Lyraina's sketchbook
smrr: Thank youuuu :)

meat: Well, always wanted to go to space! The view must be spectacular.

Jaik: With those quick, small ones my main goal is not wasting too much time on looking for the perfect one to study. So depending on what it is I want to refresh (composition, color harmonies, muted/realistic colors, shape language… or even more specific things like "how do people handle bounce light?") I just go into my inspiration folders and just pick the first bunch that has that qualities I am looking for. Depending on goal of the study I go into old masters folder, or concept art folder, or 'color and light' folder (look up at pinterest) etc. Sometimes I also remember a specific artist whose art has that one thing I am interested in studying (like Nathan Fowkes for vibrant colors, or Brom for strong shape language in figurative work). If I don't have a folder for the thing I want to study, pinterest is a good place to go looking because chances are someone else already made a collection for whatever it is.

yay ambiguous late night emo sketching. now back to work

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
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totally forgot posting alternate version for meat

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
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Lyra! Always improving as always! It's so awesome to see new stuff from you. Those environments are getting stronger and stronger. The figures as well; those gestures you did a page back show a very nice understanding of the poses. And lastly I have to say, the chicken version of that environment is the best :) Keep flying!

btw, did you end up creating a shade box for your plein airs? I found this one to work pretty well (some assembly required):

HAHAHA Chikzilla and babies! That's awesome! If it wasn't for that quick demo, I would still be copy-pasting-and-rotating every single feather one by one, and hating the result (not that I'm happy with it now)!

Enjoy your low earth orbit paddle. I'm gearing up for another galaxy!!!

Can I go live inside your environments? O.o I love how boldly you can use such saturated colors and end up with super solid pieces *_*

pnate: Thanks a lot! :) And thanks for the link - I need to build a box like that… and, most importantly, learn to not need the keyboard to switch tools, it seems…

meat: Can't wait to see which galaxy you'll be finding yourself in next. Pick a nice one and I might come by for a visit!

RenatoCaria: Sure you can! Write me a postcard, will you? :) Thanks!

Abandoned project - photobash is hard! I need more time and do more stuff, duh!

Photo study, trying a different approach from what I got used to with portraits lately, similar to janaschi (starting with painting instead of drawing). I like the painterly quality, but it is super-hard to not mess up proportions, colors, everything. At every point. I'm sure this is even harder doing it from life instead of photo..

Warmup studies from photographs. Pretending to be a cool kid who's not scared of drawing *directly into a sketchbook*.

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
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Judging by the quality of your traditional studies you don't have to be scared at all :). Lovely stuff you've been posting lately!
Holy fuuuuuuaahhh

I'm in love with that portrait study Lyra... Just sayin'. Though, I get you 100% on how difficult it is going without a line drawing >.> how they do that is beyond me.

No crits right now, you know what's up and where to use your time effectively.

Keep it up girl, lovin' the updates <3

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Be scared of nothing. Looks like you're gonna be one of those who're good at both trad and digital. Keep going! *thumb up*

Angelique: Thank you <3

smrr: I guess it's just lots of routine in getting the brush strokes and thus features, face planes etc in the right spot right away… gotta practice some more!

meat: That would be cool. I'd love to at least get decent with one or two traditional media in addition to digital! *scared of everything*

No hiding failures here, so: Limited-time doodle without reference, seeing what I remember from that Rihanna portrait. Also desperately trying to warmup, and more importantly sober up before painting my sibling from life.

Sibling from life, while watching Germany get 0 points at Eurovision Songcontest. Was hard to get perspective etc right since even a minor shift in their posture resulted in everything changing, not even speaking of stupid performances making them laugh! Light was a challenge too, warm yellow lamp and fill light depending on whatever light flashed on ESC stream. About 2 hrs from life, then some more time to fix/finish.

Planning color for next project I'm struggling with right now. Colors are the best step really! But end result will probably look nothing like these since I aim for some more realism this time.

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
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"The sweltering heat and maddeningly incessant mosquito attacks suddenly cleared like wind-blown mist as the foliage in front of their faces unexpectedly opened up to this spacious view of a valley. But what really caught their breaths is the obviously artificial structure in the middle of the valley... 'Get the camera!' the professor's shaky voice shouted, 'I want to document our every step!'"

(Description courtesy of meat)

Entry for CGMA and Syn Studio contest.
I'll be on vacation for a bit so updates might be slow or nonexistent :)

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
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back from the most amazing vacation! I'm still very awkward at drawing in public and from life in general (especially humans in subway who might notice), so most sketches turn out rather bad. working on it though:

(some parks, airport, and meat posing for me)

Composition challenge, one page a day. No exceptions.

(more to come)

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Really digging tho environment sketches.
I did some sketching from life aswell, but mostly avoided people, unless I was pretty sure they wont notice me being a creep and sketching them. Sticked to objects and environments.

They look good to me :) I really like the house and the bridges. Maybe buy some dark sunglasses and a really big hat next time, so no one will notice you are looking at them hahaha XD welcome back! :D
DAAAAAAAANG LYRONA!!!!! if you were from alabama where i'm from that'd be how people say your name, lyrona lolol. and they'd say it real slow with a real drawl to it... uuuh, dang girl that temple thing is great on the texture and stuff, i don't know how to crit landscapes i suck at em :/. But it's beyond me, great stuff! I'm sure you are learning alot about portraiture, and there are things i could say, but i think you'll learn them by just doing more. yea painting with no lines keeps you focused and i imagine it helps you see mistakes even better, but some people may disagree with that >.> owell, my hart goes out to u!!! <3

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Lyr, are you aware you were featured on The Art of Animation blog?

I fucking got chills from it. SO AWESOME seeing you there YAY
Now go on and submit your work to everywhere on earth. Start with ImagineFX, than Spectrum. Gogo!

Love them sketches
Loving them enviros! Keep rocking :D

She got featured there? *Yaws drop* Really good stuff, nothing much to say aside from keep going!
You're always improving so fast, ugh! Its sickening! DX Im curious, are you leaning more towards concept art or illustration? You're getting really well rounded so I can see you going in lots of different directions. Maybe I've asked this before but thought Id throw it out there anyways. And hey thats awesome you and meat got to hang out!

crackedskull: Thank you! Yeah sketching people from life is a challenge… but also fun!

Angelique: Thanks! Yep,  sunglasses definitely help - not sure if it’ll look even more suspicious indoors though :D

Fedodika: Dang, what a teaser about my portraits … but yeah, gotta do more to improve more!

Sala: OOOOH Thanks for pointing that out. Didn’t monitor any stats nor read blogs while on vacation so totally would’ve missed that!!! And yep, need to stop being a chicken and submit to IFX. Already working on spectrum, that’s a long-term goal :) Thank you <3

Zearthus: Thank you!

Adam Lina: I don’t feel that fast tbh… especially since I’m trying to improve in too many areas at once. I’m trying to focus on (environment) concept art at the moment, but can’t deny that I also have a love for illustration work…


More composition-a-day... just messing around for now, seeing what works and what doesn't
[Image: attachment.php?aid=69037]

[Image: attachment.php?aid=69131]

Watercolor postcards sketched in Central Park, but only added colors afterwards...

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
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Oh man I admire your traditional sketches Lyra - I mean you're not afraid to use unforgiving mediums like copics and watercolours @_@
I can't even.

Lovin' the thumbnail comps, y'all have inspired me to get crackin' on this challenge too! Thanks for that <:

Keep being awesome!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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