Dan's Sketchbook
UPDATE: so i messed up. deleted most of the photos off here and therefore theres large gaps as well as things in completely the wrong place. From half way down page 3 onwards everything is good, so please skip ahead to there.
I don't mean to discourage anyone from viewing my sketchbook, please do, but i just don't want you wasting your time going through stuff thats not even in the right place. skip to the new stuff and we're all good :D
thanks for visiting :)

So I've been on concept art for a while and watching as many of the streams as possible which has been helping so much, so i wanted to join the community :)

Bit about myself - I'm 17, currently at school, planning on posting regularly and becoming awesome.
I really appreciate all crits and comments you can throw at me

The first update - i'll hopefully only be posting new stuff so here is the stuff from the past couple days

So at school we had to choose our own project with whatever we wanted so i chose to do a fantasy project. It'll be so difficult seeing as I've never really done anything from imagination but i guess thats why I'm doing it rather than just doing portraits over and over :)

Perspective stuff
[Image: 45cca43d.jpg]

[Image: 26b132ad.jpg]

[Image: a40f538a.jpg]

Attempting to make poses interesting using one of sycras youtube videos
[Image: 38558133.jpg]

[Image: b364cb54.jpg]

Self portrait attempts - they're difficult! but ill keep doing them, and they'll get better :)
[Image: 08ee778a.jpg]

[Image: 1249e53a.jpg]

Spider study - studying random things, mainly smaller animals and bugs because they look creepy as hell and it'll hopefully help with my project because its just like taking things out of normal scale and making them huge so you can actually see the details.
[Image: 7ea9491c.jpg]

Still life of a small tube paint - need to do far more from life
[Image: 77e5226d.jpg]

Fly study, i think its a horse fly but not sure
[Image: dc9807d8.jpg]

No new digital stuff but I'm currently working on an acrylic painting and doing as much sketchbook stuff as i can make myself do :)

Crits and comments welcome, thanks for looking :)

I'd say you've started this SB with the right stuff man - perspective and anatomy. You have to learn your basics . Keep drawing , dude , but most importantly - think every step of the way :)
Othrandir - Cheers, yeh thats what I've heard :) i really need to stop thinking so much about finding the 'perfect' thing to draw and just draw more!


For this one i did the basic outline and then my computer died and because i was using photo booth rather than a mirror i decided to continue on from imagination. It was good to do, more and more imagination stuff to come (thats the plan anyway)
[Image: b24a0312.jpg]

Snake from ref
[Image: dbf998f0.jpg]

Full imagination, i don't even know :s
[Image: 9cd3e63a.jpg]

Self portrait - mirror. The best so far, but still plenty that needs to be worked on :)
Also, i was trying out a new technique of getting the shading lines to follow the form which was difficult but it looks so cool when its done right so ill continue working on that
[Image: e085685a.jpg]

Finally, some Bridgman studies
[Image: 56ad2bb1.jpg]

Thanks for stopping by :)

Instead of doing a normal self portrait i decided to draw my individual features. This meant that i spent far more time on each feature making them a lot better rather than spending less time per feature when i was doing the whole face.
Using a mirror is really useful :)
[Image: c6a3ec9a.jpg]

Also a page of only imagination. Some of the drawings i was trying to apply what i had learnt from my self portraits and some i was just letting my mind wonder whilst trying to have some control so that it doesn't end up as just random squiggles on the page
[Image: b09ef17d.jpg]

Crits and comments hugely appreciated! Thanks to looking :)

Nice to see you working hard, I like the close up drawings of the bugs, they're cool and the feature studies are really nice. One thing I have noticed though is that in all your portrait pictures you seem to be drawing the eyes a bit too large, I think after your study of your eyes and you compare it to the portrait pictures you'll see what I mean. If you're doing an imagination piece with people/person in it getting your proportions correct will be vital for your piece to be believable. I think it's really great that you've decided to do that at 17 it's a really great way to improve and challenge yourself as an artist, keep up that ambition and hard work! :)

JonHop - Cheers, i liked those too. I see what you mean now, looking back. I think i should focus more on getting the proportions down rather than rushing them and going into the shading far too early. Yeh, imagination stuff has a long way to go yet, I see what you mean and i should really focus on anatomy and stuff more
Thanks, thats the plan :)

Imagination landscapes
[Image: f1b58b2c.jpg]

[Image: b3f6dc8a.jpg]

[Image: ef3868a9.jpg]

Alien eye study
[Image: 424e3ca3.jpg]

Line sketches from landscape photos
[Image: 95f906d9.jpg]

Quick boat studies
[Image: 5bb478fe.jpg]

Been so bad with posting here so this is quite a large sketchbook dump. Still not doing enough but the work ethic is slowly improving (i think) :)

self portrait 5
[Image: 91f03afc.jpg]

[Image: 91800e38.jpg]

quick photo studies
[Image: 1b35da58.jpg]

Trying my luck with pen :)
[Image: 08068ae7.jpg]

photo studies
[Image: d3077885.jpg]
[Image: 3a101e04.jpg]
[Image: 2aa5cf21.jpg]

1 study and some imagination
[Image: 02f46379.jpg]

quick sketches from life, all of the same person
[Image: cbfa327c.jpg]

[Image: f7221f43.jpg]

from ref (is it a study if I'm not trying to copy it exactly e.g. changing a full colour photo into black and white?)
[Image: 8b17a010.jpg]

Mirror stuff and quick study
[Image: 997eed3a.jpg]

[Image: 537f3313.jpg]

Oh, and I almost forgot, I've got a bunch of oil paint from school to use over the summer so will be experimenting with that as well :)

Just experiments at the moment, getting used to it. Will probably produce some finished work with it at some point :)

super quick studies from a book I've been reading called 'Paint the Sea in Oils Using Special Effects'
[Image: 4cc12933.jpg]
[Image: 6315c3b1.jpg]
[Image: ec8abd8e.jpg]

Still life
[Image: f26a1363.jpg]

Study, will probably put some more work into it later - this was very rough and quick and experimental
[Image: bac83071.jpg]
don't know why it came out rotated :/ sorry

Thanks for stopping by
Crits and comments always appreciated :)

Quite a big one again!

A whole load of studies, first pencil then watercolour
[Image: 221535e8.jpg]
[Image: a7a237a7.jpg]
[Image: 8b630507.jpg]
[Image: ecb67cf8.jpg]
[Image: 023eaa22.jpg]
[Image: 115c97b4.jpg]
[Image: b33e3f96.jpg]
[Image: ac9a15d8.jpg]
[Image: d1b6806d.jpg]
[Image: 246bf538.jpg]
[Image: 8712c25b.jpg]
[Image: ff8111b5.jpg]
[Image: e147e4ec.jpg]
[Image: 208d2598.jpg]
[Image: 188a6a7f.jpg]

Now imagination, quite like sketching in watercolour
[Image: 48bfc3a7.jpg]
[Image: faef6bdd.jpg]
[Image: 5a1bd3df.jpg]

Crits and comments very much appreciated
Thanks to stopping by :)

Jessibelle - thanks so much for your lovely comment :) its good to see that you can tell why I'm doing what I'm doing, makes me think that I'm actually doing the right thing rather than just blagging it :P
Good idea, i think I've been telling myself that i would start doing full figures for a while and i should really stop putting it off! Thank you so much, gives me another little burst of confidence :)

On to the update:

Stuff from imagination
[Image: ecbbd1b4.jpg]
[Image: d294fd66.jpg]

Quick animal studies with some imagination faces mixed in
[Image: 043739a9.jpg]

Portait studies, each page has many different view of the same person in an attempt to make them look more accurate and like one another
[Image: b3078536.jpg]
[Image: d39635ed.jpg]

Portrait studies of famous people, again in an attempt to make my drawings looking like the actual person. 10 points if you can guess who any of them are :P
[Image: 7bb24e1f.jpg]

quick bike studies, a start to moving into full figures rather than just portraits
[Image: 568f60ae.jpg]

Crits and comments appreciated :)

A few studies, followed by posemaniacs and then some anatomy

[Image: b345dc33.jpg]
[Image: 862cccd3.jpg]
[Image: 4e690250.jpg]
[Image: d266af04.jpg]
[Image: d0538f1e.jpg]
[Image: 3b289e3b.jpg]

[Image: 58ce1176.jpg]

[Image: 9554cf1c.jpg]

Animal studies
[Image: d0618f04.jpg]

study for Wolkenfels 2 hour study challenge
[Image: ac7d3345.jpg]

Oh my I'm getting distracted so badly and doing absolutely nothing.. Motivate me! :'(
Oh and Ive got a week of work coming up so i won't be doing anything then either. waaah this is awful, I'm gonna go draw now before i get distracted doing fuck all again.
Crits and comments very much welcome :)

Been away for what feels like ages, just sat down in the last couple of days :P
Quite a large variety of stuff coming, brace yourselves :)

Orc studies
[Image: file.jpg]

Eye from imagination and a few posemaniacs
[Image: file-1.jpg]

[Image: file-2.jpg]
[Image: file-3.jpg]

Flower study and imagination
[Image: file-4.jpg]

half imagination, half inspired by something existing
[Image: file-5.jpg]

[Image: file-6.jpg]

studies from master paintings. there were some on photoshop as well but i didn't save :(
[Image: file-7.jpg]

Murdering someones face :(
[Image: file-9.jpg]

Random Word Doodles! I saw someone doing these and i was inspired :P although it was made infinitely more difficult when i realise i can't actually draw :L As an illustration challenge i would definitely recommend it to everyone :)
Featured words: Marshmallow, hat, squid, flashy, octopus, rocket, elastic and scream
[Image: file-8.jpg]
[Image: file-10.jpg]
[Image: file-11.jpg]

Crits and comments always appreciated :)

Hey Dan! Welcome to the forums, great to see so much studying going on!

I'd just like to give a pointer: http://alexhays.com/loomis/ head on here and download all the Loomis books. Go through the head and hands book, they'll help you loads with your faces and getting everything in the right places :D

Good luck and keep up the good work!

Thanks laura :)
Thanks for the tip, i have used loomis in the past and the small amount of anatomy stuff in my sketchbook is from him but I've done nowhere near enough of it. ill make sure to go back to him as im sure it'll be really useful. cheers :)

More recent stuff

[Image: file_zpsd6cc466d.jpg]

Imagination perspective
[Image: file_zpsc79c7fdc.jpg]
[Image: file_zpsda8bcd09.jpg]

[Image: file_zps2305d084.jpg]

[Image: file_zps6635a9cb.jpg]

[Image: file_zpsf5330707.jpg]
[Image: file_zpsd4db1535.jpg]
[Image: file_zpscd79f8a4.jpg]

Feel free to crit and comment :)

Mainly sketches - getting back into using photoshop after a long time away from it

Armour sketches
[Image: file-12.jpg]

Fantasy building sketches
[Image: file-14.jpg]

[Image: file-13.jpg]
[Image: file-16.jpg]
[Image: file-15.jpg]

Hey Dan, that's a ton of work man. Good stuff, keep this up.
Thanks by so much Dennis :)

Standard update :P

castle studies
[Image: file-23.jpg]

Imagination / life hand studies
[Image: file-24.jpg]
[Image: file-26.jpg]
[Image: file-28.jpg]
[Image: file-27.jpg]
[Image: file-25.jpg]

I also took my first ever life drawing class today! Exciting :P

2 minute warm up sketches
[Image: file-22.jpg]
[Image: file-21.jpg]
[Image: file-20.jpg]
[Image: file-19.jpg]

25 minutes
[Image: file-18.jpg]

About 1 hour
[Image: file-17.jpg]

Boom, life drawing! It's fun right?

Looking good btw, keep posting, I wanna see it. :).

Yeh its wicked, cheers bro :)

2 weeks worth of life drawing
[Image: file-29.jpg]
[Image: file-30.jpg]
[Image: file-31.jpg]
[Image: file-32.jpg]

Pretty random sketchbook stuff
[Image: file-36.jpg]
[Image: file-37.jpg]
[Image: file-38.jpg]
[Image: file-39.jpg]

Ive also been painting a lot and now have loads of them on the go at the same time, keeps me busy :)

Finished piece I've been working on at school
[Image: file-44.jpg]

Sketching with paint on a painted over canvas
[Image: file-41.jpg]

[Image: file-42.jpg]
[Image: file-43.jpg]
[Image: file-40.jpg]

Thanks for stopping by :)

Looooking good man. The swan sketches are dead good. Keep it coming :)


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