mactire's sketchbook! - now with end of year atelier stuff
Great studies man. I like the weapon thumbnails, your seared numbers impressed me. I would just take more of these studies to a finish. Enjoy your time out for college and draw and paint a lot as much as you can.

James: Thanks James!! Yeah I gotta get onto that. Thanks for the kind words.

Learned a valuable lesson in photoshop today, the hard way. PS crahsed on me just as I was finishing a sketch idea I had but hadn't saved. Ah well, cant do much about it. In the meantime I've decided to call it done on the mounted knight piece. Also a quick sketch loosely riffing off so many artists...

[Image: patrol.jpg]

[Image: woofbotsketch.jpg]

Woah the view we get of the knight on the horse is seriously sick as hell. Really awesome placement.

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Jonesoda: Thanks Jones! I appreciate that!

Been working hard on rendering faces today, working on 10min pencil portraits mostly so I won't bother uploading those until I build up a bunch. Though I've also been doing some digital drills inspired by conté on the CA forums, working with a wireframe drawn from a reference, then simplifying the rendering once from the reference, and then relighting the construction from imagination in several iterations.

[Image: drill.jpg]

Quick post, just some development on the GoT screencap study, more pencil work to come too, shall probably begin pposting those tomorrow.

[Image: screenshot-lrg-09.jpg]

Trying to get back into longer studies (well 2hrs min.), I feel I've slipped out of the habit for a bit so it's time to get back. So here's a portrait study and an attempt to apply what I've learned:

[Image: colourref.jpg]

[Image: app.jpg]

Just quickly throwing this in here. I've posted some of my architecture work from college to the blog if there's anyone here interested:

Here's another Game of Thrones study and some sketchy characters from today:

[Image: bronnstudy.jpg]

[Image: sketchy+bald+guys.jpg]

Awesome man, gotta love your colors :)

Ursula: Thanks Ursula!

Beautiful morning = paint still life!

[Image: still.jpg]

Working on medieval stuff? Cool : )

Isra: Yes! Gotta love the medieval genre!

Been slacking recently. Getting back into things with a Mullins study and a very quick sketch:

[Image: mullinsstudy.jpg]

[Image: sketchknightf.jpg]

Quick sketch and some quick studies:

[Image: executioner.jpg]

[Image: whiteishshirt.jpg]

[Image: still2.jpg]

Glorious weather today, that meant another still-life. Also, have some sketches from last night, a modern soldier and his reverse-engineered medieval counterpart:

[Image: still3.jpg]

[Image: nade+knight.jpg]

Rendered up this chap, the weapon is supposed to be a repeating crossbow with a miniature cannon mounted at the fore, akin to how a modern soldier would use an underslung grenade launcher on an assault rifle:

[Image: nade+knight+render.jpg]

Here's a pile of faces compiled over the last week or so, mostly 10 mins each, about half from imagination half from ref (mostly photo, though there's the odd Wes Burt or Alex Paschenko in there too). Also, a nude study since I have'nt done one in months, some quick landscape studies, and some sketches (in the case of the one with the girl in the trees, the quicker B+W is a crit I just did myself).

[Image: 1.jpg]
[Image: 2.jpg]
[Image: 3.jpg]
[Image: nude.jpg]
[Image: ls2.jpg]
[Image: aliennoble.jpg]
[Image: elf+scout.jpg]

Lovely sketchs man :)

On this last thumbnails thou, I think making the elf figure smaller works best, like you can see on the BW thumb. If you actually darken the figures on the foreground on that one, it will work really well.

Photo studies, life studies and you're even applying all what you have learn into your personal stuff. Sweet. I'm in love ;)

Sweet sketchbook man, with a good variety between studys and imagination stuff, i especially liked the knight studies in post 32. They have a kind of looseness and energy with gives them more life and movement.

You seen to be heading in the right direction, keep it up ;)

Ursula: Thanks Ursula! Definitely agree with you there!

ramalooke: Thanks man!

warburton: Thanks Will!

Another nude study and a marine, nude from ref of course (though with the marine I probably should start reffing from one of the miniatures in future to get a better grasp on the forms). Both involved plenty of experimenting, hence why parts are way over-rendered (the girls face and the marines purity seals - its clearly still a sketch though):

[Image: nude2.jpg]

[Image: marine.jpg]


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