The Velvet Revolvers
Hey Jose, man you should show the shitty drawings, no matter how bad they are! I havent done the stream, partly because of work, but, I dunno, Its not working for me anymore, I tried it for a couple months, but, I didnt get much out of it. Nobody ever came, people who came never said a thing, expect the very few times people from this group would show up (not blaming anybody lol, just noting) Then some people would show up, and say a sentence, and look away for 30 minutes, then say another sentence. Haha, Maybe when start to get some reputable work, people will give a shit, and then It'd make sense.

Hey Snipa, Nice, see that's what you should be doing more of. That kind of practice, but try to base it off of real things now, like, shit around your desk, or photo reference.

Stuff from today

[Image: 22805985872_418b1811c8_c.jpg]

[Image: 22401135668_c697ec1ae7_c.jpg]

[Image: 22819485935_6236fa3ea3_c.jpg]

[Image: 22819486225_7453e21e1c_c.jpg]

Plus client work.
Have a good day ya'll

jeso:Nice hand drawings man, the imagination head's eyes are looking a bit wonky and neck looks a bit flat but otherwise they are getting better.

Have'nt had time to update in a few days, not got much to show though.

Also, did anyone catch Bob Ross on twitch? While I was aware of his stuff befoe i'd never actually listened to him before and godamn he's addicting to listen too also slightly surreal due to the chat reactions (BLUE OP, PLEEZE NURF xD), shame I only found him on the last day of the stream but it's lookin like they might make bring it back, weekly or otherwise.

Anyway, got onto Proko's spine assignment, stayed on the first part for a while, wanted to get it down as best I could before moving on, I think these come out pretty well in the end, tracing one is gonna be a pain though, need to go out and buy some tracing paper before I can start on it.
Also some more imagination stuff some following that Sycra tutorial... it's pretty terrible lol but figured I should upload them anyway, wondering if I should be doing longer drawings like before though, I might just try mixing it up everyday.
Gonna take a break from the proko assignments tommorow and do some life drawing or reference.

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Hey Trigger, Been working on client work, so cant show anything right now. But, nice work man! Its good that you are following the Proko regimen, its doing good things for you already. Watch the proportion on the heads though. Maybe try and draw first the actual skull, with the eye sockets and all.

Keep it coming man! cant wait to see finished personal figures from you!

[Image: Valuepolygon_zpswxjjenfc.png]

[Image: Tree_zps6te04kzd.png]

[Image: Gilgamesh2_zpsbefc8910.png]
Hey Snipa, Try to say something as well as posting. Don't just come and drop off your latest drawing for us to comment on. That's one of the rules of the group. Come, give critique, and also tell us about what you are painting here.

hey snipa, if thats another attempt at the form studies, try to simplify it down more rather then doing this landscape like thing, you've kinda overconfused it and it's hard to figure out whats going on, just focus on building one shape at a time floating in space then another and another keepin in mind the cast shadows as well, istebrak has a few good examples of her attempts at these on her deviantart.

quick update I need to update more, just having issues juggling everything atm.
do any of you have suggestions on what you think I should study btw? i'm trying to write up a list of stuff for me to study gradually. right now i'm focusing on the proko stuff and hands.

hand studies then application

Done with these spine studies now, I understand how to make them work now. the marked ones are from ref and the others are from imagination.

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Hey Trigger, Even though I haven't posted cause of work, I check this thread like 3 times a day to see if people post. So lets see, All those studies are looking better really. Seem more solid. What I would suggest is now applying them and do a personal piece. Whatever it is you want to move towards professionally. If its fantasy art, do that, do one finished piece and put in your all. After you do that, than I think you will realize for real, what you need to really work on, what you are missing.

Something we forget to do, is personal work, we get too caught on the study mind set. Which is like, imagine a soccer player who trains all day, but never goes to game day, and plays an opposing team, so, he can never judge or test his abilities, cause he is not performing. We gotta do that, do personal work, have fun, use the knowledge you acquire, test yourself.

Whoa awesome! So glad I found this thread :D

Hey Trigger, nice work with the hand studies! I can clearly see you have added some gestures to it! Especially the pointing one! :)
Maybe try shading the hands for your next hand study, so that you can practice volume with the hands, and think in 3 dimension. Try drawing hands in hard light :)

Hope that helps!

Izene:good idea, I was mainly just trying to quickly draw a bunch of hands to get familiair with Hamptons method but shading them might help me understand the form better.

Jeso:Well the kimono girl is personal work but yeah I need to do more, atm i'm trying to do these studies then just apply them quickly to imgination like the hand stuff, but admittedly it's not helping me get out some new ideas from my head.

atm i'm trying to get into the habit of drawing about 6 hours a day(though I usually fail that amount lol), so i'll try putting half of that time just to some personal pieces.

Hey Izene, hope you can start posting in here soon !

Trigger, Hey man, yea, good work with the kimono girl, nice imagination sketch, but perhaps attempt to do something finished. Like I said, go all out, add a background, use color, render, plan the composition out. See what comes out.

I finished the work i was doing for the client, so I can finally come back to posting. !!

Couple figure studies and heads.

[Image: 22403531734_53143132ce_c.jpg]

[Image: 22607950548_9a4891a04f_b.jpg]

Hey Jeso! Really loving your figures, it has a certain feminine feeling to it (Not because of the anatomical parts), perhaps the curvy flowiness? Anyways, great job :)

Here's a study of a house next to my University from Google street view, I followed the tutorial video from Ctrl+Paint :)

[Image: 2015-11-09.jpg]
Jeso:Congrats on finishin that client work dude, I  started a project like you said.

Izene:Good work on that study, you simplified it down well. 

Ok so started a project like Jeso said, won't be able to do colour as i've got no tablet for the time being and traditional painting is'nt an option for me.

Did some thumbnails for it, not sure if you guys can tell whats going on in it though XD, basically my original idea was drawing a forest and these humanoid wooden creatures with roots but on the 4th one(which I like the most) I pretty much switched the idea entirely and am gonna draw an overgrown robot.

Did a page of quick imagination anatomy drawings, honestly I still prefer using two rectangles for the torso and pelvis then drawing the ribcage and pelvis inside it afterwards, just feels better to me the working straight in ovals and circles but i'll keep practicing the proko methods, the other side are studies I did of robots from other artists and moss, moss was suprisingly easier to draw then I figured it'd be just a bit tedious, I have an imagination page to go with these studies but it's not full yet so i'll upload it next time.

And started on Proko's pelvis vids, having alot of issues building the bucket but i've gotten a bit better on the other pages(the other page I can't upload yet).

Hey Izene, Nice study buddy. Nice colors, good structure, check those values though. Some forms are getting mashed together because of value indifference.

Trigger, Nice man! Good studies, and interesting robo sketches. Composition 4 looks fine. I dig the idea of an overgrown robot. Remember the rule of thirds composition thing when planning out your pieces. Most of your comps seem to have very wably composition structure. But yea, no. 4 is good.
You dont need to use colors or anything, If you gonna use pencils, just make sure you get a nice paper, big enough and all. Maybe 11x17 on a decent paper. Check Miles Johnston pencil art to have an idea of how cool a finished piece rendered in pencil can look.

Here is some studies from yesterday and today,

Quick eye from imagination
[Image: 22662583027_5d11a152cf_z.jpg]

60 sec gestures
[Image: 22688683759_6a0f67dcc9_c.jpg]

[Image: 23054902756_cdf08e4cbe_c.jpg]

couple from imagination
[Image: 22662584797_74805a1cb4_b.jpg]

couple head studies
[Image: 23054901006_30492879f1_c.jpg]

Film still study. Trying to get to do 1 a day.
[Image: 22458156374_bcfe15a771_c.jpg]

sketch for upcoming personal piece.

[Image: 23092161581_579bfe8b9d_b.jpg]

@Triggerpigking: Nice work on the Proko study! I remembered doing those :) 

@Jeso : Thanks! I need to definitely up my value game :) thanks for the feed back!
Love your film study! Did you start with a sketch? Or did you block in the colours only? Just wondering :)

Here's a 3 hour study on David Leffel's painting :)
[Image: 2015-11-17.jpg]
Hey Izene, Just blocking the colors and values. Trying to get shapes right fast. Nice study, Leffel is a heck of a painter. Be more careful with the planes though. specially on the cheeks area.

Recent studies.

Some hands
[Image: 22511251623_037e769f49_c.jpg]

Some heads
[Image: 22511252403_be1696c7fb_c.jpg]

Some shitty lion head
[Image: 22740185419_d5d8cc874a_b.jpg]

Shitty lion studies.
[Image: 23144048791_ffdb5ba606_c.jpg]

Shitty film study

[Image: 23144048461_5664b6cf92_c.jpg]

Hey Jeso : Thanks for the feedback! Will definitely keep in minds of my planes :)

Great studies!! Love the hands, very clean. Nice work on the lion too, but I would suggest trying to push the contrast up a bit more so everything doesn't blur together ;)
Good luck!
[Image: Field_zps7ebivy0q.png]
[Image: field2_zpsphwyhovg.png]
[Image: Cloud-study_zpser5z8lus.png]
[Image: field3_zpsjgeveukl.png]
[Image: Foclouds_zpsallvfqnj.png]
[Image: Clouds_zpsbbfenibh.png]
[Image: studies_zpsz9fpdd1g.png]
Something feels off about the clouds.

[Image: Gilgamesh2_zpsbefc8910.png]
I like the lion studies jeso, perhaps using some darker values around the face will make it pop.

[Image: Gilgamesh2_zpsbefc8910.png]

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