The Velvet Revolvers
thanks dude, the idea behind drawing the cubes was to get as good at drawing simple 3d shapes as I can for construction purposes, if I can't draw a proper looking cube or cylinder or rotate them in my mind then it'll make construction more difficult, repetitive yeah but I think it's the kinda thing to best get nailed down first before going into more complex construction and according to smrr it's already helping my figures, and I am still having trouble rotating the 3 point perspective cubes and i'm trying to keep them as close to being squares as possible, also still having issues drawing certain positions with the cylinders.
I was'nt using horizon lines for the cubes but I was trying to keep the basic perspective in mind and I did do a few horizon lines before erasing them on the ones I got stuck on.
I've done alot of it though so as said i'm gonna take a break and work on more figure drawing.

Oh yeah I mainly learned how to draw heads from that vid(don't think his method for the extreme tilts work for me personally though), i'll go over it again for a few days and apply it to some imaginary heads.
Cool work on the ref/memory studies, i'll have to try that sometime, looks like a good excercise, when i've done them before i've only copied then drawn it from memory once rather then several times.

Stuff from today, Finished my thumbnails. Ready to move on with that, and some stuff from imagination.

[Image: 22580777572_11a9b6c150_c.jpg]

[Image: 21971555204_47513d4a47_c.jpg]

Shieeeeet! I'm sorry guys, I have exams and I'm a little busy..But I'll do my best. I'll try to post at least 2/3 times per week although it's just crits or something else... 

Btw Jeso, awesome stuff, I love your colored eye! It's juicyyy

A wip for ED rocks 

[Image: f7e135c2ae.jpg]

And some legs...
[Image: 2ae6824dd9.jpg]

Hey Jose, Nice to see you show up. Do you guys do like character driven stuff in ED as well? Nice angle, you are brave!

Here is stuff from today.
An imagination sketch that kinda looks like Jin from Tekken. and more of my design process for my project.

This concept art stuff is tough. The mental process takes time... I'm too used to the mindless rendering runs.

[Image: 22437646770_15b9f61996_c.jpg]

[Image: 22625571125_398b5177d8_c.jpg]

Keep at it Jeso!

Nothing should be mindless though, that mostly ends in tears. May your labours be mindful and heartfelt!
Thanks Dodeqaa, you should join sometime, post your stuff here!

Hey guys, buncha stuff today.

First, a super shit imagination quicky of a hot naked chick bending over lol.

[Image: 22041647413_1359564ae9_b.jpg]

eye study wrinkles
[Image: 22673997631_a05df66345_b.jpg]

Photobashing painting practice.
[Image: 22636781506_e7c59ffe95_c.jpg]
Quick Film study
[Image: 22041655023_be72142d5d_c.jpg]

Then from imagination
[Image: 22662808955_d9a1d07d57_c.jpg]

and last, Further design exploration for the thing im working on.

[Image: 22673996561_91b38efd35_b.jpg]
[Image: 22041647773_6ca46362cc_b.jpg]

For the band on the man's head. The two spikes that come out sort of compete with the lion in the center due to the "crispness" of the angle leading the eye upward. Also it is a bit off putting, firstly because the one in the back is curved which leads me to believe that there is some sort of significance for the one in the front, and the angle at which it is pointing seems a bit off to me as if the perspective needs to be tweaked a bit, but I may be wrong. Also the swirls that are on the right side of his head seem too high in value unless that was what you were going for, and it is some sort of different material. Disclaimer: By the way these are just suggestions, that may, or may not lead to a better result lol. Just trying to be active.

[Image: Gilgamesh2_zpsbefc8910.png]
Hey Snipa! Welcome! I'll take the advice in mind thanks.
Why do you start by posting your daily work in the group's thread? :p

[Image: Rock-plein-air_zpsxuj2m9ir.png]

Latest piece atm was a photo study

[Image: Gilgamesh2_zpsbefc8910.png]
Hey Snipa, nice study, I like the colors, they all have a nice blend of gray to them.
The image feels too flat though, not a lot of atmospheric perspective going on in there. Also the rocks look like stickers on a painting. They lack volume, You could study a rock by itself, instead of a full environment, and study how volume works in it. Look at the planes, and how light falls in each plane. You were kind of doing that on the top rock, but not quiet. Also the edges in the rocks are whats messing the up the most. Those super sharp edges automatically eliminate any kind of perception of volume in a form. Turns completely flat like a sticker.

I think something that would really help you would be doing still life drawing. Draw a sphere in your desk, render out the form, key word : FORM, how does light falls on an voluminous object.

And yea, good luck!

[Image: trees_zpsudcexfgc.png]

[Image: Gilgamesh2_zpsbefc8910.png]
(11-02-2015, 06:31 AM)Jeso Wrote: Hey Snipa, nice study, I like the colors, they all have a nice blend of gray to them.
The image feels too flat though,  not a lot of atmospheric perspective going on in there.  Also the rocks look like stickers on a painting. They lack volume, You could study a rock by itself, instead of a full environment, and study how volume works in it. Look at the planes, and how light falls in each plane. You were kind of doing that on the top rock, but not quiet. Also the edges in the rocks are whats messing the up the most. Those super sharp edges automatically eliminate any kind of perception of volume in a form. Turns completely flat like a sticker.

I think something that would really help you would be doing still life drawing. Draw a sphere in your desk, render out the form, key word : FORM,  how does light falls on an voluminous object.  

And yea, good luck!

Damn, helpful advice already. You're definitely right, they do look like stickers lmfao. I will do some studies on form, and post them here.

[Image: Gilgamesh2_zpsbefc8910.png]
Hey Snipa, That last study is a bit weird and has a lot of the same as the previews one. I think you are getting way ahead of yourself with what you are trying to draw. You are using a lot of texture brushes, and trying to make things look too correct and realistic very quick i guess? Just use a regular brush for everything, like the chalky brush or round brush, or a brush thats similar like that without much texture.

Take your time with a study, dont try to be all "Speed panting time!" or like that, take your time with every aspect of the composition, fight it, observe carefully the forms and try to depict them just as you see them, with out using shortcuts like texture brushes. You'll get better faster.

Here is today's stuff, Kinda lame, having trouble focusing today.

Quick poses
[Image: 22112351674_548a7fcd1a_c.jpg]

Super shitty imagination sketch while i was watching tv.

[Image: 22547204810_17a690dcfd_b.jpg]

Still study 1
[Image: 22547204880_cce95c7219_c.jpg]

Still study 2
[Image: 22746314521_7b03670d28_b.jpg]

Yo Snipa! welcome to the group, yeah I agree with Jeso your work is lookin really blurry.
Lookin at your sketchbook as well there's alot of flatness to your images there as well.
Focus on getting your shapes and values down better, i'm a big fan of istebraks method of learning shapes and values down here- for learning values better doing sycra's value game excercise daily helped me out alot as well - .

i'd actually argue against using colour for a while and just focusing on purely black and white and figuring out form, but if you want to mess around with colour knock yourself out :), just make sure to do b&w studies as well and really focus on the form.

Jeso:nice 60sec poses dude, also yay daredevil, good taste in tv shows ;).

Intended to update sooner but, first day after halloween I had a massive sugar crash and could'nt do shit XD, and i've had job seeking stuff monday and was just busy, got in 6 hours of drawing today though which was awesome, have'nt done that much in a while.

Firstly going through proko's anatomy course now that he's beefed up the video count more(he was putting them out at a sluggish pace), already know the joints pretty well but figured I should go over them again, i've also forgotten half the anatomy terms that I now need to remember XD, if anything these do show them shape studies helped me out a bit these look alot better then my last attempts at the joints assignments.

Also watched Sycra's vid on unique characters, basically he was mainly exaggerating the characters by using basic shapes as a base, not much for really drawing cartoony but this was alot of fun, i'll try some with bodies tommorow as well, also steven universe fanart for the last 3, did'nt like the way garnet(afro hair) turned out but eh these were enjoyable anyway.

Also a few gestures since I have'nt done some in a while, really I need bigger paper for these but they came out decently after the first page or so.
first 2 are 60sec then other 2 are 30sec

[Image: Anime-style_zpsw3rxrcuq.png]

[Image: Gilgamesh2_zpsbefc8910.png]
Triggerkingpin, I could not help but notice your great taste in anime lol. I agree, I don't know if you noticed looking through my sketchbook, but I did a few value studies, they really did help. I wonder why I stopped, thanks for the advice. Oh, and what do you mean by blurry? I would like to work on correcting that as well. As for your gestures, I have been told that the use of soft lines for the more "fleshy" areas really add a sense of depth to them.

[Image: Gilgamesh2_zpsbefc8910.png]
Hey Snipa! thats actually looking much better, fundamentally, ! Keep practicing color temperature, and edge control next!

Trigger! Nice work man! that's great practice of structure, Also, cool exploration of characters, Now those are some gestures! I find it so hard to take that flowy wavy line approach. Good work guys, keep pushing those studies!

Today I got nothing much to show, My client dropped an assignment on me, so I worked on that, which Of course I cant show ^.^
But here are a couple imagination thingies just for the heck of it.

[Image: 22743035426_4b5efb6047_z.jpg]

[Image: 22755487322_5af26170b6_b.jpg]

Snipa:lol yeah Cowboy bebop is amazing.
Oh by blurry I just meant that everything is lookin flat and sorta merging together especially the texture brushes, blurry is probbly the wrong word for it actually XD.
Oh yeah the gestures, i'm trying to use straighter lines for areas of tension and softer for more relaxed areas, I use the word "trying" loosely though, gestures stress me out trying to get everything down in 60secs lol.
Also yeah next piece is lookin alot better dude, considering all the enviormental work, i'm assuming you want to primarily work on them? or are you just focusing alot on it recently.

Jeso:nice work on that imagination head, got good structure to it.

Not much work to show, just shitty doodles.. so I'll keep them, I'm basically recollecting references and thinking on an idea for the ED rocks assig this week. If you have any idea i'd appreciate it. 

Triggerpigking: Hey Trigger, I love those joints exercises. You've encouraged me to do some now. Also, nice 60 sec gestures. Sloow down man, you are improving so fast haha

Jeso: Hey Jeso! Awesome as always :D where are your streamings?  I miss them. is it because of work? 

Snipa: Hey man! Welcome :D I was about to say that it looked flat to me as well but I see you are working on your values and last one looks so much better, keep going man.

[Image: Form_zps4xfvepk5.png]

[Image: Gilgamesh2_zpsbefc8910.png]

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