Ramalooke's Sketchbook
Hi everyone! I'm 23 years old and I live in Poland. I'm trying to get into freelance illustration industry. I'll be posting here my daily studies, and wips.

So for now here is some work from last couple days.

[Image: torsocolor.jpg]
[Image: hampton2.jpg]
[Image: zagloba+copy.jpg]
[Image: armorstudy.PNG]
[Image: mmacore.JPG]
[Image: damian+copy.jpg]
[Image: hamptonhurray+copy.JPG]
[Image: gorrilllaaa+copy.jpg]

Good studies, going in the right direction
Great stuff dude! +1 rep and 5 star vote. Stay strong bro!

Great anatomy studies, keep them coming.

Thanks guys ;)

Some stuff from today and my gorilla entry.

[Image: heandsaf.jpg]
[Image: hamptonstudies+copy.jpg]
[Image: 8ffb3bd7b2a49c4098f257d29147e1f2-d4nt3zr.jpg]

Nice studies, man!

Now I want to do some loomis, haha!

Nice anatomy studies, mate!

Wow it was a while since my last post. I'm so bad in keeping track of sites I need to update. So it's gonna be a big dump. Sorry about that.

[Image: moarstudies.JPG]
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=1413978&stc=1&d=1328202652]
[Image: googles.jpg]
[Image: gril.jpg]
[Image: me.jpg]
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=1422996&stc=1&d=1329335417]
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=1422998&stc=1&d=1329335435]
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=1423000&stc=1&d=1329335451]
[Image: studyhampton+copy.jpg]
[Image: studyagain.jpg]
[Image: study+copy.jpg]
[Image: 3.jpg]
[Image: 2.jpg]
[Image: studyhampton+copy.JPG]
[Image: Untitled-1+copy1111.jpg]

did you use a book for the anatomy studies? when yes which one?


It's 'Figure Drawing. Design and Invention' by Michael Hampton. Cheers

[Image: battlecruisercopy.jpg]

[Image: stateczekcopy.jpg]

[Image: grzybstacja.jpg]

[Image: aliendronajetfightercopy.jpg]

Ok! Been super busy. Got new client plus one in the way. I'm moving in couple days so things are getting pretty intense. But I manage to do some work. Nothing fancy, though.

[Image: asteroidy.jpg]

[Image: alienmothershipcopy.jpg]

[Image: rocznica2copy-1.jpg]

[Image: link23.jpg]

Finally got some time to do a small update. Some old and new stuff. I hope I'll be back to the real world soon.

[Image: kolorowyobrazekcopy.jpg]

[Image: ganon.jpg]

[Image: zeldacopy.jpg]

[Image: songicopy-1.jpg]

It's not all my stuff I have a bunch of commisions images that I can't show yet, and some doodles in my sketchbook which I'll post in couple days when I get running scaner. Cheers.

[Image: 1-1.jpg]

[Image: 2.jpg]

[Image: 3.jpg]

[Image: 4.jpg]

[Image: 5.jpg]

[Image: 6.jpg]

So busy. Hardly can find to do my own stuff. Here is some crappy master study and first character from my series called 'Extreme ZOO MMA Fighters'. I know it's stupid. Couldn't come up with better name :P.

[Image: 5-1.jpg]

[Image: 2-1.jpg]

Client work is killing me. Here is some stuff I manage to do betweent work.

[Image: armorcopy.jpg]

[Image: hoplitacopy.jpg]

[Image: monster2t.jpg]

That last creature portrait is pretty nice :D

Thank you Isra, I love you to <3

Well it's me. Finally got some time for studies and non NDA work. So I hope I can motivate myself to update this place regulary. Have a bunch of drawings in my paper sketchbook. But I'm not feeling like scanning all that shit. Maybe I'll do a big dump in the future.

[Image: stuff2copy.jpg]
[Image: stuffcopy.jpg]
[Image: chickfacecopy.jpg]
[Image: 2-2.jpg]
[Image: 1-2.jpg]
[Image: soldiercopy.jpg]
[Image: shaolincopy.jpg]
[Image: ziomekkonceptoscopy.jpg]
[Image: warriorall.jpg]


[Image: hog.jpg]
[Image: dndthingcopy-1.jpg]
[Image: an.jpg]
[Image: dudemoncopy-1.jpg]
[Image: magickcardcopy-1.jpg]
[Image: landscape1copy-1.jpg]
[Image: bgextreemzoocopy.jpg]

[Image: 3-1.jpg]
[Image: 5-2.jpg]
[Image: 4-1.jpg]
[Image: 2-3.jpg]


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