smrrfette's Odyssey
Oh really cool to see you getting into animation, i'm looking forward to see you animate it.
And that Crimson Manor thing... i'm interested. :D

Nice jumping Kurt Russell looking guy :D
I think you can bend the upper body more(starting from where the bottom of the ribcage connects to spine) to get a more dynamic pose. Usually when Im at earlier stages, or whenever I see that something could be improved, I grab the lasso tool and start tearing through the body.

You going to Schoolism course :D
Which one?

Cool styles in the last update, not much to say, do some studies on the form of the brachioradialis and radius, the radius can cause some overlapping in certain positions from certain angles.
[Image: lUhKl5p.png]

Awesome stuff Smmr, thanks for the crit in my sketchbook really appreciate it :).

Nice, you doing schoolism? which course I did the creature painting one by bobby chiu a while back, did'nt get much better at creatures but I learned alot regardless.

CDGM sounds interesting, i might try doing something for it if I get the time.

cool stuff dude, really lively

keep up the good work yo

Just glanced in page one, wow you've gone far. The pokemon work back in page 38 really sticks out, that stuff  was looking professional :D Be proud smrr and keep going.
Ooh yes, clipping masks and transparency lock.. love me some nice digital tools like that!

I like that summon animation sheet! Did you act that out? Could be cool and possibly helpful to record yourself doing that motion, then draw from the video :D Just.. maybe make sure no neighbor is watching…

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Good luck on the animation and commission! Can't wait to see them.

Do you take fishoil pills? They really help to prevent and even numb inflammation. I began taking them as a precaution when I got a more physically demanding job. Recently, I've been forgetting about them for a few weeks and I noticed some pain in my joints, no doubt from said job haa. Started taking fish oil again and now I feel better: senzu beans I tell ya. My point is: maybe if you check them out, you won't have to worry about ailments from drawing or working out..? Some peace of mind :)

On another topic, What are you the most comfortable drawing?

Sketchbook 1   -    Sketchbook 2   -   Tumblr
You dudes are the best <3 <3 thank you all for popping in and watching me fail, it made my day :D 

Jaktraytr - Hey, thanks Jaktrayyyytrrr. Yeah I used to, though I heard about negative side effects in the long term and being the hypochondriac that I am, decided to stop using them. I dunno, might give 'em a shot again if you feel they're g! And most comfortable drawing people, even though I _suck_ at drawing them. That and drawing objects from lifeguess.

Lyraina - *gasp* great idea! I should try it out o: ! (lololol *makes sure to close all blinds shut*) thanks Lyra!

BenFlores - Cheers, Ben! Really means a lot to hear that, now I actually feel like my art journey is beginning xD 

iggytek - Thanks iggytek <3

Triggerpigking - No worries, I'm happy you found it useful :) Oh hell yeah, I'm gonna be doing designing with light and colour by Nathan Fowkes, considering colour is a weakness of mine. You're more than welcome to start contributing to the CDGM ;D Looking forward to when you can!

Gliger - You're not wrong about that Gliger! I just painted through, not thinking about how muscles twist and all that good stuff while making that dude. Guess because I was more focused on painting something quicker I wasn't actually thinking much when it came to many things in the image :/ will think more next time! cheers!

crackedskull - 
HAHAHA Kurt Russell! :D I totally see it now! Yeah I should've considered a lot of things with that sketch hey xD not a bad suggestion though, I should think a lot more about these things. Thanks for the feedback cracked!
Yeah gonna be doing Designing with Light and Colour with Nathan Fowkes ;D

EduardoGaray - Awwww yiiissss you're into the CDGM :D! Yeah I decided I'm gonna be doing like a storyboard type thing and turn that into a rough animation and see if I should continue from there :)

Fedodika - Haha one day Fedoxiiideeee, one day <3


Super quick update:
2)SCHOOLISM HASN'T STARTED YET. Got an email in another tab of Gmail saying there's an influx of blahblah etc. they couldn't do it
3)Fireman sketch 4-5hrs, not the final commission. This was a pitch, the firedudes said and I quote "mate. that's pretty fucking awesome" - I think they like it so far and so I'll probably be taking this to a finish
4)sketch - had idea in head for while. might make into folio piece.
5)workin' on ideas for instagram
ajhdsad (need to wait til scanner = fixed bruh)


gotta jet, I'm late af !

better update with drawings in the near future hopefully./

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Hey, you got some damn amazing updates here since I last visited! You level up so fast my head is spinning. Keep up the great work!

I really dig the fireman artwork so far, it's very dramatic. Just some thoughts for the logo at the bottom. For my taste, the lines of the leaves (the middle line) align too much with the lines of his legs, especially of the left part, and it kind of distracts me, because like this I kind of keep looking at the bottom part. I'd try breaking the alignment a bit and maybe get some flame elements to lead back to the upper part again. I know though that it's still a wip, so you might change that anyway and the client liked it afterall, so you can probably ignore this.

The last wip really makes me want to venture more into perspective and architecture drawing.
I hope your scanner gets fixed soon!!


oh maaan it's been a while since I checked your sketchbook. Your updates are really awesome!! I really like that jumping dude and the fireman. Soooooo gooood~ Keep it up :D
It's great that you're doing work with these dudes. Hopefully they recommend you to all of their buddies and their buddies' buddies and the buddies of your firemens' buddies can recommend you to their buddies, who will coincidentally be Big Name Company A-Z

Sketchbook 1   -    Sketchbook 2   -   Tumblr
I cannot believe how much progress you've made!! From the Monty Python and the Holy Grail references on the first page to the badass summoning thing on this page... Just WOW! Keep it uuuuuppppp!!! :D

Thank y'all for blasting my face off :D! 

GabbyTaylor - Cheers, Gabby <3 though I feel I would be a lot further ahead in my journey had I not burned out and have consistent 2-3 month breaks... :/

Jaktraytr - Aaaaaaaaah well it fell through :D lolol such is life, onward to the next project!

Rshin -  Thanks Rshin! :D I need to get better and focus though ~

 Cyprinus -  Thanks Cyprinus! :D I still feel like I'm taking the smallest, itty bitty steps. 'Cause I keep failing ahaha. Thank you for the feedback, I really appreciate it! Even though the commission fell through, it still helped me a lot and I would have applied it had the project continued ^_^ scanner's fixed yay! Thanks for popping in!

Alrighty, here's some stuff. 

Studies, experiments (the two monkeys that were done while in a Hangouts sesh - y'all are the best, it was real fun hanging!), studies, stuff for CHOW #11, the ones with the black ink text behind the figures = for Instagram, then we have fails, fails and more fails.

Edit: some CHOW stuff and a skin study:

It pains me that I'm taking the smallest effing steps at fixing my problems. Really.

The problem with me is that, in order to really get things to sink in -- the best way I can do that is to keep drawing shit. I'm a visual person and to understand how something works, I really have to draw _everything_ out. It's harder for me to draw the thing out without roughing it out. I'm not sure if this'll change in the future, I suppose I'll have to wait and see... but in the mean time, I'm just gonna keep doing the thing Lord Shia wishes me to do.

I'm understanding faces a bit more. Perspective is essential. I've gathered this before, but after not drawing for a bit, you tend to forget the things that you learned. I know this 100% now and I have gone back to how I used to be about feeling anxious when I haven't drawn for a day - because having to relearn shit bloody sucks guys. It really, really does.

Hmm, what's new? 
Welp, the Fireman commission fell through ;_______; . What can you do? I know - move on :D

So It's important now that I figure shit out and work toward building a portfolio (already made thumbs for a couple of things - just about studies and going for it now)

I also have been keeping with a daily goal set list and wrote out my short-term goals and mid-term goals. It's been keeping me so productive @_@ (#whydidntikeepdoingthislikeisuedto? #dumbass)

I also want to work more on the CDGM and eventually get them composition a day studies going. So that shall come. But for now I wanna get this CHOW done before:

Schoolism course starts on July 15 :D just a few more days!

And back to drawing I go ~

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
lookin good!!!
The last skin tones practice is looking nice! really like the use of cold and warm tones.
Head sketches are very nice, though watch out when you're doing the full figure, sometimes the head seems to big for the body.
The CHOW and the Grand Manor challenges look like so much fun! I wish I could join but I don't have time to meet the deadlines...maybe I'll do them on my own later, instead of entering the poll :y
ahh good luck on the schoolism course! :D
rad stuff :x ! I'll come here more often ! :D

proskurinartwork - Ohohoh, you're too kind! But thank you meng, back at ya!  8f337f1c

VoodooMama - Hey you, thanks man! Yeeeeah, I noticed them big heads D: seems like I'm contracting "big head syndrome" again from studying heads too much and not proportions of the figure... time to fix this! Ooooh yes :D whenever you find the time, Voodoo, it'd be awesome if you joined in ^____^ cheers! I'm sure the course is gonna be packed full of lots of juicy learning fun :3

Incoming fails! 
srsly o:<

CHOW wip:

What can I say? Look at these huge heads. It seems my measurements are getting wonky again and I think it's predominantly because I've been studying heads a lot without applying them on top of figures like a smart girl. 
Anyway, I attempted drawing figures from imagination in perspective and whaaaaaaaaaaat do you know? I've forgotten so much of the juicy knowledge I had learned previously . Really. It's truly scary how much one can forget for having taken too many long breaks from art. I only have myself to blame. 
It's about time I learned proportions and burned them into my noggin.
Structure > proportions > muscles > dynamism.
I'm gonna tackle the figure so that I can at least put gestures to good use and speed up the drawing process. I'm tired of guesswork when I draw the human body. Absolutely tired of it. I want to know _why_ there are lumps and bumps in certain areas and _how_ the muscles contract and extend.

Let's do this.
I am prepared to show my failed attempts.
... if at first you don't succeed


sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Fails??? you mean incoming AWESOMESSS!!! SMRRRFETTE; I know a good trick to learn proportions but man it herts... paint a nudeee person from imagination the best you can, like paint it and just cringe at all the mistakes you'll make, then look at what you got wrong and do it again and again, it'll take about 10 or so at least but it is so worth it, and do some nude paintings from photos; but don't spend like an eternity on them. Just like an hour or two, it goes a long way. Make sure you paint it though because it forces you to think about the structure and muscles, and lets you adjust it when you see somethin wonky instead of letting it sit that way :) AND If IT DON"T HERT IT AINT HELPINNN!!!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
I tend to call failures lessons instead, you should aswell, since they always push yourself forvard and make you think more. You're doing good, just keep on going.



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