use them all the time.

Paul Such clean lines and soothing shapes, I'm jealous of your lines man, any tips?

Amit I'll do my best to help - something about the chimney / tower things in the background bothers me, I can see what you're going for with the girl silhouetted against the bigger one but that smaller one feels wrong. I think because his head and the two towers kind of make a straight line, like a perspective line but then he's in the foreground which kind of throws my brain out a little. Not sure really, maybe shifting the far back tower to the right a bit might help.

Some aircraft stuff from me - working through How to Draw, nearly finished it!

[Image: 5RICrsr.jpg]

[Image: X0s22sZ.jpg]

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Thanks Jyonny! You're totally right. I am re-staging the thumb in 3D, and I have to say I'm loving it. Instant changes with the flick of a finger and perfect perspective. This 3D blockout thing is going to be a keeper I suspect.

Awesome work on the planes! They look fantastic. Small problem on the near horizontal stabiliser of the tailplane of the reference pic. Looks out of perspective due to no contour lines maybe?

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JyonnyNovice I've noticed your notes about "double, hesitant or scribbly construction lines" on the page with the plane drawing. But I don't think you need to get rid of them, just draw these first lines very lightly, almost that only you can notice them.
In my latest girls sketches after drawing all of the first construction lines I often lightly go over it with eraser and then draw the final clean lines on top with darker brush. With final lines I just use ctrl+z to get it right in one stroke, and with practice it becomes more often when I draw it right with first try.

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