René Aigner's Sketchbook
Thanks nowio!

[Image: strato.png]

Jaaaaaaaaaaaayzus <3 <3

Your work was gorgeous before, but now it's just getting ridiculous O_O

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Would love to see more of those traditional paintings, keep it going man :D
Thanks a lot! Will try and get back into oils as soon as I find the time =)

[Image: echobase.png]

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. *__* This SB is so gorgeous, how have I not seen it before??? Excuse me while I scroll through all pages here.

I admire your work! I kinda stalked you on facebook to watch you progress, lol. 
Your studies are very helpful and inspiring.

Please keep up with the great work!

Thanks a lot ZombieChinchilla & Walking Cat!

Had a bit of fun with oils again after all the recent digital stuff:

[Image: oils_10.jpg]

I'm still not getting it to do what I want it to do. Oh well. Keeping at it.

[Image: portrait_bw_july.jpg]

[Image: oils_11.jpg]
Oil on Paper, 18x24cm

[Image: oils_11b.jpg]

Went over the other oil painting again, wasn't happy with sky and the tree. Simplified the foreground and went or different tree shapes:

[Image: oils_10v2.jpg]

I agree with everybody here, your work is really, really incredible!! Keep it up! :D

Thanks so much Gabby!
Here are two sketches for a fantasy book cover. Not sure if the client will like em, we'll see:

[Image: Beaulieu_cover_1_sketch.jpg]

Those sketches for the book covers looks great, can't decide which one I like more! It will be very interesting to see the final product!

Thanks! Here's the final and two sketches for a different novel by the same author. it's the same character but in "human" form:

[Image: Beaulieu_cover_1_final2b.jpg]

[Image: Beaulieu_cover_2_sketch.jpg]

the final covers:
[Image: beaulieu_cover_fb.jpg]

Really cool to see you trying out traditional media. I did that just recently I wished me tries were as good as yours! Your faces and female figures are of course always on spott!

The only thing that bothers me with the last two pieces is that they seem a bit to dark or atleast the one with the girl with the horns. It also might just be my shitty monitor.

*edit because I'm an idiot.
Thanks man! The pictures don't seem too dark on my screen, but since they'll go into print they'll likely be adjusted if they are too dark in any case.

Here's a B&W Cover (of sorts) that will be printed inside a volume:

[Image: Beaulieu_cover_3.jpg]

Your values are really spot on, and the composition of your pieces is remarkable!

I was actually wondering about the book cover with the demon-lady-- In the background, the figures are all standing still. I'm guessing that's on purpose, for an eerie effect? Maybe it has something to do with her magickz. I dunno. Just seemed to stick out to me.

Amazing work, though. Hope I get to this point someday.


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Thanks bookend!
Regarding the left side of the artwork, this is as much a pragmatic decision as a visual one. Since the left portion of the image is the back and will be covered with writing, it makes sense not to go overboard with action and details there.


here's the second interior artwork and a bit of a glimpse into my process, showing the 3D outputs these images are based on:

[Image: Beaulieu_cover_4.jpg]

[Image: Beaulieu_cover_4_3d_FB.jpg]

[Image: abyss.jpg]

[Image: abyss_sketch.jpg]


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